
253 lines
9 KiB

<div style="position: relative">
<!-- <Map className="h-36" :center="state.center" :zoom="state.zoom"> // map component content </Map> -->
<div :id="mapId" class="map-container mapDesktop rounded">
<ZoomControlComponent ref="zoom" :mapId="mapId"></ZoomControlComponent>
<DrawControlComponent ref="draw" :mapId="mapId" :southWest="southWest" :northEast="northEast"></DrawControlComponent>
<script lang="ts">
import { EventEmitter } from './EventEmitter';
import { Component, Vue, Prop, Ref } from 'vue-facing-decorator';
// import type { Coverage } from '@/Dataset';
// import { Map, Control, MapOptions, LatLngBoundsExpression, tileLayer, latLng, latLngBounds, FeatureGroup } from 'leaflet';
import { Map } from 'leaflet/src/map/index';
import { Control } from 'leaflet/src/control/Control';
import { LatLngBoundsExpression, toLatLngBounds } from 'leaflet/src/geo/LatLngBounds';
import { toLatLng } from 'leaflet/src/geo/LatLng';
import { tileLayerWMS } from 'leaflet/src/layer/tile/TileLayer.WMS';
import { Attribution } from 'leaflet/src/control/Control.Attribution';
// import { Attribution } from 'leaflet';
// import { FeatureGroup } from 'leaflet/src/layer/FeatureGroup';
import { MapOptions } from './MapOptions';
import { LayerOptions, LayerMap } from './LayerOptions';
import { MapService } from '@/Stores/map.service';
import ZoomControlComponent from './zoom.component.vue';
import DrawControlComponent from './draw.component.vue';
import { Coverage } from '@/Dataset';
import { canvas } from 'leaflet/src/layer/vector/Canvas';
import { svg } from 'leaflet/src/layer/vector/SVG';
// @namespace Map; @method getRenderer(layer: Path): Renderer
// Returns the instance of `Renderer` that should be used to render the given
// `Path`. It will ensure that the `renderer` options of the map and paths
// are respected, and that the renderers do exist on the map.
getRenderer: function (layer) {
// @namespace Path; @option renderer: Renderer
// Use this specific instance of `Renderer` for this path. Takes
// precedence over the map's [default renderer](#map-renderer).
var renderer = layer.options.renderer || this._getPaneRenderer(layer.options.pane) || this.options.renderer || this._renderer;
if (!renderer) {
renderer = this._renderer = this._createRenderer();
if (!this.hasLayer(renderer)) {
return renderer;
_getPaneRenderer: function (name) {
if (name === 'overlayPane' || name === undefined) {
return false;
var renderer = this._paneRenderers[name];
if (renderer === undefined) {
renderer = this._createRenderer({ pane: name });
this._paneRenderers[name] = renderer;
return renderer;
_createRenderer: function (options) {
// @namespace Map; @option preferCanvas: Boolean = false
// Whether `Path`s should be rendered on a `Canvas` renderer.
// By default, all `Path`s are rendered in a `SVG` renderer.
return (this.options.preferCanvas && canvas(options)) || svg(options);
const DEFAULT_BASE_LAYER_NAME = 'BaseLayer';
// const DEFAULT_BASE_LAYER_URL = 'https://{s}.tile.openstreetmap.org/{z}/{x}/{y}.png';
const DEFAULT_BASE_LAYER_ATTRIBUTION = '&copy; <a target="_blank" href="http://osm.org/copyright">OpenStreetMap</a> contributors';
name: 'MapComponent',
components: {
export default class MapComponent extends Vue {
* A map with the given ID is created inside this component.
* This ID can be used the get the map instance over the map cache service.
public mapId: string;
* The corresponding leaflet map options (see: https://leafletjs.com/reference-1.3.4.html#map-option)
public mapOptions: MapOptions;
public coverage: Coverage;
// markerService: MarkerService
* Bounds for the map
@Prop({ default: null })
public fitBounds: LatLngBoundsExpression;
* Describes the the zoom control options (see: https://leafletjs.com/reference-1.3.4.html#control-zoom)
public zoomControlOptions: Control.ZoomOptions;
public baseMaps: LayerMap;
@Ref('zoom') private zoom: ZoomControlComponent;
@Ref('draw') private draw: DrawControlComponent;
// services:
mapService = MapService();
* Informs when initialization is done with map id.
public onMapInitializedEvent: EventEmitter<string> = new EventEmitter<string>();
public map!: Map;
// protected drawnItems!: FeatureGroup<any>;
// @Prop({ type: Object })
// geolocation: Coverage;
mounted(): void {
unmounted() {
this.map.off('zoomend zoomlevelschange');
// @Emit(this.onMapInitializedEvent)
protected initMap(): void {
// let map: Map = (this.map = this.mapService.getMap(this.mapId));
let map: Map = (this.map = new Map(this.mapId, this.mapOptions));
this.mapService.setMap(this.mapId, map);
// return this.mapId;
// this.$emit("onMapInitializedEvent", this.mapId);
const attributionControl = new Attribution().addTo(this.map);
function (event) {
// drawnItems.clearLayers();
// var type = event.type;
var layer = event.layer;
// if (type === "rectancle") {
// layer.bindPopup("A popup!" + layer.getBounds().toBBoxString());
var bounds = layer.getBounds();
this.coverage.x_min = bounds.getSouthWest().lng;
this.coverage.y_min = bounds.getSouthWest().lat;
// console.log(this.geolocation.xmin);
this.coverage.x_max = bounds.getNorthEast().lng;
this.coverage.y_max = bounds.getNorthEast().lat;
// }
// drawnItems.addLayer(layer);
// Initialise the FeatureGroup to store editable layers
// let drawnItems = (this.drawnItems = new FeatureGroup());
// map.addLayer(drawnItems);
this.map.on('zoomend zoomlevelschange', this.zoom.updateDisabled, this.zoom);
// if (this.fitBounds) {
// this.map.fitBounds(this.fitBounds);
// }
if (this.coverage.x_min && this.coverage.y_min) {
this.southWest = toLatLng(this.coverage.y_min, this.coverage.x_min);
} else {
this.southWest = toLatLng(46.5, 9.9);
if (this.coverage.x_max && this.coverage.y_max) {
this.northEast = toLatLng(this.coverage.y_max, this.coverage.x_max);
} else {
this.northEast = toLatLng(48.9, 16.9);
} // this.northEast = toLatLng(48.9, 16.9);
const bounds = toLatLngBounds(this.southWest, this.northEast);
if (this.coverage.x_min && this.coverage.x_max && this.coverage.y_min && this.coverage.y_max) {
let _southWest;
let _northEast;
if (this.coverage.x_min && this.coverage.y_min) {
_southWest = toLatLng(this.coverage.y_min, this.coverage.x_min);
if (this.coverage.x_max && this.coverage.y_max) {
_northEast = toLatLng(this.coverage.y_max, this.coverage.x_max);
this.draw.drawShape(_southWest, _northEast);
private addBaseMap(layerOptions?: LayerOptions): void {
if (this.map) {
if (!this.baseMaps || this.baseMaps.size === 0) {
// let bmapgrau = tileLayer('https://{s}.wien.gv.at/basemap/bmapgrau/normal/google3857/{z}/{y}/{x}.png', {
// subdomains: ['maps', 'maps1', 'maps2', 'maps3', 'maps4'],
// attribution: 'Datenquelle: <a href="http://www.basemap.at/">basemap.at</a>',
// });
let osmGgray = tileLayerWMS('https://ows.terrestris.de/osm-gray/service', {
format: 'image/png',
layers: 'OSM-WMS',
layerOptions = {
visible: true,
layer: osmGgray,
<style lang="css">
.leaflet-container {
height: 600px; /* <-- map height */
width: 100%;
.leaflet-pane {
z-index: 30;