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2023-10-02 15:04:02 +02:00
// External libraries are lazy-loaded only if these file types exist.
const util = require("util");
var Yaml = null,
VisionmediaYaml = null,
Coffee = null,
Iced = null,
CSON = null,
PPARSER = null,
JSON5 = null,
TOML = null,
HJSON = null,
XML = null;
// Define soft dependencies so transpilers don't include everything
var COFFEE_2_DEP = 'coffeescript',
COFFEE_DEP = 'coffee-script',
ICED_DEP = 'iced-coffee-script',
JS_YAML_DEP = 'js-yaml',
YAML_DEP = 'yaml',
JSON5_DEP = 'json5',
HJSON_DEP = 'hjson',
TOML_DEP = 'toml',
CSON_DEP = 'cson',
PPARSER_DEP = 'properties',
XML_DEP = 'x2js',
TS_DEP = 'ts-node';
var Parser = module.exports;
Parser.parse = function(filename, content) {
var parserName = filename.substr(filename.lastIndexOf('.') +1); // file extension
if (typeof definitions[parserName] === 'function') {
return definitions[parserName](filename, content);
// TODO: decide what to do in case of a missing parser
Parser.xmlParser = function(filename, content) {
if (!XML) {
XML = require(XML_DEP);
var x2js = new XML();
var configObject = x2js.xml2js(content);
var rootKeys = Object.keys(configObject);
if(rootKeys.length === 1) {
return configObject[rootKeys[0]];
return configObject;
Parser.jsParser = function(filename, content) {
var configObject = require(filename);
if (configObject.__esModule && util.isObject(configObject.default)) {
return configObject.default
return configObject;
Parser.tsParser = function(filename, content) {
if (!require.extensions['.ts']) {
lazy: true,
transpileOnly: true,
compilerOptions: {
allowJs: true,
// Imports config if it is exported via module.exports = ...
// See https://github.com/node-config/node-config/issues/524
var configObject = require(filename);
// Because of ES6 modules usage, `default` is treated as named export (like any other)
// Therefore config is a value of `default` key.
if (configObject.default) {
return configObject.default
return configObject;
Parser.coffeeParser = function(filename, content) {
// .coffee files can be loaded with either coffee-script or iced-coffee-script.
// Prefer iced-coffee-script, if it exists.
// Lazy load the appropriate extension
if (!Coffee) {
Coffee = {};
// The following enables iced-coffee-script on .coffee files, if iced-coffee-script is available.
// This is commented as per a decision on a pull request.
//try {
// Coffee = require('iced-coffee-script');
//catch (e) {
// Coffee = require('coffee-script');
try {
// Try to load coffeescript
Coffee = require(COFFEE_2_DEP);
catch (e) {
// If it doesn't exist, try to load it using the deprecated module name
Coffee = require(COFFEE_DEP);
// coffee-script >= 1.7.0 requires explicit registration for require() to work
if (Coffee.register) {
// Use the built-in parser for .coffee files with coffee-script
return require(filename);
Parser.icedParser = function(filename, content) {
Iced = require(ICED_DEP);
// coffee-script >= 1.7.0 requires explicit registration for require() to work
if (Iced.register) {
Parser.yamlParser = function(filename, content) {
if (!Yaml && !VisionmediaYaml) {
// Lazy loading
try {
// Try to load the better js-yaml module
Yaml = require(JS_YAML_DEP);
catch (e) {
try {
// If it doesn't exist, load the fallback visionmedia yaml module.
VisionmediaYaml = require(YAML_DEP);
catch (e) { }
if (Yaml) {
return Yaml.load(content);
else if (VisionmediaYaml) {
// The yaml library doesn't like strings that have newlines but don't
// end in a newline: https://github.com/visionmedia/js-yaml/issues/issue/13
content += '\n';
if (typeof VisionmediaYaml.eval === 'function') {
return VisionmediaYaml.eval(Parser.stripYamlComments(content));
return VisionmediaYaml.parse(Parser.stripYamlComments(content));
else {
console.error('No YAML parser loaded. Suggest adding js-yaml dependency to your package.json file.')
Parser.jsonParser = function(filename, content) {
try {
return JSON.parse(content);
catch (e) {
// All JS Style comments will begin with /, so all JSON parse errors that
// encountered a syntax error will complain about this character.
if (e.name !== 'SyntaxError' || e.message.indexOf('Unexpected token /') !== 0) {
throw e;
if (!JSON5) {
JSON5 = require(JSON5_DEP);
return JSON5.parse(content);
Parser.json5Parser = function(filename, content) {
if (!JSON5) {
JSON5 = require(JSON5_DEP);
return JSON5.parse(content);
Parser.hjsonParser = function(filename, content) {
if (!HJSON) {
HJSON = require(HJSON_DEP);
return HJSON.parse(content);
Parser.tomlParser = function(filename, content) {
if(!TOML) {
TOML = require(TOML_DEP);
return TOML.parse(content);
Parser.csonParser = function(filename, content) {
if (!CSON) {
CSON = require(CSON_DEP);
// Allow comments in CSON files
if (typeof CSON.parseSync === 'function') {
return CSON.parseSync(Parser.stripComments(content));
return CSON.parse(Parser.stripComments(content));
Parser.propertiesParser = function(filename, content) {
if (!PPARSER) {
return PPARSER.parse(content, { namespaces: true, variables: true, sections: true });
* Strip all Javascript type comments from the string.
* The string is usually a file loaded from the O/S, containing
* newlines and javascript type comments.
* Thanks to James Padolsey, and all who contributed to this implementation.
* http://james.padolsey.com/javascript/javascript-comment-removal-revisted/
* @protected
* @method stripComments
* @param fileStr {string} The string to strip comments from
* @param stringRegex {RegExp} Optional regular expression to match strings that
* make up the config file
* @return {string} The string with comments stripped.
Parser.stripComments = function(fileStr, stringRegex) {
stringRegex = stringRegex || /(['"])(\\\1|.)+?\1/g;
var uid = '_' + +new Date(),
primitives = [],
primIndex = 0;
return (
/* Remove strings */
.replace(stringRegex, function(match){
primitives[primIndex] = match;
return (uid + '') + primIndex++;
/* Remove Regexes */
.replace(/([^\/])(\/(?!\*|\/)(\\\/|.)+?\/[gim]{0,3})/g, function(match, $1, $2){
primitives[primIndex] = $2;
return $1 + (uid + '') + primIndex++;
- Remove single-line comments that contain would-be multi-line delimiters
E.g. // Comment /* <--
- Remove multi-line comments that contain would be single-line delimiters
E.g. /* // <--
.replace(/\/\/.*?\/?\*.+?(?=\n|\r|$)|\/\*[\s\S]*?\/\/[\s\S]*?\*\//g, '')
Remove single and multi-line comments,
no consideration of inner-contents
.replace(/\/\/.+?(?=\n|\r|$)|\/\*[\s\S]+?\*\//g, '')
Remove multi-line comments that have a replaced ending (string/regex)
Greedy, so no inner strings/regexes will stop it.
.replace(RegExp('\\/\\*[\\s\\S]+' + uid + '\\d+', 'g'), '')
/* Bring back strings & regexes */
.replace(RegExp(uid + '(\\d+)', 'g'), function(match, n){
return primitives[n];
* Strip YAML comments from the string
* The 2.0 yaml parser doesn't allow comment-only or blank lines. Strip them.
* @protected
* @method stripYamlComments
* @param fileStr {string} The string to strip comments from
* @return {string} The string with comments stripped.
Parser.stripYamlComments = function(fileStr) {
// First replace removes comment-only lines
// Second replace removes blank lines
return fileStr.replace(/^\s*#.*/mg,'').replace(/^\s*[\n|\r]+/mg,'');
* Parses the environment variable to the boolean equivalent.
* Defaults to false
* @param {String} content - Environment variable value
* @return {boolean} - Boolean value fo the passed variable value
Parser.booleanParser = function(filename, content) {
return content === 'true';
* Parses the environment variable to the number equivalent.
* Defaults to undefined
* @param {String} content - Environment variable value
* @return {Number} - Number value fo the passed variable value
Parser.numberParser = function(filename, content) {
const numberValue = Number(content);
return Number.isNaN(numberValue) ? undefined : numberValue;
var order = ['js', 'cjs', 'ts', 'json', 'json5', 'hjson', 'toml', 'coffee', 'iced', 'yaml', 'yml', 'cson', 'properties', 'xml',
'boolean', 'number'];
var definitions = {
cjs: Parser.jsParser,
coffee: Parser.coffeeParser,
cson: Parser.csonParser,
hjson: Parser.hjsonParser,
iced: Parser.icedParser,
js: Parser.jsParser,
json: Parser.jsonParser,
json5: Parser.json5Parser,
properties: Parser.propertiesParser,
toml: Parser.tomlParser,
ts: Parser.tsParser,
xml: Parser.xmlParser,
yaml: Parser.yamlParser,
yml: Parser.yamlParser,
boolean: Parser.booleanParser,
number: Parser.numberParser
Parser.getParser = function(name) {
return definitions[name];
Parser.setParser = function(name, parser) {
definitions[name] = parser;
if (order.indexOf(name) === -1) {
Parser.getFilesOrder = function(name) {
if (name) {
return order.indexOf(name);
return order;
Parser.setFilesOrder = function(name, newIndex) {
if (Array.isArray(name)) {
return order = name;
if (typeof newIndex === 'number') {
var index = order.indexOf(name);
order.splice(newIndex, 0, name);
if (index > -1) {
order.splice(index >= newIndex ? index +1 : index, 1);
return order;