Arno Kaimbacher b06ccae603 - added @adonisjs/mail
- mail_settings_controller for setting smtp settings
- added view ror rjecting dataset for editor
- added new model AppConfig for stroing appwide config values
- better validate_chesum.ts command with process chunking
- added vue3 apps 'BasicSettings' like email, profile settings
- started with 2 multilingual capabilities
- npm updates
2024-09-16 17:59:46 +02:00

108 lines
4.2 KiB

/** @type {import('tailwindcss').Config} */
const plugin = require('tailwindcss/plugin');
const defaultTheme = require('tailwindcss/defaultTheme');
const { registerables } = require('chart.js');
module.exports = {
content: ['./resources/**/*.{edge,js,ts,jsx,tsx,vue}'],
darkMode: 'class', // or 'media' or 'class'
theme: {
asideScrollbars: {
light: 'light',
gray: 'gray',
extend: {
colors: {
'primary': '#22C55E',
'inprogress': 'rgb(94 234 212)',
'released': 'rgb(52 211 153)',
'editor-accepted': 'rgb(125 211 252)',
'approved': '#FFEB3B', //A lighter yellow, which is cheerful and can indicate that something is in a pending state.
'rejected-editor': '#f97316',
'rejected-reviewer': '#f97316',
'reviewed': '#FFC107', // warm amber, suggesting caution but still positive
'published': '#8BC34A', // lighter green, which is also fresh and positive
'primary-dark': '#DCFCE7',
'lime': {
dark: 'rgba(5,46,55,0.7)',
50: '#FBFCF7',
100: '#F8FBE1',
200: '#EEF69E',
300: '#DCEC53',
400: '#A8D619',
500: '#65DC21',
600: '#429E04',
700: '#357C06',
800: '#295B09',
900: '#20450A',
fontFamily: {
sans: ['Inter', ...defaultTheme.fontFamily.sans],
logo: ['Archivo Black', ...defaultTheme.fontFamily.sans],
zIndex: {
'-1': '-1',
flexGrow: {
5: '5',
maxHeight: {
'screen-menu': 'calc(100vh - 3.5rem)',
'modal': 'calc(100vh - 160px)',
transitionProperty: {
position: 'right, left, top, bottom, margin, padding',
textColor: 'color',
keyframes: {
'fade-out': {
from: { opacity: 1 },
to: { opacity: 0 },
'fade-in': {
from: { opacity: 0 },
to: { opacity: 1 },
animation: {
'fade-out': 'fade-out 250ms ease-in-out',
'fade-in': 'fade-in 250ms ease-in-out',
}, //extend
}, // theme
plugins: [
plugin(function ({ matchUtilities, theme }) {
'aside-scrollbars': (value) => {
const track = value === 'light' ? '100' : '900';
const thumb = value === 'light' ? '300' : '600';
const color = value === 'light' ? 'gray' : value;
return {
'scrollbarWidth': 'thin',
'scrollbarColor': `${theme(`colors.${color}.${thumb}`)} ${theme(`colors.${color}.${track}`)}`,
'&::-webkit-scrollbar': {
width: '8px',
height: '8px',
'&::-webkit-scrollbar-track': {
backgroundColor: theme(`colors.${color}.${track}`),
'&::-webkit-scrollbar-thumb': {
borderRadius: '0.25rem',
backgroundColor: theme(`colors.${color}.${thumb}`),
{ values: theme('asideScrollbars') },
// As of Tailwind CSS v3.3, the `@tailwindcss/line-clamp` plugin is now included by default
// require('@tailwindcss/line-clamp'),