Arno Kaimbacher b06ccae603 - added @adonisjs/mail
- mail_settings_controller for setting smtp settings
- added view ror rjecting dataset for editor
- added new model AppConfig for stroing appwide config values
- better validate_chesum.ts command with process chunking
- added vue3 apps 'BasicSettings' like email, profile settings
- started with 2 multilingual capabilities
- npm updates
2024-09-16 17:59:46 +02:00

102 lines
3.2 KiB

import '../css/app.css';
import { createApp, h } from 'vue';
import { Inertia } from '@inertiajs/inertia';
import { createInertiaApp } from '@inertiajs/vue3';
// import DefaultLayout from '@/Layouts/Default.vue';
import { createPinia } from 'pinia';
import { StyleService } from '@/Stores/style.service';
import { LayoutService } from '@/Stores/layout';
import { LocaleStore } from '@/Stores/locale';
import { darkModeKey, styleKey } from '@/config';
// import type { DefineComponent } from 'vue';
// import { resolvePageComponent } from '@adonisjs/inertia/helpers';
const pinia = createPinia();
// import i18n from './i18n';
import { EmitterPlugin } from '@/EmitterDirective';
import { initRoutes } from '@eidellev/adonis-stardust/client/index.js';
// import { loadTranslations } from './utils/tethyscloud-l10n';
import asyncPlugin from '@/apps/settings/asyncPlugin';
// const translation = await asyncPlugin.install('settings');
// interface SetupOptions {
// el: Element;
// App: App;
// props: Record<string, any>;
// plugin: Plugin;
// }
// import '@fontsource/archivo-black/index.css';
// import '@fontsource/inter/index.css';
progress: {
// color: '#4B5563',
color: '#22C55E',
// Webpack
// resolve: (name) => require(`./Pages/${name}`),
// resolve: (name) => require(`./Pages/${name}.vue`),
// add default layout
// resolve: (name) => {
// const page = require(`./Pages/${name}.vue`).default;
// // if (!page.layout) {
// // page.layout = DefaultLayout;
// // }
// return page;
// },
resolve: async (name: string) => {
// Dynamically import the Vue component using import
const { default: page } = await import(`./Pages/${name}.vue`);
// const page = require(`./Pages/${name}.vue`).default;
// if (!page.layout) {
// page.layout = DefaultLayout;
// }
return page;
// resolve: (name) => {
// return resolvePageComponent(
// `./Pages/${name}.vue`,
// import.meta.glob<DefineComponent>('./pages/**/*.vue'),
// )
// },
setup({ el, App, props, plugin }) {
const app = createApp({ render: () => h(App, props) })
// .use(i18n)
// .component('inertia-link', Link)
asyncPlugin.install('settings').then(() => {
const styleService = StyleService(pinia);
const layoutService = LayoutService(pinia);
const localeService = LocaleStore(pinia);
// const mainService = MainService(pinia);
// mainService.setUser(user);
/* App style */
styleService.setStyle(localStorage[styleKey] ?? 'basic');
/* Dark mode */
if ((!localStorage[darkModeKey] && window.matchMedia('(prefers-color-scheme: dark)').matches) || localStorage[darkModeKey] === '1') {
/* Collapse mobile aside menu on route change */
Inertia.on('navigate', () => {
layoutService.isAsideMobileExpanded = false;
layoutService.isAsideLgActive = false;