
241 lines
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Raw Normal View History

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
"""This module does blah blah."""
from ast import List
import requests
# from insert_sensor.transactional import insert_sensor
from insert_sensor.wrapper import (Offering, FoI, Procedure, SensorType)
# import json
class Sensor:
A class to represent an input sensor.
name : str
first name of the person
x : float
token to access soso service
y : float
token to access soso service
def __init__(self, name: str, x_coord: float, y_coord: float,
feature_id: str, feature_name: str): = name
self.x_coord = x_coord
self.y_coord = y_coord
self.feature_id = feature_id
self.feature_name = feature_name
def main():
main function
sos_url = ''
# Gschliefgraben Piezometer
# offering = Offering(
# "",
# "bohrloch1",
# "Bohrlöcher, Gschliefgraben Piezometer"
# )
# procedure = Procedure("bohrloch1", "bohrloch1")
# foi = FoI("degree", "m", (13.774966, 47.910849, 0.0),
# "bohrloch1-glasfaser-gschliefgraben",
# "Piezometer1 am Gschliefgraben")
2022-03-18 16:23:44 +01:00
# offering = Offering(
# "",
# "bohrloch2",
# "Bohrloch2, Gschliefgraben Piezometer"
# )
# procedure = Procedure("bohrloch2", "bohrloch2")
# foi = FoI("degree", "m", (13.80957276439, 47.882524348741, 0.0),
# "bohrloch2-glasfaser-gschliefgraben",
# "Piezometer2 am Gschliefgraben")
2022-03-18 16:23:44 +01:00
# offering = Offering(
# "",
# "bohrloch3",
# "Bohrloch, Gschliefgraben Piezometer"
# )
# procedure = Procedure("bohrloch3", "bohrloch3")
# foi = FoI("degree", "m", (13.809990909737, 47.882824994038, 0.0),
# "bohrloch3-glasfaser-gschliefgraben",
# "Piezometer3 am Gschliefgraben")
2022-03-18 16:23:44 +01:00
# offering = Offering(
# "",
# "bohrloch4",
# "Bohrloch, Gschliefgraben Piezometer"
# )
# procedure = Procedure("bohrloch4", "bohrloch4")
# foi = FoI("degree", "m", (13.809379587392, 47.883098856837, 0.0),
# "bohrloch4-glasfaser-gschliefgraben",
# "Piezometer4 am Gschliefgraben")
2022-03-18 16:23:44 +01:00
# offering = Offering(
# "",
# "bohrloch5",
# "Bohrloch, Gschliefgraben Piezometer"
# )
# procedure = Procedure("bohrloch5", "bohrloch5")
# foi = FoI("degree", "m", (13.81120655331, 47.884145740545, 0.0),
# "bohrloch5-glasfaser-gschliefgraben",
# "Piezometer5 am Gschliefgraben")
2022-03-18 16:23:44 +01:00
# offering = Offering(
# "",
# "bohrloch6",
# "Bohrloch, Gschliefgraben Piezometer"
# )
# procedure = Procedure("bohrloch6", "bohrloch6")
# foi = FoI("degree", "m", (13.811537883268, 47.885082327907, 0.0),
# "bohrloch6-glasfaser-gschliefgraben",
# "Piezometer6 am Gschliefgraben")
# creating list
sensor_list: List[Sensor] = []
# appending instances to list
Sensor('gschliefgraben_bohrloch_1', 13.808378638676, 47.882871028831,
"bohrloch1-glasfaser-gschliefgraben", "Piezometer1 am Gschliefgraben"))
Sensor('gschliefgraben_bohrloch_2', 13.80957276439, 47.882524348741,
"bohrloch2-glasfaser-gschliefgraben", "Piezometer2 am Gschliefgraben"))
Sensor('gschliefgraben_bohrloch_3', 13.809990909737, 47.882824994038,
"bohrloch3-glasfaser-gschliefgraben", "Piezometer3 am Gschliefgraben"))
Sensor('gschliefgraben_bohrloch_4', 13.809379587392, 47.883098856837,
"bohrloch4-glasfaser-gschliefgraben", "Piezometer4 am Gschliefgraben"))
Sensor('gschliefgraben_bohrloch_5', 13.81120655331, 47.884145740545,
"bohrloch5-glasfaser-gschliefgraben", "Piezometer5 am Gschliefgraben"))
Sensor('gschliefgraben_bohrloch_6', 13.811537883268, 47.885082327907,
"bohrloch6-glasfaser-gschliefgraben", "Piezometer6 am Gschliefgraben"))
sensor: Sensor
for sensor in sensor_list:
# platform wolfsegg
offering = Offering(
"Bohrloch, Gschliefgraben Piezometer"
procedure = Procedure(,
foi = FoI("degree", "m", (sensor.x_coord, sensor.y_coord, 0.0),
sensor.feature_id, sensor.feature_name)
# now insert sensor via rest service:
sensor_type = SensorType("piezometer")
post_data = insert_sensor(offering, procedure, foi, sensor_type)
# print(post_data)
headers = {'Accept': 'application/json'}
request =, headers=headers, json=post_data)
# {
# "request" : "InsertSensor",
# "version" : "2.0.0",
# "service" : "SOS",
# "assignedProcedure" : "bohrloch1",
# "assignedOffering" : "bohrloch"
# }
def insert_sensor(offering, procedure, foi, sensor_type):
Prepares the body of a InsertSensor request for JSON biding.
:param offering: an instance of class Offering.Type object.
:param Procedure: instance of class Procedure. type object.
:param foi: feature of interest. Instance of FoI
:param sensor_type: SensorType object
:return: valid body for an InsertSensor request.
# shortName = # string
# longName = 'Sibratsgfall test' # string
# Offering values
gml_id = '\"' + str( + '\"' # Offering name, double quoted
offering_name =
offering_label = offering.label
# offID = offering.fullId # URL format of full id
# featureName = featureID = cordX = cordY = height = h_unit = z_unit = coordinates = ""
2022-03-18 16:23:44 +01:00
# check if feature of interest should be declare
if foi is not None:
# feature_id = '' + \
# str(foi.fid) # URL format
cord_x = str(foi.x) # longitude degrees, float
cord_y = str(foi.y) # latitude degrees, float
coordinates = cord_x + " " + cord_y
height = str(foi.z) # altitude in meters, float
# h_unit = foi.Hunit # units for horizontal coordinates
# z_unit = foi.Vunit # units for altitude
feature_id = foi.fid # "feature location"
feature_name = # "feature location"
procedure_name =
procedure_identifier = # URL,
obs_types = []
output_list = '' # output list element for describe procedure
properties_list = []
for attr in sensor_type.pattern["attributes"]:
obs_prop_name = '\"' + attr[0] + '\"' # attribute name
# print(obs_prop_name)
unit_name = sensor_type.om_types[attr[1]] # om type
# magnitud = a # ??
obs_name = obs_prop_name.replace('\"', '')
obs_name = "".join(obs_name.split()) # observable property name
output = '<sml:output name=' + obs_prop_name + '><swe:Quantity definition=' + \
'\"' + (obs_name) + '\"' + \
output_list = output_list + output
# add property identifier to the list.
# prepare list of measurement types
# A sensor can not registry duplicated sensor types.
this_type = ""+unit_name
if this_type not in obs_types: # when new type appears
# Unit of measurement:
unit_name = '\"' + + '\"' # double quoted string
# unit = omType # one of the MO measurement types
body = {
"request": "InsertSensor",
"service": "SOS",
"version": "2.0.0",
"procedureDescriptionFormat": "",
"procedureDescription": f'<sml:PhysicalSystem gml:id={gml_id} xmlns:swes=\"\" xmlns:sos=\"\" xmlns:swe=\"\" xmlns:sml=\"\" xmlns:gml=\"\" xmlns:xlink=\"\" xmlns:xsi=\"\" xmlns:gco=\"\" xmlns:gmd=\"\"><gml:identifier codeSpace=\"uniqueID\">{procedure_identifier}</gml:identifier><sml:identification><sml:IdentifierList><sml:identifier><sml:Term definition=\"urn:ogc:def:identifier:OGC:1.0:longName\"><sml:label>longName</sml:label><sml:value>{procedure_name}</sml:value></sml:Term></sml:identifier><sml:identifier><sml:Term definition=\"urn:ogc:def:identifier:OGC:1.0:shortName\"><sml:label>shortName</sml:label><sml:value>{procedure_name}</sml:value></sml:Term></sml:identifier></sml:IdentifierList></sml:identification><sml:capabilities name=\"offerings\"><sml:CapabilityList><sml:capability name=\"offeringID\"><swe:Text definition=\"urn:ogc:def:identifier:OGC:offeringID\"><swe:label>{offering_label}</swe:label><swe:value>{offering_name}</swe:value></swe:Text></sml:capability></sml:CapabilityList></sml:capabilities><sml:capabilities name=\"metadata\"><sml:CapabilityList><!-- status indicates, whether sensor is insitu (true) or remote (false) --><sml:capability name=\"insitu\"><swe:Boolean definition=\"insitu\"><swe:value>true</swe:value></swe:Boolean></sml:capability><!-- status indicates, whether sensor is mobile (true) or fixed/stationary (false) --><sml:capability name=\"mobile\"><swe:Boolean definition=\"mobile\"><swe:value>false</swe:value></swe:Boolean></sml:capability></sml:CapabilityList></sml:capabilities><sml:featuresOfInterest><sml:FeatureList definition=\"\"><swe:label>featuresOfInterest</swe:label><sml:feature><sams:SF_SpatialSamplingFeature xmlns:sams=\"\" gml:id=\"ssf_b3a826dd44012201b01323232323041f7a92e0cc47260eb9888f6a4e9f747\"><gml:identifier codeSpace=\"\">{feature_id}</gml:identifier><gml:name codeSpace=\"\">{feature_name}</gml:name><sf:type xmlns:sf=\"\" xlink:href=\"\"/><sf:sampledFeature xmlns:sf=\"\" xlink:href=\"\"/><sams:shape><ns:Point xmlns:ns=\"\" ns:id=\"Point_ssf_b3a826dd44012201b013c90c51da28c041f7a92e0cc47260eb9888f6a4e9f747\"><ns:pos srsName=\"\">{coordinates}</ns:pos></ns:Point></sams:shape></sams:SF_SpatialSamplingFeature></sml:feature></sml:FeatureList></sml:featuresOfInterest><sml:outputs><sml:OutputList><sml:output name=\"Elevation\"><swe:Quantity definition=\"Elevation\"><swe:label>Elevation</swe:label><swe:uom code=\"m\"/></swe:Quantity></sml:output></sml:OutputList></sml:outputs><sml:position><swe:Vector referenceFrame=\"urn:ogc:def:crs:EPSG::4326\"><swe:coordinate name=\"easting\"><swe:Quantity axisID=\"x\"><swe:uom code=\"degree\"/><swe:value>{cord_x}</swe:value></swe:Quantity></swe:coordinate><swe:coordinate name=\"northing\"><swe:Quantity axisID=\"y\"><swe:uom code=\"degree\"/><swe:value>{cord_y}</swe:value></swe:Quantity></swe:coordinate><swe:coordinate name=\"altitude\"><swe:Quantity axisID=\"z\"><swe:uom code=\"m\"/><swe:value>{height}</swe:value></swe:Quantity></swe:coordinate></swe:Vector></sml:position></sml:PhysicalSystem>',
"observableProperty": [
# "Roll",
# "InSystemTemperature"
"observationType": [
return body
if __name__ == '__main__':