/** * First we will load all of this project's JavaScript dependencies which * includes Vue and other libraries. It is a great starting point when * building robust, powerful web applications using Vue and Laravel. */ // window.axios = require('axios'); // window.axios.defaults.headers.common['X-Requested-With'] = 'XMLHttpRequest'; /** * Next we will register the CSRF Token as a common header with Axios so that * all outgoing HTTP requests automatically have it attached. This is just * a simple convenience so we don't have to attach every token manually. */ // let token = document.head.querySelector('meta[name="csrf-token"]'); // if (token) { // window.axios.defaults.headers.common['X-CSRF-TOKEN'] = token.content; // } // else { // console.error('CSRF token not found: https://laravel.com/docs/csrf#csrf-x-csrf-token'); // } // window._ = require('lodash'); // window.Vue = require('vue'); // Vue.prototype.$http = axios; import Vue from 'vue'; import axios from 'axios'; // Vue.component('example', require('./components/Example.vue')); //Vue.component('my-autocomplete', require('./components/MyAutocomplete.vue')); import MyAutocomplete from './components/MyAutocomplete.vue'; import messagesEN from './strings/messages/en.js'; import VeeValidate from 'vee-validate'; import Dataset from './components/Dataset'; import LocationsMap from './components/locations-map.vue'; import VueCountdown from './components/vue-countdown'; import PersonTable from './components/PersonTable.vue'; import Modal from './components/ShowModal.vue'; import datetime from 'vuejs-datetimepicker'; // import datetime from 'vuejs-datetimepicker'; // import { Validator } from 'vee-validate'; import VueToast from 'vue-toast-notification'; import 'vue-toast-notification/dist/index.css'; Vue.use(VueToast); const dict = { custom: { keyword_list: { keywords_length: 'Minimum 3 keywords are required' } } }; // Vue.use(VeeValidate); Vue.use(VeeValidate, { // validity: true locale: 'en', useConstraintAttrs: true, dictionary: { en: { messages: messagesEN } } }); const STATUS_INITIAL = 0, STATUS_SAVING = 1, STATUS_SUCCESS = 2, STATUS_FAILED = 3; const app = new Vue({ el: '#app', components: { MyAutocomplete, LocationsMap, VueCountdown, Modal, PersonTable, datetime }, data() { return { list: [ { id: 1, name: "Abby", sport: "basket" }, { id: 2, name: "Brooke", sport: "foot" }, { id: 3, name: "Courtenay", sport: "volley" }, { id: 4, name: "David", sport: "rugby" } ], dragging: true, rows: [ //initial data // { qty: 5, value: "Something", language: 10, type: "additional", sort_order: 0 }, // { qty: 2, value: "Something else", language: 20, type: "additional", sort_order: 0 }, ], serrors: [], uploadedFiles: [], uploadError: null, currentStatus: null, uploadFieldName: 'photos', fileCount: 0, editLink: null, releaseLink: null, deleteLink: null, isModalVisible: false, step: 0, dataset: new Dataset(), elevation: "no_elevation", depth: "no_depth", time: "no_time" } }, created: function () { VeeValidate.Validator.extend('Name', { getMessage: field => '* Enter valid ' + field + '', validate: value => /^[a-zA-Z]*$/.test(value) }); // add the required rule VeeValidate.Validator.extend('oneChecked', { getMessage: field => 'At least one ' + field + ' needs to be checked.', validate: (value, [testProp]) => { const options = this.dataset.checkedLicenses; return value || options.some((option) => option[testProp]); } }); // add the required rule VeeValidate.Validator.extend('translatedLanguage', { getMessage: field => 'The translated ' + field + ' must be in a language other than than the dataset language.', validate: (value, [mainLanguage, type]) => { if (type == "Translated") { return value !== mainLanguage; } return true; } }); const isUnique = (value, [objectArray, index, attribute]) => new Promise(resolve => { setTimeout(() => { if (objectArray.some((item, i) => item[attribute] === value && index !== i)) { return resolve({ valid: false, data: { message: value + ' is already taken.' } }); } return resolve({ valid: true }); }, 200); }); VeeValidate.Validator.extend("unique", { getMessage: (field, params, data) => field + ' ' + data.message, validate: isUnique, }); }, mounted() { //this.step = 2; this.reset(); }, computed: { keywords_length() { return this.dataset.keywords.length; }, isInitial() { return this.currentStatus === STATUS_INITIAL; }, isSaving() { return this.currentStatus === STATUS_SAVING; }, isSuccess() { return this.currentStatus === STATUS_SUCCESS; }, isFailed() { return this.currentStatus === STATUS_FAILED; }, isElevationAbsolut() { return this.elevation === "absolut"; }, isElevationRange() { return this.elevation === "range"; }, isDepthAbsolut() { return this.depth === "absolut"; }, isDepthRange() { return this.depth === "range"; }, isTimeAbsolut() { return this.time === "absolut"; }, isTimeRange() { return this.time === "range"; } }, methods: { showModal() { this.isModalVisible = true; }, closeModal() { this.isModalVisible = false; }, reset() { // reset form to initial state this.currentStatus = STATUS_INITIAL; this.uploadedFiles = []; this.uploadError = null; this.dataset.reset();//reset methods will trigger property changed. this.step = 0; }, retry() { // reset form to initial state this.currentStatus = STATUS_INITIAL; // this.uploadedFiles = []; // this.uploadError = null; // this.dataset.reset();//reset methods will trigger property changed. // this.step = 1; }, editNewDataset() { window.location = this.editLink; }, releaseNewDataset() { window.location = this.releaseLink; }, deleteNewDataset() { window.location = this.deleteLink; }, resetDropbox() { // reset form to initial state this.currentStatus = STATUS_INITIAL; this.dataset.files = []; }, save(status) { // upload data to the server var _this = this; this.currentStatus = STATUS_SAVING; this.serrors = []; /* Initialize the form data */ let formData = new FormData(); /* Iteate over any file sent over appending the files to the form data. */ // formData.append('files', []); for (var i = 0; i < this.dataset.files.length; i++) { let file = this.dataset.files[i]; formData.append('files[' + i + '][file]', file.file); formData.append('files[' + i + '][label]', file.label); formData.append('files[' + i + '][sorting]', i + 1); // formData.append('files[' + i + ']', JSON.stringify(file)); } /* Additional POST Data */ formData.append('server_state', status); formData.append('type', this.dataset.type); formData.append('language', this.dataset.language); // formData.append('server_state', this.dataset.state); formData.append('rights', Number(this.dataset.rights)); formData.append('creating_corporation', this.dataset.creating_corporation); formData.append('project_id', this.dataset.project_id); formData.append('embargo_date', this.dataset.embargo_date); formData.append('belongs_to_bibliography', this.dataset.belongs_to_bibliography); formData.append('title_main[value]', this.dataset.title_main.value); formData.append('title_main[language]', this.dataset.title_main.language); formData.append('abstract_main[value]', this.dataset.abstract_main.value); formData.append('abstract_main[language]', this.dataset.abstract_main.language); if (this.dataset.coverage.xmin !== "" && this.dataset.coverage.ymin != '' && this.dataset.coverage.xmax !== '' && this.dataset.coverage.ymax !== '') { formData.append('coverage[x_min]', this.dataset.coverage.xmin); formData.append('coverage[y_min]', this.dataset.coverage.ymin); formData.append('coverage[x_max]', this.dataset.coverage.xmax); formData.append('coverage[y_max]', this.dataset.coverage.ymax); } if (this.isElevationAbsolut) { formData.append('coverage[elevation_absolut]', this.dataset.coverage.elevation_absolut); } else if (this.isElevationRange) { formData.append('coverage[elevation_min]', this.dataset.coverage.elevation_min); formData.append('coverage[elevation_max]', this.dataset.coverage.elevation_max); } if (this.isDepthAbsolut) { formData.append('coverage[depth_absolut]', this.dataset.coverage.depth_absolut); } else if (this.isDepthRange) { formData.append('coverage[depth_min]', this.dataset.coverage.depth_min); formData.append('coverage[depth_max]', this.dataset.coverage.depth_max); } if (this.isTimeAbsolut) { formData.append('coverage[time_absolut]', this.dataset.coverage.time_absolut); } else if (this.isTimeRange) { formData.append('coverage[time_min]', this.dataset.coverage.time_min); formData.append('coverage[time_max]', this.dataset.coverage.time_max); } for (var i = 0; i < this.dataset.checkedLicenses.length; i++) { formData.append('licenses[' + i + ']', this.dataset.checkedLicenses[i]); } // for (var i = 0; i < this.dataset.checkedAuthors.length; i++) { // formData.append('authors[' + i + ']', this.dataset.checkedAuthors[i]); // } for (var i = 0; i < this.dataset.persons.length; i++) { let person = this.dataset.persons[i]; formData.append('authors[' + i + '][first_name]', person.first_name); formData.append('authors[' + i + '][last_name]', person.last_name); formData.append('authors[' + i + '][email]', person.email); formData.append('authors[' + i + '][identifier_orcid]', person.identifier_orcid); formData.append('authors[' + i + '][status]', person.status); if (person.id !== undefined) { formData.append('authors[' + i + '][id]', person.id); } } // for (var i = 0; i < this.dataset.checkedContributors.length; i++) { // formData.append('contributors[' + i + ']', this.dataset.checkedContributors[i]); // } for (var i = 0; i < this.dataset.contributors.length; i++) { let contributor = this.dataset.contributors[i]; formData.append('contributors[' + i + '][first_name]', contributor.first_name); formData.append('contributors[' + i + '][last_name]', contributor.last_name); formData.append('contributors[' + i + '][email]', contributor.email); formData.append('contributors[' + i + '][identifier_orcid]', contributor.identifier_orcid); formData.append('contributors[' + i + '][status]', contributor.status); if (contributor.id !== undefined) { formData.append('contributors[' + i + '][id]', contributor.id); } } // for (var i = 0; i < this.dataset.checkedSubmitters.length; i++) { // formData.append('submitters[' + i + ']', this.dataset.checkedSubmitters[i]); // } for (var i = 0; i < this.dataset.references.length; i++) { let reference = this.dataset.references[i]; formData.append('references[' + i + '][value]', reference.value); formData.append('references[' + i + '][label]', reference.label); formData.append('references[' + i + '][type]', reference.type); formData.append('references[' + i + '][relation]', reference.relation); } for (var i = 0; i < this.dataset.keywords.length; i++) { let keyword = this.dataset.keywords[i]; formData.append('keywords[' + i + '][value]', keyword.value); formData.append('keywords[' + i + '][type]', keyword.type); formData.append('keywords[' + i + '][language]', keyword.language); } for (var i = 0; i < this.dataset.titles.length; i++) { let title = this.dataset.titles[i]; formData.append('titles[' + i + '][value]', title.value); formData.append('titles[' + i + '][language]', title.language); formData.append('titles[' + i + '][type]', title.type); } for (var i = 0; i < this.dataset.descriptions.length; i++) { let description = this.dataset.descriptions[i]; formData.append('descriptions[' + i + '][value]', description.value); formData.append('descriptions[' + i + '][language]', description.language); formData.append('descriptions[' + i + '][type]', description.type); } /* Make the request to the POST /multiple-files URL */ axios.post('/publish/dataset/store', formData, { headers: { 'Content-Type': 'multipart/form-data', 'X-CSRF-TOKEN': document.querySelector('meta[name="csrf-token"]').getAttribute('content'), 'X-Requested-With': 'XMLHttpRequest', } }) .then((response) => { // success callback console.log(response.data); // this.loading = false; // this.items = response.data; //Vue.set(app.skills, 1, "test55"); _this.currentStatus = STATUS_SUCCESS; _this.editLink = response.data.edit; _this.releaseLink = response.data.release; _this.deleteLink = response.data.delete; if (response.data.redirect) { window.location = response.data.redirect; } }) .catch((error) => { // this.loading = false; this.uploadError = error.response; console.log('FAILURE!!'); // let errorObject = JSON.parse(JSON.stringify(error)); // console.log(errorObject); if (error.response && error.response.data.errors) { var errorsArray = error.response.data.errors; for (var index in errorsArray) { console.log(errorsArray[index]); _this.serrors.push(errorsArray[index]); } } //fill with server error if (error.response && error.response.data.error) { var error = error.response.data.error; _this.serrors.push(error.message); } //roundtrip to server was not possible if (error.message && error.message.includes('413')) { // console.log('The file you tried to upload is too large.') var error = 'The file you tried to upload is too large.'; _this.serrors.push(error); } else if (error.response && error.response.status == 419) { // session timed out | not authenticated // _this.serrors.push(error.response.data.message); _this.serrors.push('This page has expired due to inactivity, please refresh and try again'); window.location = '/login'; } if (error.message && error.message) { _this.serrors.push(error.message); } _this.currentStatus = STATUS_FAILED; }); }, // filesChange(fieldName, fileList) { // // handle file changes // // const formData = new FormData(); // if (!fileList.length) return; // // append the files to FormData // Array // .from(Array(fileList.length).keys()) // .map(x => { // dataset.files.append(fieldName, fileList[x], fileList[x].name); // }); // // save it // // this.save(formData); // }, /* Handles a change on the file upload */ addReference() { let newReference = { value: '', label: '', relation: '', type: '' }; //this.dataset.files.push(uploadedFiles[i]); this.dataset.references.push(newReference); }, /* Removes a selected reference */ removeReference(key) { this.dataset.references.splice(key, 1); }, /* adds a new Keyword */ addKeyword() { let newKeyword = { value: '', type: 'uncontrolled', language: this.dataset.language }; //this.dataset.files.push(uploadedFiles[i]); this.dataset.keywords.push(newKeyword); }, /* Removes a selected keyword */ removeKeyword(key) { this.dataset.keywords.splice(key, 1); }, addTitle() { let newTitle = { value: '', language: '', type: '' }; //this.dataset.files.push(uploadedFiles[i]); this.dataset.titles.push(newTitle); }, /* Removes a selected title */ removeTitle(key) { this.dataset.titles.splice(key, 1); }, addDescription() { let newTitle = { value: '', language: '', type: '' }; //this.dataset.files.push(uploadedFiles[i]); this.dataset.descriptions.push(newTitle); }, /* Removes a selected description */ removeDescription(key) { this.dataset.descriptions.splice(key, 1); }, filesChange(fieldName, fileList) { this.fileCount = fileList.length // this.dataset.files = this.$refs.files.files; let uploadedFiles = fileList; /* Adds the uploaded file to the files array */ for (var i = 0; i < uploadedFiles.length; i++) { let fileName = uploadedFiles[i].name.replace(/\.[^/.]+$/, ''); let uploadeFile = { file: uploadedFiles[i], label: fileName, sorting: 0 }; //this.dataset.files.push(uploadedFiles[i]); this.dataset.files.push(uploadeFile); } // if (this.dataset.files.length > 0) // { // this.currentStatus = STATUS_SAVING; // } }, addNewAuthor() { let newAuthor = { status: 0, first_name: '', last_name: '', email: '', academic_title: '', identifier_orcid: '' }; this.dataset.persons.push(newAuthor); }, removeAuthor(key) { this.dataset.persons.splice(key, 1); }, onAddAuthor(person) { //if person is not in person array //if (this.persons.includes(person) == false) { if (this.dataset.persons.filter(e => e.id === person.id).length > 0) { this.$toast.error("person is already defined as author"); } else if (this.dataset.contributors.filter(e => e.id === person.id).length > 0) { this.$toast.error("person is already defined as contributor"); } else { //person.sort_order = this.dataset.persons.length; this.dataset.persons.push(person); this.dataset.checkedAuthors.push(person.id); this.$toast.success("person has been successfully added as author"); } }, addNewContributor() { let newContributor = { status: 0, first_name: '', last_name: '', email: '', academic_title: '', identifier_orcid: '' }; this.dataset.contributors.push(newContributor); }, onAddContributor(person) { //if person is not in contributors array //if (this.contributors.includes(person) == false) { if (this.dataset.contributors.filter(e => e.id === person.id).length > 0) { this.$toast.error("person is already defined as contributor"); } else if (this.dataset.persons.filter(e => e.id === person.id).length > 0) { this.$toast.error("person is already defined as author"); } else { this.dataset.contributors.push(person); this.dataset.checkedContributors.push(person.id); this.$toast.success("person has been successfully added as contributor"); } }, // onAddSubmitter(person) { // //if person is not in submitters array // //if (this.submitters.includes(person) == false) { // if (this.dataset.submitters.filter(e => e.id === person.id).length == 0) { // this.dataset.submitters.push(person); // this.dataset.checkedSubmitters.push(person.id); // } // }, /* Removes a select file the user has uploaded */ removeFile(key) { this.dataset.files.splice(key, 1); }, prev() { this.step--; }, next(scope) { // if(this.validate(scope)) { // this.step++; // } this.$validator.validateAll(scope).then((result) => { if (result) { this.step++; } }); }, validate: function (scope) { this.$validator.validateAll(scope); if (this.errors.any()) { console.log('The form is invalid'); return false; } return true; }, submit(status) { // alert('Submit to blah and show blah and etc.'); // save it this.save(status); }, handleTimeExpire() { window.location = '/login'; } } });