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2023-03-03 16:54:28 +01:00
* Config source: https://git.io/Jfefn
* Feel free to let us know via PR, if you find something broken in this config
* file.
2024-03-14 20:25:27 +01:00
// import type { BodyParserConfig } from '@adonisjs/core/bodyparser';
import env from '#start/env';
import { defineConfig } from '@adonisjs/core/bodyparser';
2023-03-03 16:54:28 +01:00
2024-03-14 20:25:27 +01:00
const bodyParserConfig = defineConfig({
2023-03-03 16:54:28 +01:00
2024-03-14 20:25:27 +01:00
| White listed methods
| HTTP methods for which body parsing must be performed. It is a good practice
| to avoid body parsing for `GET` requests.
allowedMethods: ['POST', 'PUT', 'PATCH', 'DELETE'],
2023-03-03 16:54:28 +01:00
2024-03-14 20:25:27 +01:00
| JSON parser settings
| The settings for the JSON parser. The types defines the request content
| types which gets processed by the JSON parser.
2023-03-03 16:54:28 +01:00
json: {
encoding: 'utf-8',
limit: '1mb',
strict: true,
types: ['application/json', 'application/json-patch+json', 'application/vnd.api+json', 'application/csp-report'],
2023-03-03 16:54:28 +01:00
2024-03-14 20:25:27 +01:00
| Form parser settings
| The settings for the `application/x-www-form-urlencoded` parser. The types
| defines the request content types which gets processed by the form parser.
2023-03-03 16:54:28 +01:00
form: {
encoding: 'utf-8',
limit: '1mb',
queryString: {},
2024-03-14 20:25:27 +01:00
| Convert empty strings to null
| Convert empty form fields to null. HTML forms results in field string
| value when the field is left blank. This option normalizes all the blank
| field values to "null"
2023-03-03 16:54:28 +01:00
convertEmptyStringsToNull: true,
types: ['application/x-www-form-urlencoded'],
2024-03-14 20:25:27 +01:00
| Raw body parser settings
| Raw body just reads the request body stream as a plain text, which you
| can process by hand. This must be used when request body type is not
| supported by the body parser.
2023-03-03 16:54:28 +01:00
raw: {
encoding: 'utf-8',
limit: '1mb',
2024-03-14 20:25:27 +01:00
// queryString: {},
2023-03-03 16:54:28 +01:00
types: ['text/*'],
2024-03-14 20:25:27 +01:00
| Multipart parser settings
| The settings for the `multipart/form-data` parser. The types defines the
| request content types which gets processed by the form parser.
2023-03-03 16:54:28 +01:00
multipart: {
2024-03-14 20:25:27 +01:00
| Auto process
| The auto process option will process uploaded files and writes them to
| the `tmp` folder. You can turn it off and then manually use the stream
| to pipe stream to a different destination.
| It is recommended to keep `autoProcess=true`. Unless you are processing bigger
| file sizes.
2023-03-03 16:54:28 +01:00
autoProcess: true,
2024-03-14 20:25:27 +01:00
| Files to be processed manually
| You can turn off `autoProcess` for certain routes by defining
| routes inside the following array.
| NOTE: Make sure the route pattern starts with a leading slash.
| Correct
| ```js
| /projects/:id/file
| ```
| Incorrect
| ```js
| projects/:id/file
| ```
2023-03-03 16:54:28 +01:00
processManually: [],
2024-03-14 20:25:27 +01:00
| Temporary file name
| When auto processing is on. We will use this method to compute the temporary
| file name. AdonisJs will compute a unique `tmpPath` for you automatically,
| However, you can also define your own custom method.
2023-03-03 16:54:28 +01:00
// tmpFileName () {
// },
2024-03-14 20:25:27 +01:00
| Encoding
| Request body encoding
2023-03-03 16:54:28 +01:00
encoding: 'utf-8',
2024-03-14 20:25:27 +01:00
| Convert empty strings to null
| Convert empty form fields to null. HTML forms results in field string
| value when the field is left blank. This option normalizes all the blank
| field values to "null"
2023-03-03 16:54:28 +01:00
convertEmptyStringsToNull: true,
2024-03-14 20:25:27 +01:00
| Max Fields
| The maximum number of fields allowed in the request body. The field includes
| text inputs and files both.
2023-03-03 16:54:28 +01:00
maxFields: 1000,
2024-03-14 20:25:27 +01:00
| Request body limit
| The total limit to the multipart body. This includes all request files
| and fields data.
// limit: '20mb',
limit: env.get('UPLOAD_LIMIT', '513mb'),
2023-03-03 16:54:28 +01:00
2024-03-14 20:25:27 +01:00
| Types
| The types that will be considered and parsed as multipart body.
2023-03-03 16:54:28 +01:00
types: ['multipart/form-data'],
2024-03-14 20:25:27 +01:00
2023-03-03 16:54:28 +01:00
export default bodyParserConfig;