
This commit is contained in:
Barxell 2023-10-18 10:45:31 +02:00
parent c994642e5a
commit f4c6bdada5

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@ -153,17 +153,15 @@ export default class VsInput extends Vue {
private request(): void {
const openSearchUrl = '';
const searchUrl = 'https://tethysbackend/opensearch.xml'; //i would guess ?
const searchTerms = this.display;
const openSearchQueryUrl = openSearchUrl.replace('{searchTerms}', searchTerms);
const searchQuery = searchUrl.replace('{searchTerms}', searchTerms);
.then((response) => response.text())
.then((xml) => {
// Parse the OpenSearch XML response (you may need to use an XML parser library)
const data = parseResponse(xml); // Implement a function to parse the XML response
// Handle the data (e.g., update your Vue component's state with the search results)
// need XML parser library
const data = parseResponse(xml);
.catch((error) => {