initial commit

This commit is contained in:
Arno Kaimbacher 2023-03-03 16:54:28 +01:00
commit 4fc3bb0a01
202 changed files with 41729 additions and 0 deletions

.adonisrc.json Normal file
View file

@ -0,0 +1,66 @@
"typescript": true,
"commands": [
"exceptionHandlerNamespace": "App/Exceptions/Handler",
"aliases": {
"App": "app",
"Config": "config",
"Database": "database",
"Contracts": "contracts"
"preloads": [
"file": "./start/inertia",
"environment": [
"providers": [
"metaFiles": [
"pattern": "public/**",
"reloadServer": false
"pattern": "resources/views/**/*.edge",
"reloadServer": false
"aceProviders": [
"tests": {
"suites": [
"name": "functional",
"files": [
"timeout": 60000
"testProviders": [

.babelrc Normal file
View file

@ -0,0 +1,37 @@
"presets": [
"targets": {
"edge": "17",
"firefox": "60",
"chrome": "67",
"safari": "11.1"
// "useBuiltIns": "usage",
// "corejs": "3.16"
// "targets":{"node":"16"}
// "useBuiltIns": "entry",
// "targets": "> 0.25%, not dead"
// "@babel/preset-env",
"plugins": [
// [
// "@babel/plugin-transform-typescript", {
// "allowDeclareFields": true
// }],
"legacy": true
// "@babel/proposal-object-rest-spread"

.dockerignore Normal file
View file

@ -0,0 +1,148 @@
# Configuration
# Documentation
# Docker stuff
# Logs
# Diagnostic reports (
# Runtime data
# Directory for instrumented libs generated by jscoverage/JSCover
# Coverage directory used by tools like istanbul
# nyc test coverage
# Grunt intermediate storage (
# Bower dependency directory (
# node-waf configuration
# Compiled binary addons (
# Dependency directories
# Snowpack dependency directory (
# TypeScript cache
# Optional npm cache directory
# Optional eslint cache
# Optional stylelint cache
# Microbundle cache
# Optional REPL history
# Output of 'npm pack'
# Yarn Integrity file
# dotenv environment variable files
# parcel-bundler cache (
# Next.js build output
# Nuxt.js build / generate output
# Gatsby files
# Comment in the public line in if your project uses Gatsby and not Next.js
# public
# vuepress build output
# vuepress v2.x temp and cache directory
# Docusaurus cache and generated files
# Serverless directories
# FuseBox cache
# DynamoDB Local files
# TernJS port file
# Stores VSCode versions used for testing VSCode extensions
# yarn v2

.editorconfig Normal file
View file

@ -0,0 +1,15 @@
root = true
indent_style = space
indent_size = 2
end_of_line = lf
charset = utf-8
trim_trailing_whitespace = true
insert_final_newline = true
insert_final_newline = false
trim_trailing_whitespace = false

.env.example Normal file
View file

@ -0,0 +1,13 @@

.env.test Normal file
View file

@ -0,0 +1,3 @@

.gitignore vendored Normal file
View file

@ -0,0 +1,8 @@

.prettierignore Normal file
View file

@ -0,0 +1 @@

Dockerfile Normal file
View file

@ -0,0 +1,55 @@
################## First Stage - Creating base #########################
# Created a variable to hold our node base image
ARG NODE_IMAGE=node:18.14.2-alpine
# Using the variable to create our base image
# Running a command to install dumb-init to handle processes
RUN apk --no-cache add dumb-init
# Creating folders and changing ownerships
RUN mkdir -p /home/node/app && chown node:node /home/node/app
# Setting the working directory
WORKDIR /home/node/app
# Changing the current active user to "node"
USER node
# # Creating a new folder "tmp"
# RUN mkdir tmp
################## Second Stage - Installing dependencies ##########
# In this stage, we will start installing dependencies
FROM base AS dependencies
# We copy all package.* files to the working directory
COPY --chown=node:node ./package*.json ./
# We run NPM CI to install the exact versions of dependencies
RUN npm ci
# Lastly, we copy all the files with active user
COPY --chown=node:node . .
################## Third Stage - Building Stage #####################
# In this stage, we will start building dependencies
FROM dependencies AS build
# We run "node ace build" to build the app for production
RUN node ace build --production
################## Final Stage - Production #########################
# In this final stage, we will start running the application
FROM base AS production
# Here, we include all the required environment variables
# ENV NODE_ENV=production
# Copy package.* to the working directory with active user
COPY --chown=node:node ./package*.json ./
# We run NPM CI to install the exact versions of dependencies
RUN npm ci --omit=dev
# Copy files to the working directory from the build folder the user
COPY --chown=node:node --from=build /home/node/app/build .
# Expose port
# Run the command to start the server using "dumb-init"
CMD [ "dumb-init", "node", "server.js" ]

ace Normal file
View file

@ -0,0 +1,16 @@
| Ace Commands
| This file is the entry point for running ace commands.
require('source-map-support').install({ handleUncaughtExceptions: false })
const { Ignitor } = require('@adonisjs/core/build/standalone')
new Ignitor(__dirname)

ace-manifest.json Normal file
View file

@ -0,0 +1,579 @@
"commands": {
"validate:checksum": {
"settings": {
"loadApp": true,
"stayAlive": false
"commandPath": "./commands/ValidateChecksum",
"commandName": "validate:checksum",
"description": "",
"args": [],
"aliases": [],
"flags": []
"dump:rcfile": {
"settings": {},
"commandPath": "@adonisjs/core/build/commands/DumpRc",
"commandName": "dump:rcfile",
"description": "Dump contents of .adonisrc.json file along with defaults",
"args": [],
"aliases": [],
"flags": []
"list:routes": {
"settings": {
"loadApp": true,
"stayAlive": true
"commandPath": "@adonisjs/core/build/commands/ListRoutes/index",
"commandName": "list:routes",
"description": "List application routes",
"args": [],
"aliases": [],
"flags": [
"name": "verbose",
"propertyName": "verbose",
"type": "boolean",
"description": "Display more information"
"name": "reverse",
"propertyName": "reverse",
"type": "boolean",
"alias": "r",
"description": "Reverse routes display"
"name": "methods",
"propertyName": "methodsFilter",
"type": "array",
"alias": "m",
"description": "Filter routes by method"
"name": "patterns",
"propertyName": "patternsFilter",
"type": "array",
"alias": "p",
"description": "Filter routes by the route pattern"
"name": "names",
"propertyName": "namesFilter",
"type": "array",
"alias": "n",
"description": "Filter routes by route name"
"name": "json",
"propertyName": "json",
"type": "boolean",
"description": "Output as JSON"
"name": "table",
"propertyName": "table",
"type": "boolean",
"description": "Output as Table"
"name": "max-width",
"propertyName": "maxWidth",
"type": "number",
"description": "Specify maximum rendering width. Ignored for JSON Output"
"generate:key": {
"settings": {},
"commandPath": "@adonisjs/core/build/commands/GenerateKey",
"commandName": "generate:key",
"description": "Generate a new APP_KEY secret",
"args": [],
"aliases": [],
"flags": []
"repl": {
"settings": {
"loadApp": true,
"environment": "repl",
"stayAlive": true
"commandPath": "@adonisjs/repl/build/commands/AdonisRepl",
"commandName": "repl",
"description": "Start a new REPL session",
"args": [],
"aliases": [],
"flags": []
"ssr:build": {
"settings": {
"stayAlive": true
"commandPath": "@eidellev/inertia-adonisjs/build/commands/Build",
"commandName": "ssr:build",
"description": "Build and watch files for changes",
"args": [],
"aliases": [],
"flags": []
"ssr:watch": {
"settings": {
"stayAlive": true
"commandPath": "@eidellev/inertia-adonisjs/build/commands/Watch",
"commandName": "ssr:watch",
"description": "Build and watch files for changes",
"args": [],
"aliases": [],
"flags": []
"db:seed": {
"settings": {
"loadApp": true
"commandPath": "@adonisjs/lucid/build/commands/DbSeed",
"commandName": "db:seed",
"description": "Execute database seeders",
"args": [],
"aliases": [],
"flags": [
"name": "connection",
"propertyName": "connection",
"type": "string",
"description": "Define a custom database connection for the seeders",
"alias": "c"
"name": "interactive",
"propertyName": "interactive",
"type": "boolean",
"description": "Run seeders in interactive mode",
"alias": "i"
"name": "files",
"propertyName": "files",
"type": "array",
"description": "Define a custom set of seeders files names to run",
"alias": "f"
"name": "compact-output",
"propertyName": "compactOutput",
"type": "boolean",
"description": "A compact single-line output"
"db:wipe": {
"settings": {
"loadApp": true
"commandPath": "@adonisjs/lucid/build/commands/DbWipe",
"commandName": "db:wipe",
"description": "Drop all tables, views and types in database",
"args": [],
"aliases": [],
"flags": [
"name": "connection",
"propertyName": "connection",
"type": "string",
"description": "Define a custom database connection",
"alias": "c"
"name": "drop-views",
"propertyName": "dropViews",
"type": "boolean",
"description": "Drop all views"
"name": "drop-types",
"propertyName": "dropTypes",
"type": "boolean",
"description": "Drop all custom types (Postgres only)"
"name": "force",
"propertyName": "force",
"type": "boolean",
"description": "Explicitly force command to run in production"
"db:truncate": {
"settings": {
"loadApp": true
"commandPath": "@adonisjs/lucid/build/commands/DbTruncate",
"commandName": "db:truncate",
"description": "Truncate all tables in database",
"args": [],
"aliases": [],
"flags": [
"name": "connection",
"propertyName": "connection",
"type": "string",
"description": "Define a custom database connection",
"alias": "c"
"name": "force",
"propertyName": "force",
"type": "boolean",
"description": "Explicitly force command to run in production"
"make:model": {
"settings": {
"loadApp": true
"commandPath": "@adonisjs/lucid/build/commands/MakeModel",
"commandName": "make:model",
"description": "Make a new Lucid model",
"args": [
"type": "string",
"propertyName": "name",
"name": "name",
"required": true,
"description": "Name of the model class"
"aliases": [],
"flags": [
"name": "migration",
"propertyName": "migration",
"type": "boolean",
"alias": "m",
"description": "Generate the migration for the model"
"name": "controller",
"propertyName": "controller",
"type": "boolean",
"alias": "c",
"description": "Generate the controller for the model"
"name": "factory",
"propertyName": "factory",
"type": "boolean",
"alias": "f",
"description": "Generate a factory for the model"
"make:migration": {
"settings": {
"loadApp": true
"commandPath": "@adonisjs/lucid/build/commands/MakeMigration",
"commandName": "make:migration",
"description": "Make a new migration file",
"args": [
"type": "string",
"propertyName": "name",
"name": "name",
"required": true,
"description": "Name of the migration file"
"aliases": [],
"flags": [
"name": "connection",
"propertyName": "connection",
"type": "string",
"description": "The connection flag is used to lookup the directory for the migration file"
"name": "folder",
"propertyName": "folder",
"type": "string",
"description": "Pre-select a migration directory"
"name": "create",
"propertyName": "create",
"type": "string",
"description": "Define the table name for creating a new table"
"name": "table",
"propertyName": "table",
"type": "string",
"description": "Define the table name for altering an existing table"
"make:seeder": {
"settings": {},
"commandPath": "@adonisjs/lucid/build/commands/MakeSeeder",
"commandName": "make:seeder",
"description": "Make a new Seeder file",
"args": [
"type": "string",
"propertyName": "name",
"name": "name",
"required": true,
"description": "Name of the seeder class"
"aliases": [],
"flags": []
"make:factory": {
"settings": {},
"commandPath": "@adonisjs/lucid/build/commands/MakeFactory",
"commandName": "make:factory",
"description": "Make a new factory",
"args": [
"type": "string",
"propertyName": "model",
"name": "model",
"required": true,
"description": "The name of the model"
"aliases": [],
"flags": [
"name": "model-path",
"propertyName": "modelPath",
"type": "string",
"description": "The path to the model"
"name": "exact",
"propertyName": "exact",
"type": "boolean",
"description": "Create the factory with the exact name as provided",
"alias": "e"
"migration:run": {
"settings": {
"loadApp": true
"commandPath": "@adonisjs/lucid/build/commands/Migration/Run",
"commandName": "migration:run",
"description": "Migrate database by running pending migrations",
"args": [],
"aliases": [],
"flags": [
"name": "connection",
"propertyName": "connection",
"type": "string",
"description": "Define a custom database connection",
"alias": "c"
"name": "force",
"propertyName": "force",
"type": "boolean",
"description": "Explicitly force to run migrations in production"
"name": "dry-run",
"propertyName": "dryRun",
"type": "boolean",
"description": "Do not run actual queries. Instead view the SQL output"
"name": "compact-output",
"propertyName": "compactOutput",
"type": "boolean",
"description": "A compact single-line output"
"migration:rollback": {
"settings": {
"loadApp": true
"commandPath": "@adonisjs/lucid/build/commands/Migration/Rollback",
"commandName": "migration:rollback",
"description": "Rollback migrations to a specific batch number",
"args": [],
"aliases": [],
"flags": [
"name": "connection",
"propertyName": "connection",
"type": "string",
"description": "Define a custom database connection",
"alias": "c"
"name": "force",
"propertyName": "force",
"type": "boolean",
"description": "Explictly force to run migrations in production"
"name": "dry-run",
"propertyName": "dryRun",
"type": "boolean",
"description": "Do not run actual queries. Instead view the SQL output"
"name": "batch",
"propertyName": "batch",
"type": "number",
"description": "Define custom batch number for rollback. Use 0 to rollback to initial state"
"name": "compact-output",
"propertyName": "compactOutput",
"type": "boolean",
"description": "A compact single-line output"
"migration:status": {
"settings": {
"loadApp": true
"commandPath": "@adonisjs/lucid/build/commands/Migration/Status",
"commandName": "migration:status",
"description": "View migrations status",
"args": [],
"aliases": [],
"flags": [
"name": "connection",
"propertyName": "connection",
"type": "string",
"description": "Define a custom database connection",
"alias": "c"
"migration:reset": {
"settings": {
"loadApp": true
"commandPath": "@adonisjs/lucid/build/commands/Migration/Reset",
"commandName": "migration:reset",
"description": "Rollback all migrations",
"args": [],
"aliases": [],
"flags": [
"name": "connection",
"propertyName": "connection",
"type": "string",
"description": "Define a custom database connection",
"alias": "c"
"name": "force",
"propertyName": "force",
"type": "boolean",
"description": "Explicitly force command to run in production"
"name": "dry-run",
"propertyName": "dryRun",
"type": "boolean",
"description": "Do not run actual queries. Instead view the SQL output"
"migration:refresh": {
"settings": {
"loadApp": true
"commandPath": "@adonisjs/lucid/build/commands/Migration/Refresh",
"commandName": "migration:refresh",
"description": "Rollback and migrate database",
"args": [],
"aliases": [],
"flags": [
"name": "connection",
"propertyName": "connection",
"type": "string",
"description": "Define a custom database connection",
"alias": "c"
"name": "force",
"propertyName": "force",
"type": "boolean",
"description": "Explicitly force command to run in production"
"name": "dry-run",
"propertyName": "dryRun",
"type": "boolean",
"description": "Do not run actual queries. Instead view the SQL output"
"name": "seed",
"propertyName": "seed",
"type": "boolean",
"description": "Run seeders"
"migration:fresh": {
"settings": {
"loadApp": true
"commandPath": "@adonisjs/lucid/build/commands/Migration/Fresh",
"commandName": "migration:fresh",
"description": "Drop all tables and re-migrate the database",
"args": [],
"aliases": [],
"flags": [
"name": "connection",
"propertyName": "connection",
"type": "string",
"description": "Define a custom database connection",
"alias": "c"
"name": "force",
"propertyName": "force",
"type": "boolean",
"description": "Explicitly force command to run in production"
"name": "seed",
"propertyName": "seed",
"type": "boolean",
"description": "Run seeders"
"name": "drop-views",
"propertyName": "dropViews",
"type": "boolean",
"description": "Drop all views"
"name": "drop-types",
"propertyName": "dropTypes",
"type": "boolean",
"description": "Drop all custom types (Postgres only)"
"aliases": {}

View file

@ -0,0 +1,10 @@
// import type { HttpContextContract } from '@ioc:Adonis/Core/HttpContext';
// import File from 'App/Models/File';
// import type { ModelQueryBuilderContract } from '@ioc:Adonis/Lucid/Orm';
// export default class HomeController {
// public async index({ auth, request, inertia }: HttpContextContract) {
// let files: ModelQueryBuilderContract<typeof File, File> = File.query();
// }
// }

View file

@ -0,0 +1,17 @@
import type { HttpContextContract } from '@ioc:Adonis/Core/HttpContext'
export default class HomeController {
public async index({}: HttpContextContract) {}
public async create({}: HttpContextContract) {}
public async store({}: HttpContextContract) {}
public async show({}: HttpContextContract) {}
public async edit({}: HttpContextContract) {}
public async update({}: HttpContextContract) {}
public async destroy({}: HttpContextContract) {}

View file

@ -0,0 +1,143 @@
import type { HttpContextContract } from '@ioc:Adonis/Core/HttpContext';
import Role from 'App/Models/Role';
import Permission from 'App/Models/Permission';
import type { ModelQueryBuilderContract } from '@ioc:Adonis/Lucid/Orm';
import CreateRoleValidator from 'App/Validators/CreateRoleValidator';
import UpdateRoleValidator from 'App/Validators/UpdateRoleValidator';
import { RenderResponse } from '@ioc:EidelLev/Inertia';
// import { schema, rules } from '@ioc:Adonis/Core/Validator';
export default class RoleController {
public async index({ auth, request, inertia }: HttpContextContract) {
let roles: ModelQueryBuilderContract<typeof Role, Role> = Role.query();
if (request.input('search')) {
// users = users.whereRaw('name like %?%', [request.input('search')])
const searchTerm = request.input('search');
roles.where('name', 'ilike', `%${searchTerm}%`);
if (request.input('sort')) {
type SortOrder = 'asc' | 'desc' | undefined;
let attribute = request.input('sort');
let sort_order: SortOrder = 'asc';
if (attribute.substr(0, 1) == '-') {
sort_order = 'desc';
// attribute = substr(attribute, 1);
attribute = attribute.substr(1);
roles.orderBy(attribute, sort_order);
} else {
// users.orderBy('created_at', 'desc');
roles.orderBy('id', 'asc');
// const users = await User.query().orderBy('login').paginate(page, limit);
let rolesResult = await roles;
return inertia.render('Admin/Role/Index', {
// testing: 'this is a test',
roles: rolesResult,
filters: request.all(),
can: {
create: await auth.user?.can(['user-create']),
edit: await auth.user?.can(['user-edit']),
delete: await auth.user?.can(['user-delete']),
public async create({ inertia }: HttpContextContract) {
const permissions = await Permission.query().select('id', 'name').pluck('name', 'id');
return inertia.render('Admin/Role/Create', {
permissions: permissions,
public async store({ request, response, session }: HttpContextContract) {
// node ace make:validator CreateUser
try {
// Step 2 - Validate request body against the schema
await request.validate(CreateRoleValidator);
// await request.validate({ schema: roleSchema });
// console.log({ payload });
} catch (error) {
// Step 3 - Handle errors
// return response.badRequest(error.messages);
throw error;
const input = request.only(['name', 'display_name', 'description']);
const role = await Role.create(input);
if (request.input('permissions')) {
const permissions: Array<number> = request.input('permissions');
await role.related('permissions').attach(permissions);
session.flash('message', `Role ${} has been created successfully`);
return response.redirect().toRoute('role.index');
public async show({ request, inertia }: HttpContextContract): RenderResponse {
const id = request.param('id');
const role = await Role.query().where('id', id).firstOrFail();
const permissions = await Permission.query().pluck('name', 'id');
// const userHasRoles = user.roles;
const rolePermsissions = await role.related('permissions').query().orderBy('name').pluck('id');
return inertia.render('Admin/Role/Show', {
permissions: permissions,
role: role,
roleHasPermissions: rolePermsissions,
public async edit({ request, inertia }: HttpContextContract) {
const id = request.param('id');
const role = await Role.query().where('id', id).firstOrFail();
const permissions = await Permission.query().pluck('name', 'id');
// const userHasRoles = user.roles;
const rolerHasPermissions = await role.related('permissions').query().orderBy('name').pluck('id');
return inertia.render('Admin/Role/Edit', {
permissions: permissions,
role: role,
roleHasPermissions: Object.keys(rolerHasPermissions).map((key) => rolerHasPermissions[key]), //convert object to array with role ids
public async update({ request, response, session }: HttpContextContract) {
// node ace make:validator UpdateUser
const id = request.param('id');
const role = await Role.query().where('id', id).firstOrFail();
// validate update form
await request.validate(UpdateRoleValidator);
// password is optional
const input = request.only(['name', 'description']);
await role.merge(input).save();
// await;
if (request.input('permissions')) {
const permissions: Array<number> = request.input('permissions');
await role.related('permissions').sync(permissions);
session.flash('message', 'Role has been updated successfully');
return response.redirect().toRoute('role.index');
public async destroy({ request, response, session }: HttpContextContract) {
const id = request.param('id');
const role = await Role.findOrFail(id);
await role.delete();
session.flash('message', `Role ${} has been deleted.`);
return response.redirect().toRoute('role.index');

View file

@ -0,0 +1,204 @@
import type { HttpContextContract } from '@ioc:Adonis/Core/HttpContext';
import User from 'App/Models/User';
import Role from 'App/Models/Role';
import type { ModelQueryBuilderContract } from '@ioc:Adonis/Lucid/Orm';
import CreateUserValidator from 'App/Validators/CreateUserValidator';
import UpdateUserValidator from 'App/Validators/UpdateUserValidator';
import { RenderResponse } from '@ioc:EidelLev/Inertia';
// import { schema, rules } from '@ioc:Adonis/Core/Validator';
export default class UsersController {
public async index({ auth, request, inertia }: HttpContextContract) {
const page = request.input('page', 1);
// const limit = 10
let users: ModelQueryBuilderContract<typeof User, User> = User.query();
if (request.input('search')) {
// users = users.whereRaw('name like %?%', [request.input('search')])
const searchTerm = request.input('search');
users.where('login', 'ilike', `%${searchTerm}%`);
if (request.input('sort')) {
type SortOrder = 'asc' | 'desc' | undefined;
let attribute = request.input('sort');
let sort_order: SortOrder = 'asc';
// if (strncmp($attribute, '-', 1) === 0) {
if (attribute.substr(0, 1) == '-') {
sort_order = 'desc';
// attribute = substr(attribute, 1);
attribute = attribute.substr(1);
// $users->orderBy($attribute, $sort_order);
users.orderBy(attribute, sort_order);
} else {
// users.orderBy('created_at', 'desc');
users.orderBy('id', 'asc');
// const users = await User.query().orderBy('login').paginate(page, limit);
let usersResult = await users // User.query()
// .orderBy('login')
// .filter(qs)
// .preload('focusInterests')
// .preload('role')
.paginate(page, 5);
// var test = request.all();
return inertia.render('Admin/User/Index', {
// testing: 'this is a test',
users: usersResult.toJSON(),
filters: request.all(),
can: {
create: await auth.user?.can(['user-create']),
edit: await auth.user?.can(['user-edit']),
delete: await auth.user?.can(['user-delete']),
public async create({ inertia }: HttpContextContract) {
// let rolesPluck = {};
// (await Role.query().select('id', 'name')).forEach((user) => {
// rolesPluck[] =;
// });
const roles = await Role.query().select('id', 'name').pluck('name', 'id');
return inertia.render('Admin/User/Create', {
roles: roles,
public async store({ request, response, session }: HttpContextContract) {
// node ace make:validator CreateUser
try {
// Step 2 - Validate request body against the schema
await request.validate(CreateUserValidator);
// console.log({ payload });
} catch (error) {
// Step 3 - Handle errors
// return response.badRequest(error.messages);
throw error;
const input = request.only(['login', 'email', 'password']);
const user = await User.create(input);
if (request.input('roles')) {
const roles: Array<number> = request.input('roles');
await user.related('roles').attach(roles);
session.flash('message', 'User has been created successfully');
return response.redirect().toRoute('user.index');
public async show({ request, inertia }: HttpContextContract) {
const id = request.param('id');
const user = await User.query().where('id', id).firstOrFail();
const roles = await Role.query().pluck('name', 'id');
// const userHasRoles = user.roles;
const userRoles = await user.related('roles').query().orderBy('name').pluck('id');
return inertia.render('Admin/User/Show', {
roles: roles,
user: user,
userHasRoles: userRoles,
public async edit({ request, inertia }: HttpContextContract) {
const id = request.param('id');
const user = await User.query().where('id', id).firstOrFail();
const roles = await Role.query().pluck('name', 'id');
// const userHasRoles = user.roles;
const userHasRoles = await user.related('roles').query().orderBy('name').pluck('id');
return inertia.render('Admin/User/Edit', {
roles: roles,
user: user,
userHasRoles: Object.keys(userHasRoles).map((key) => userHasRoles[key]), //convert object to array with role ids
public async update({ request, response, session }: HttpContextContract) {
// node ace make:validator UpdateUser
const id = request.param('id');
const user = await User.query().where('id', id).firstOrFail();
// validate update form
await request.validate(UpdateUserValidator);
// password is optional
let input;
if (request.input('password')) {
input = request.only(['login', 'email', 'password']);
} else {
input = request.only(['login', 'email']);
await user.merge(input).save();
// await;
if (request.input('roles')) {
const roles: Array<number> = request.input('roles');
await user.related('roles').sync(roles);
session.flash('message', 'User has been updated successfully');
return response.redirect().toRoute('user.index');
public async destroy({ request, response, session }: HttpContextContract) {
const id = request.param('id');
const user = await User.findOrFail(id);
await user.delete();
session.flash('message', `User ${user.login} has been deleted.`);
return response.redirect().toRoute('user.index');
* Show the user a form to change their personal information & password.
* @return \Inertia\Response
public accountInfo({ inertia, auth }: HttpContextContract): RenderResponse {
const user = auth.user;
// const id = request.param('id');
// const user = await User.query().where('id', id).firstOrFail();
return inertia.render('Admin/User/AccountInfo', {
user: user,
* Save the modified personal information for a user.
* @param HttpContextContract ctx
* @return : RedirectContract
public async accountInfoStore({ request, response, auth, session }: HttpContextContract) {
// validate update form
await request.validate(UpdateUserValidator);
const payload = request.only(['login', 'email']);
const user = await auth.user?.save();
// $user = \Auth::user()->update($request->except(['_token']));
let message;
if (user) {
message = 'Account updated successfully.';
} else {
message = 'Error while saving. Please try again.';
return response.redirect().toRoute('');
//->with('message', __($message));

View file

@ -0,0 +1,23 @@
import type { HttpContextContract } from '@ioc:Adonis/Core/HttpContext';
import Person from 'App/Models/Person';
// import Dataset from 'App/Models/Dataset';
// node ace make:controller Author
export default class AuthorsController {
public async index({}: HttpContextContract) {
// select * from gba.persons
// where exists (select * from gba.documents inner join gba.link_documents_persons on "documents"."id" = "link_documents_persons"."document_id"
// where ("link_documents_persons"."role" = 'author') and ("persons"."id" = "link_documents_persons"."person_id"));
const authors = await Person.query()
.whereHas('datasets', (dQuery) => {
dQuery.wherePivot('role', 'author')
.withCount('datasets', (query) => {'datasets_count')
return authors;

View file

@ -0,0 +1,23 @@
import type { HttpContextContract } from '@ioc:Adonis/Core/HttpContext';
// import Person from 'App/Models/Person';
import Dataset from 'App/Models/Dataset';
// node ace make:controller Author
export default class DatasetController {
public async index({}: HttpContextContract) {
// select * from gba.persons
// where exists (select * from gba.documents inner join gba.link_documents_persons on "documents"."id" = "link_documents_persons"."document_id"
// where ("link_documents_persons"."role" = 'author') and ("persons"."id" = "link_documents_persons"."person_id"));
const datasets = await Dataset
.where('server_state', 'published')
.orWhere('server_state', 'deleted');
return datasets;

View file

@ -0,0 +1,42 @@
import type { HttpContextContract } from '@ioc:Adonis/Core/HttpContext';
// import User from 'App/Models/User';
// import Hash from '@ioc:Adonis/Core/Hash';
// import InvalidCredentialException from 'App/Exceptions/InvalidCredentialException';
import AuthValidator from 'App/Validators/AuthValidator';
export default class AuthController {
// login function
public async login({ request, response, auth, session }: HttpContextContract) {
// console.log({
// registerBody: request.body(),
// });
await request.validate(AuthValidator);
const plainPassword = await request.input('password');
const email = await request.input('email');
// grab uid and password values off request body
// const { email, password } = request.only(['email', 'password'])
try {
// attempt to login
await auth.use("web").attempt(email, plainPassword);
} catch (error) {
// if login fails, return vague form message and redirect back
session.flash('message', 'Your username, email, or password is incorrect')
return response.redirect().back()
// otherwise, redirect todashboard
// logout function
public async logout({ auth, response }: HttpContextContract) {
// await auth.logout();
await auth.use('web').logout();
// return response.status(200);

app/Exceptions/Handler.ts Normal file
View file

@ -0,0 +1,61 @@
| Http Exception Handler
| AdonisJs will forward all exceptions occurred during an HTTP request to
| the following class. You can learn more about exception handling by
| reading docs.
| The exception handler extends a base `HttpExceptionHandler` which is not
| mandatory, however it can do lot of heavy lifting to handle the errors
| properly.
import { HttpContextContract } from '@ioc:Adonis/Core/HttpContext';
import Logger from '@ioc:Adonis/Core/Logger';
import HttpExceptionHandler from '@ioc:Adonis/Core/HttpExceptionHandler';
export default class ExceptionHandler extends HttpExceptionHandler {
protected statusPages = {
'401,403': 'errors/unauthorized',
'404': 'errors/not-found',
'500..599': 'errors/server-error',
constructor() {
public async handle(error: any, ctx: HttpContextContract) {
const { response, request, inertia } = ctx;
* Handle failed authentication attempt
// if (['E_INVALID_AUTH_PASSWORD', 'E_INVALID_AUTH_UID'].includes(error.code)) {
// session.flash('errors', { login: error.message });
// return response.redirect('/login');
// }
// if ([401].includes(error.status)) {
// session.flash('errors', { login: error.message });
// return response.redirect('/dashboard');
// }
if (request.header('X-Inertia') && [500, 503, 404, 403, 401].includes(response.getStatus())) {
return inertia.render('Error', {
status: response.getStatus(),
message: error.message
// ->toResponse($request)
// ->setStatusCode($response->status());
* Forward rest of the exceptions to the parent class
return super.handle(error, ctx);

View file

@ -0,0 +1,68 @@
import { Exception } from "@adonisjs/core/build/standalone";
| Exception
| The Exception class imported from '@adonisjs/core' allows defining
| a status code and error code for every exception.
| @example
| new InvalidCredentialException('message', 403, 'E_RUNTIME_EXCEPTION')
export default class InvalidCredentialException extends Exception {
// constructor() {
// super(...arguments);
// // this.responseText = this.message;
// }
* Unable to find user
static invalidUid() {
const error = new this("User not found", 400, "E_INVALID_AUTH_UID");
return error;
* Invalid user password
static invalidPassword() {
const error = new this("Password mis-match", 400, "E_INVALID_AUTH_PASSWORD");
return error;
* Flash error message and redirect the user back
private respondWithRedirect(error, ctx) {
// if (!ctx.session) {
// return ctx.response.status(this.status).send(this.responseText);
// }
ctx.session.flash("auth", {
error: error,
* Will be removed in the future
errors: {
uid: this.code === "E_INVALID_AUTH_UID" ? ["Invalid login id"] : null,
password: this.code === "E_INVALID_AUTH_PASSWORD" ? ["Invalid password"] : null,
ctx.response.redirect("back", true);
* Handle this exception by itself
handle(error, ctx) {
// return response.status(403).view.render("errors/unauthorized", {
// error: error,
// });
this.respondWithRedirect(error, ctx);

app/Middleware/Auth.ts Normal file
View file

@ -0,0 +1,76 @@
import { AuthenticationException } from '@adonisjs/auth/build/standalone'
import type { GuardsList } from '@ioc:Adonis/Addons/Auth'
import type { HttpContextContract } from '@ioc:Adonis/Core/HttpContext'
* Auth middleware is meant to restrict un-authenticated access to a given route
* or a group of routes.
* You must register this middleware inside `start/kernel.ts` file under the list
* of named middleware.
export default class AuthMiddleware {
* The URL to redirect to when request is Unauthorized
protected redirectTo = '/app/login'
* Authenticates the current HTTP request against a custom set of defined
* guards.
* The authentication loop stops as soon as the user is authenticated using any
* of the mentioned guards and that guard will be used by the rest of the code
* during the current request.
protected async authenticate(auth: HttpContextContract['auth'], guards: (keyof GuardsList)[]) {
* Hold reference to the guard last attempted within the for loop. We pass
* the reference of the guard to the "AuthenticationException", so that
* it can decide the correct response behavior based upon the guard
* driver
let guardLastAttempted: string | undefined
for (let guard of guards) {
guardLastAttempted = guard
if (await auth.use(guard).check()) {
* Instruct auth to use the given guard as the default guard for
* the rest of the request, since the user authenticated
* succeeded here
auth.defaultGuard = guard
return true
* Unable to authenticate using any guard
throw new AuthenticationException(
'Unauthorized access',
* Handle request
public async handle (
{ auth }: HttpContextContract,
next: () => Promise<void>,
customGuards: (keyof GuardsList)[]
) {
* Uses the user defined guards or the default guard mentioned in
* the config file
const guards = customGuards.length ? customGuards : []
await this.authenticate(auth, guards)
await next()

app/Middleware/Can.ts Normal file
View file

@ -0,0 +1,85 @@
import { HttpContextContract } from '@ioc:Adonis/Core/HttpContext';
import Config from '@ioc:Adonis/Core/Config';
import Database from '@ioc:Adonis/Lucid/Database';
import User from 'App/Models/User';
import { Exception } from '@adonisjs/core/build/standalone';
const permissionTable = Config.get('rolePermission.permission_table', 'permissions');
const rolePermissionTable = Config.get('rolePermission.role_permission_table', 'role_has_permissions');
const roleTable = Config.get('rolePermission.role_table', 'roles');
const userRoleTable = Config.get('rolePermission.user_role_table', 'link_accounts_roles');
* Permission authentication to check if user has any of the specified permissions
* Should be called after auth middleware
export default class Can {
* Handle request
public async handle(
{ auth, response }: HttpContextContract,
next: () => Promise<void>,
permissionNames: string[]
) {
* Check if user is logged-in
let user = await auth.user;
if (!user) {
return response.unauthorized({ error: 'Must be logged in' });
let hasPermission = await this.checkHasPermissions(user, permissionNames);
if (!hasPermission) {
// return response.unauthorized({
// error: `Doesn't have required role(s): ${permissionNames.join(',')}`,
// });
throw new Exception(`Doesn't have required permission(s): ${permissionNames.join(',')}`, 401);
await next();
private async checkHasPermissions(user: User, permissionNames: Array<string>): Promise<boolean> {
let rolePlaceHolder = '(';
let placeholders = new Array(permissionNames.length).fill('?');
rolePlaceHolder += placeholders.join(',');
rolePlaceHolder += ')';
// let test = user
// .related('roles')
// .query()
// .count('')
// .innerJoin('gba.role_has_permissions', function () {
// this.on('gba.role_has_permissions.role_id', '');
// })
// .innerJoin('gba.permissions', function () {
// this.on('role_has_permissions.permission_id', '');
// })
// .andWhereIn('', permissionNames);
// select "permissions"."name"
// from "gba"."roles"
// inner join "gba"."link_accounts_roles" on "roles"."id" = "link_accounts_roles"."role_id"
// inner join "gba"."role_has_permissions" on "gba"."role_has_permissions"."role_id" = "roles"."id"
// inner join "gba"."permissions" on "role_has_permissions"."permission_id" = "permissions"."id"
// where ("permissions"."name" in ('dataset-list', 'dataset-publish'))
// and ("link_accounts_roles"."account_id" = 1)
let {
rows: {
0: { permissioncount },
} = await Database.rawQuery(
'SELECT count("p"."name") as permissionCount FROM ' + roleTable +
' r INNER JOIN ' + userRoleTable + ' ur ON AND "ur"."account_id"=? ' +
' INNER JOIN ' + rolePermissionTable + ' rp ON ' +
' INNER JOIN ' + permissionTable + ' p ON AND "p"."name" in ' +
rolePlaceHolder +
' LIMIT 1',
[, ...permissionNames]
return permissioncount > 0;

app/Middleware/Is.ts Normal file
View file

@ -0,0 +1,66 @@
import { HttpContextContract } from '@ioc:Adonis/Core/HttpContext'
import Config from '@ioc:Adonis/Core/Config'
import Database from '@ioc:Adonis/Lucid/Database'
import User from 'App/Models/User'
// import { Exception } from '@adonisjs/core/build/standalone'
const roleTable = Config.get('rolePermission.role_table', 'roles')
const userRoleTable = Config.get('rolePermission.user_role_table', 'user_roles')
* Role authentication to check if user has any of the specified roles
* Should be called after auth middleware
export default class Is {
* Handle request
public async handle(
{ auth, response }: HttpContextContract,
next: () => Promise<void>,
roleNames: string[]
) {
* Check if user is logged-in or not.
let user = await auth.user
if (!user) {
return response.unauthorized({ error: 'Must be logged in' })
let hasRole = await this.checkHasRoles(user, roleNames)
if (!hasRole) {
return response.unauthorized({
error: `Doesn't have required role(s): ${roleNames.join(',')}`,
// return new Exception(`Doesn't have required role(s): ${roleNames.join(',')}`,
// 401,
await next()
private async checkHasRoles(user: User, roleNames: Array<string>): Promise<boolean> {
let rolePlaceHolder = '('
let placeholders = new Array(roleNames.length).fill('?')
rolePlaceHolder += placeholders.join(',')
rolePlaceHolder += ')'
let {
0: {
0: { roleCount },
} = await Database.rawQuery(
'SELECT count(`ur`.`id`) as roleCount FROM ' +
userRoleTable +
' ur INNER JOIN ' +
roleTable +
' r ON WHERE `ur`.`user_id`=? AND `r`.`name` in ' +
rolePlaceHolder +
' LIMIT 1',
[, ...roleNames]
return roleCount > 0

app/Middleware/Role.ts Normal file
View file

@ -0,0 +1,83 @@
import type { HttpContextContract } from '@ioc:Adonis/Core/HttpContext';
import Database from '@ioc:Adonis/Lucid/Database';
import Config from '@ioc:Adonis/Core/Config';
import User from 'app/Models/User';
import { Exception } from '@adonisjs/core/build/standalone';
const roleTable = Config.get('rolePermission.role_table', 'roles');
const userRoleTable = Config.get('rolePermission.user_role_table', 'link_accounts_roles');
// node ace make:middleware role
export default class Role {
// .middleware(['auth', 'role:admin,moderator'])
public async handle(
{ auth, response }: HttpContextContract,
next: () => Promise<void>,
userRoles: string[]
) {
// Check if user is logged-in or not.
// let expression = "";
// if (Array.isArray(args)) {
// expression = args.join(" || ");
// }
let user = await auth.user;
if (!user) {
return response.unauthorized({ error: 'Must be logged in' });
let hasRole = await this.checkHasRoles(user, userRoles);
if (!hasRole) {
// return response.unauthorized({
// error: `Doesn't have required role(s): ${userRoles.join(',')}`,
// // error: `Doesn't have required role(s)`,
// });
throw new Exception(`Doesn't have required role(s): ${userRoles.join(',')}`, 401);
// code for middleware goes here. ABOVE THE NEXT CALL
await next();
private async checkHasRoles(user: User, userRoles: string[]): Promise<boolean> {
// await user.load("roles");
// const ok = =>;
// const roles = await user.getRoles();
let rolePlaceHolder = '(';
let placeholders = new Array(userRoles.length).fill('?');
rolePlaceHolder += placeholders.join(',');
rolePlaceHolder += ')';
// const roles = await user
// .related('roles')
// .query()
// .count('*') // .select('name')
// .whereIn('name', userRoles);
// // .groupBy('name');
// select count(*) as roleCount
// from gba.roles
// inner join gba.link_accounts_roles
// on "roles"."id" = "link_accounts_roles"."role_id"
// where ("name" in ('administrator', 'editor')) and ("link_accounts_roles"."account_id" = 1)
let {
rows: {
0: { rolecount },
} = await Database.rawQuery(
'SELECT count("r"."id") as roleCount FROM ' +
roleTable +
' r INNER JOIN ' +
userRoleTable +
' ur ON WHERE "ur"."account_id"=? AND "r"."name" in ' +
rolePlaceHolder +
' LIMIT 1',
[, ...userRoles]
return rolecount > 0;

View file

@ -0,0 +1,21 @@
import type { HttpContextContract } from '@ioc:Adonis/Core/HttpContext'
* Silent auth middleware can be used as a global middleware to silent check
* if the user is logged-in or not.
* The request continues as usual, even when the user is not logged-in.
export default class SilentAuthMiddleware {
* Handle request
public async handle({ auth }: HttpContextContract, next: () => Promise<void>) {
* Check if user is logged-in or not. If yes, then `ctx.auth.user` will be
* set to the instance of the currently logged in user.
await auth.check()
await next()

app/Models/Dataset.ts Normal file
View file

@ -0,0 +1,52 @@
import {
// computed,
} from '@ioc:Adonis/Lucid/Orm';
import { DateTime } from 'luxon';
import Person from './Person';
export default class Dataset extends BaseModel {
public static namingStrategy = new SnakeCaseNamingStrategy();
public static primaryKey = 'id';
public static table = 'documents';
public static selfAssignPrimaryKey = false;
@column({ isPrimary: true })
public id: number;
public server_state: boolean;
public publisherName: string;
@column.dateTime({ columnName: 'embargo_date' })
public EmbargoDate: DateTime;
public type: string;
@column.dateTime({ columnName: 'server_date_published' })
public ServerDatePublished: DateTime;
@column.dateTime({ autoCreate: true, columnName: 'created_at' })
public createdAt: DateTime;
@column.dateTime({ autoCreate: true, autoUpdate: true })
public updatedAt: DateTime;
@manyToMany(() => Person, {
pivotForeignKey: 'document_id',
pivotRelatedForeignKey: 'person_id',
pivotTable: 'link_documents_persons',
pivotColumns: ['role', 'sort_order', 'allow_email_contact']
public persons: ManyToMany<typeof Person>;

app/Models/File.ts Normal file
View file

@ -0,0 +1,62 @@
import { DateTime } from 'luxon';
import {
hasMany, HasMany,
// manyToMany,
// ManyToMany,
} from '@ioc:Adonis/Lucid/Orm';
import HashValue from './HashValue';
export default class File extends BaseModel {
public static namingStrategy = new SnakeCaseNamingStrategy();
public static primaryKey = 'id';
public static table = 'document_files';
public static selfAssignPrimaryKey = false;
isPrimary: true,
public id: number;
public pathName: string;
public label: string;
public comment: string;
public mimetype: string;
public language: string;
public fileSize: bigint;
public visibleInOai: boolean;
public sortOrder: number;
@column.dateTime({ autoCreate: true })
public createdAt: DateTime;
@column.dateTime({ autoCreate: true, autoUpdate: true })
public updatedAt: DateTime;
// public function hashvalues()
// {
// return $this->hasMany(HashValue::class, 'file_id', 'id');
// }
@hasMany(() => HashValue, {
foreignKey: 'file_id',
public hashvalues: HasMany<typeof HashValue>;

app/Models/HashValue.ts Normal file
View file

@ -0,0 +1,41 @@
import {
} from '@ioc:Adonis/Lucid/Orm';
import File from './File';
export default class HashValue extends BaseModel {
public static namingStrategy = new SnakeCaseNamingStrategy();
public static primaryKey = 'file_id, type';
public static table = 'file_hashvalues';
// static get primaryKey () {
// return 'type, value'
// }
static get incrementing () {
return false
// @column({
// isPrimary: true,
// })
// public id: number;
// Foreign key is still on the same model
public file_id: number;
public type: string;
public value: string;
@belongsTo(() => File)
public file: BelongsTo<typeof File>

app/Models/Permission.ts Normal file
View file

@ -0,0 +1,100 @@
import {
} from '@ioc:Adonis/Lucid/Orm';
import { DateTime } from 'luxon';
import dayjs from 'dayjs';
import Role from 'App/Models/Role';
export default class Permission extends BaseModel {
public static namingStrategy = new SnakeCaseNamingStrategy();
public static primaryKey = 'id';
public static table = 'permissions';
public static selfAssignPrimaryKey = false;
isPrimary: true,
public id: number;
public role_id: number;
public display_name: string;
public name: string;
public description: string;
serialize: (value: Date | null) => {
return value ? dayjs(value).format('MMMM D YYYY HH:mm a') : value;
autoCreate: true,
public created_at: DateTime;
serialize: (value: Date | null) => {
return value ? dayjs(value).format('MMMM D YYYY HH:mm a') : value;
autoCreate: true,
autoUpdate: true,
public updated_at: DateTime;
public static async resetDate(role) {
role.created_at = this.formatDateTime(role.created_at);
role.updated_at = this.formatDateTime(role.updated_at);
// public static boot() {
// super.boot()
// this.before('create', async (_modelInstance) => {
// _modelInstance.created_at = this.formatDateTime(_modelInstance.created_at)
// _modelInstance.updated_at = this.formatDateTime(_modelInstance.updated_at)
// })
// this.before('update', async (_modelInstance) => {
// _modelInstance.created_at = this.formatDateTime(_modelInstance.created_at)
// _modelInstance.updated_at = this.formatDateTime(_modelInstance.updated_at)
// })
// }
private static formatDateTime(datetime) {
let value = new Date(datetime);
return datetime
? value.getFullYear() +
'-' +
(value.getMonth() + 1) +
'-' +
value.getDate() +
' ' +
value.getHours() +
':' +
value.getMinutes() +
':' +
: datetime;
// @belongsTo(() => Role)
// public role: BelongsTo<typeof Role>;
@manyToMany(() => Role, {
pivotForeignKey: 'permission_id',
pivotRelatedForeignKey: 'role_id',
pivotTable: 'role_has_permissions',
public roles: ManyToMany<typeof Role>;

app/Models/Person.ts Normal file
View file

@ -0,0 +1,83 @@
import {
} from '@ioc:Adonis/Lucid/Orm';
import { DateTime } from 'luxon';
import dayjs from 'dayjs';
import Dataset from './Dataset';
export default class Person extends BaseModel {
public static namingStrategy = new SnakeCaseNamingStrategy();
public static primaryKey = 'id';
public static table = 'persons';
public static selfAssignPrimaryKey = false;
isPrimary: true,
public id: number;
public academicTitle: string;
public email: string;
public firstName: string;
public lastName: string;
public identifierOrcid: string;
public status: boolean;
public nameType: string;
serialize: (value: Date | null) => {
return value ? dayjs(value).format('MMMM D YYYY HH:mm a') : value;
autoCreate: true,
public registeredAt: DateTime;
serializeAs: 'name'
public get fullName() {
return this.firstName + ' ' + this.lastName;
public get progress(): number {
return 50;
public get created_at() {
return '2023-02-17 08:45:56';
public get datasetCount() {
const stock = this.$extras.datasets_count //my pivot column name was "stock"
return stock
@manyToMany(() => Dataset, {
pivotForeignKey: 'person_id',
pivotRelatedForeignKey: 'document_id',
pivotTable: 'link_documents_persons',
pivotColumns: ['role', 'sort_order', 'allow_email_contact']
public datasets: ManyToMany<typeof Dataset>;

app/Models/Role.ts Normal file
View file

@ -0,0 +1,105 @@
import {
} from '@ioc:Adonis/Lucid/Orm';
import { DateTime } from 'luxon';
// import moment from 'moment';
import dayjs from 'dayjs';
import User from './User';
import Permission from 'App/Models/Permission';
export default class Role extends BaseModel {
public static namingStrategy = new SnakeCaseNamingStrategy();
public static primaryKey = 'id';
public static table = 'roles';
public static selfAssignPrimaryKey = false;
isPrimary: true,
public id: number;
public display_name: string;
public name: string;
public description: string;
serialize: (value: Date | null) => {
// return value ? moment(value).format('MMMM Do YYYY, HH:mm:ss') : value;
return value ? dayjs(value).format('MMMM D YYYY HH:mm a') : value;
autoCreate: true,
public created_at: DateTime;
serialize: (value: Date | null) => {
return value ? dayjs(value).format('MMMM D YYYY HH:mm a') : value;
autoCreate: true,
autoUpdate: true
public updated_at: DateTime;
public static async resetDate(role) {
role.created_at = this.formatDateTime(role.created_at);
role.updated_at = this.formatDateTime(role.updated_at);
// public static boot() {
// super.boot();
// this.before('create', async (_modelInstance) => {
// _modelInstance.created_at = this.formatDateTime(_modelInstance.created_at);
// _modelInstance.updated_at = this.formatDateTime(_modelInstance.updated_at);
// });
// this.before('update', async (_modelInstance) => {
// _modelInstance.created_at = this.formatDateTime(_modelInstance.created_at);
// _modelInstance.updated_at = this.formatDateTime(_modelInstance.updated_at);
// });
// }
private static formatDateTime(datetime) {
let value = new Date(datetime);
return datetime
? value.getFullYear() +
'-' +
(value.getMonth() + 1) +
'-' +
value.getDate() +
' ' +
value.getHours() +
':' +
value.getMinutes() +
':' +
: datetime;
@manyToMany(() => User, {
pivotForeignKey: 'role_id',
pivotRelatedForeignKey: 'account_id',
pivotTable: 'link_accounts_roles',
public users: ManyToMany<typeof User>;
@manyToMany(() => Permission, {
pivotForeignKey: 'role_id',
pivotRelatedForeignKey: 'permission_id',
pivotTable: 'role_has_permissions',
public permissions: ManyToMany<typeof Permission>;

app/Models/User.ts Normal file
View file

@ -0,0 +1,103 @@
import { DateTime } from 'luxon';
import { BaseModel, column, beforeSave, manyToMany, ManyToMany } from '@ioc:Adonis/Lucid/Orm';
import Hash from '@ioc:Adonis/Core/Hash';
import Role from './Role';
import Database from '@ioc:Adonis/Lucid/Database';
import Config from '@ioc:Adonis/Core/Config';
// export default interface IUser {
// id: number;
// login: string;
// email: string;
// // password: string;
// // createdAt: DateTime;
// // updatedAt: DateTime;
// // async (user): Promise<void>;
// }
const permissionTable = Config.get('rolePermission.permission_table', 'permissions');
const rolePermissionTable = Config.get('rolePermission.role_permission_table', 'role_has_permissions');
const roleTable = Config.get('rolePermission.role_table', 'roles');
const userRoleTable = Config.get('rolePermission.user_role_table', 'link_accounts_roles');
export default class User extends BaseModel {
public static table = 'accounts';
@column({ isPrimary: true })
public id: number;
public login: string;
public email: string;
@column({ serializeAs: null })
public password: string;
@column.dateTime({ autoCreate: true })
public createdAt: DateTime;
@column.dateTime({ autoCreate: true, autoUpdate: true })
public updatedAt: DateTime;
public static async hashPassword(user) {
if (user.$dirty.password) {
user.password = await Hash.make(user.password);
@manyToMany(() => Role, {
pivotForeignKey: 'account_id',
pivotRelatedForeignKey: 'role_id',
pivotTable: 'link_accounts_roles',
public roles: ManyToMany<typeof Role>;
public async getRoles(this: User): Promise<string[]> {
const test = await this.related('roles').query();
return =>;
public async can(permissionNames: Array<string>): Promise<boolean> {
// const permissions = await this.getPermissions()
// return Acl.check(expression, operand => _.includes(permissions, operand))
const hasPermission = await this.checkHasPermissions(this, permissionNames);
return hasPermission;
private async checkHasPermissions(user: User, permissionNames: Array<string>): Promise<boolean> {
let permissionPlaceHolder = '(';
let placeholders = new Array(permissionNames.length).fill('?');
permissionPlaceHolder += placeholders.join(',');
permissionPlaceHolder += ')';
let {
rows: {
0: { permissioncount },
} = await Database.rawQuery(
'SELECT count("p"."name") as permissionCount FROM ' +
roleTable +
' r INNER JOIN ' +
userRoleTable +
' ur ON AND "ur"."account_id"=? ' +
rolePermissionTable +
' rp ON ' +
permissionTable +
' p ON AND "p"."name" in ' +
permissionPlaceHolder +
' LIMIT 1',
[, ...permissionNames]
return permissioncount > 0;
// export default User;

app/Models/UserRole.ts Normal file
View file

@ -0,0 +1,74 @@
import {column, BaseModel, belongsTo, BelongsTo, SnakeCaseNamingStrategy} from '@ioc:Adonis/Lucid/Orm'
import User from 'App/Models/User'
import Role from 'App/Models/Role'
import { DateTime } from 'luxon'
// import moment from 'moment'
export default class UserRole extends BaseModel {
public static namingStrategy = new SnakeCaseNamingStrategy()
public static primaryKey = 'id'
public static table = 'user_roles'
public static selfAssignPrimaryKey = false
isPrimary: true,
public id: number
public user_id: number
public role_id: number
// serialize: (value: DateTime | null) => {
// return value ? moment(value).format('lll') : value
// },
public created_at: DateTime
// serialize: (value: DateTime | null) => {
// return value ? moment(value).format('lll') : value
// },
public updated_at: DateTime
public static boot() {
this.before('create', async (_modelInstance) => {
_modelInstance.created_at = this.formatDateTime(_modelInstance.created_at)
_modelInstance.updated_at = this.formatDateTime(_modelInstance.updated_at)
this.before('update', async (_modelInstance) => {
_modelInstance.created_at = this.formatDateTime(_modelInstance.created_at)
_modelInstance.updated_at = this.formatDateTime(_modelInstance.updated_at)
private static formatDateTime(datetime) {
let value = new Date(datetime)
return datetime
? value.getFullYear() +
'-' +
(value.getMonth() + 1) +
'-' +
value.getDate() +
' ' +
value.getHours() +
':' +
value.getMinutes() +
':' +
: datetime
@belongsTo(() => User)
public user: BelongsTo<typeof User>
@belongsTo(() => Role)
public role: BelongsTo<typeof Role>

app/Models/utils.ts Normal file
View file

@ -0,0 +1,22 @@
import Database, {
// DatabaseQueryBuilderContract,
} from "@ioc:Adonis/Lucid/Database";
import Config from "@ioc:Adonis/Core/Config";
export function getUserRoles(
userId: number,
trx?: TransactionClientContract
): Promise<Array<string>> {
const { userRole } = Config.get("acl.joinTables");
return ((trx || Database) as QueryClientContract | TransactionClientContract)
.leftJoin(userRole, `${userRole}.role_id`, "")
.where(`${userRole}.user_id`, userId)
.then((res) => {
return => r.slug);

View file

@ -0,0 +1,46 @@
import { schema, CustomMessages, rules } from '@ioc:Adonis/Core/Validator';
import type { HttpContextContract } from '@ioc:Adonis/Core/HttpContext';
export default class AuthValidator {
constructor(protected ctx: HttpContextContract) {}
* Define schema to validate the "shape", "type", "formatting" and "integrity" of data.
* For example:
* 1. The username must be of data type string. But then also, it should
* not contain special characters or numbers.
* ```
* schema.string({}, [ rules.alpha() ])
* ```
* 2. The email must be of data type string, formatted as a valid
* email. But also, not used by any other user.
* ```
* schema.string({}, [
* rules.unique({ table: 'users', column: 'email' }),
* ])
* ```
public schema = schema.create({
email: schema.string({ trim: true }, [,
// rules.unique({ table: 'accounts', column: 'email' })
password: schema.string({}, [rules.minLength(6)]),
* Custom messages for validation failures. You can make use of dot notation `(.)`
* for targeting nested fields and array expressions `(*)` for targeting all
* children of an array. For example:
* {
* 'profile.username.required': 'Username is required',
* 'scores.*.number': 'Define scores as valid numbers'
* }
public messages: CustomMessages = {};

View file

@ -0,0 +1,69 @@
import { schema, CustomMessages, rules } from '@ioc:Adonis/Core/Validator';
import type { HttpContextContract } from '@ioc:Adonis/Core/HttpContext';
export default class CreateRoleValidator {
constructor(protected ctx: HttpContextContract) {}
* Define schema to validate the "shape", "type", "formatting" and "integrity" of data.
* For example:
* 1. The username must be of data type string. But then also, it should
* not contain special characters or numbers.
* ```
* schema.string({}, [ rules.alpha() ])
* ```
* 2. The email must be of data type string, formatted as a valid
* email. But also, not used by any other user.
* ```
* schema.string({}, [
* rules.unique({ table: 'users', column: 'email' }),
* ])
* ```
public schema = schema.create({
name: schema.string({ trim: true }, [
rules.unique({ table: 'roles', column: 'name' }),
rules.regex(/^[a-zA-Z0-9-_]+$/), //Must be alphanumeric with hyphens or underscores
display_name: schema.string.optional({ trim: true }, [
rules.unique({ table: 'roles', column: 'name' }),
rules.regex(/^[a-zA-Z0-9-_]+$/), //Must be alphanumeric with hyphens or underscores
description: schema.string.optional({}, [rules.minLength(3), rules.maxLength(255)]),
permissions: schema.array([rules.minLength(1)]).members(schema.number()), // define at least one role for the new role
// emails: schema
// .array([rules.minLength(1)])
// .members(
// schema.object().members({ email: schema.string({}, []) })
// ),
* Custom messages for validation failures. You can make use of dot notation `(.)`
* for targeting nested fields and array expressions `(*)` for targeting all
* children of an array. For example:
* {
* 'profile.username.required': 'Username is required',
* 'scores.*.number': 'Define scores as valid numbers'
* }
public messages: CustomMessages = {
'minLength': '{{ field }} must be at least {{ options.minLength }} characters long',
'maxLength': '{{ field }} must be less then {{ options.maxLength }} characters long',
'required': '{{ field }} is required',
'unique': '{{ field }} must be unique, and this value is already taken',
'confirmed': '{{ field }} is not correct',
'permissions.minLength': 'at least {{ options.minLength }} permission must be defined',
'permissions.*.number': 'Define roles as valid numbers',

View file

@ -0,0 +1,64 @@
import { schema, CustomMessages, rules } from '@ioc:Adonis/Core/Validator';
import type { HttpContextContract } from '@ioc:Adonis/Core/HttpContext';
export default class CreateUserValidator {
constructor(protected ctx: HttpContextContract) {}
* Define schema to validate the "shape", "type", "formatting" and "integrity" of data.
* For example:
* 1. The username must be of data type string. But then also, it should
* not contain special characters or numbers.
* ```
* schema.string({}, [ rules.alpha() ])
* ```
* 2. The email must be of data type string, formatted as a valid
* email. But also, not used by any other user.
* ```
* schema.string({}, [
* rules.unique({ table: 'users', column: 'email' }),
* ])
* ```
public schema = schema.create({
login: schema.string({ trim: true }, [
rules.unique({ table: 'accounts', column: 'login' }),
rules.regex(/^[a-zA-Z0-9-_]+$/), //Must be alphanumeric with hyphens or underscores
email: schema.string({}, [, rules.unique({ table: 'accounts', column: 'email' })]),
password: schema.string([rules.confirmed(), rules.minLength(6)]),
roles: schema.array([rules.minLength(1)]).members(schema.number()), // define at least one role for the new user
// emails: schema
// .array([rules.minLength(1)])
// .members(
// schema.object().members({ email: schema.string({}, []) })
// ),
* Custom messages for validation failures. You can make use of dot notation `(.)`
* for targeting nested fields and array expressions `(*)` for targeting all
* children of an array. For example:
* {
* 'profile.username.required': 'Username is required',
* 'scores.*.number': 'Define scores as valid numbers'
* }
public messages: CustomMessages = {
'minLength': '{{ field }} must be at least {{ options.minLength }} characters long',
'maxLength': '{{ field }} must be less then {{ options.maxLength }} characters long',
'required': '{{ field }} is required',
'unique': '{{ field }} must be unique, and this value is already taken',
'confirmed': '{{ field }} is not correct',
'roles.minLength': 'at least {{ options.minLength }} role must be defined',
'roles.*.number': 'Define roles as valid numbers'

View file

@ -0,0 +1,97 @@
import { schema, CustomMessages, rules } from '@ioc:Adonis/Core/Validator';
import type { HttpContextContract } from '@ioc:Adonis/Core/HttpContext';
// import { Request } from '@adonisjs/core/build/standalone';
export default class UpdateRoleValidator {
protected ctx: HttpContextContract;
public schema;
constructor(ctx: HttpContextContract) {
this.ctx = ctx;
this.schema = this.createSchema();
// public get schema() {
// return this._schema;
// }
private createSchema() {
return schema.create({
name: schema.string({ trim: true }, [
table: 'roles',
column: 'name',
whereNot: { id: this.ctx? },
//Must be alphanumeric with hyphens or underscores
description: schema.string.optional({}, [rules.minLength(3), rules.maxLength(255)]),
permissions: schema.array([rules.minLength(1)]).members(schema.number()), // define at least one permission for the new role
* Define schema to validate the "shape", "type", "formatting" and "integrity" of data.
* For example:
* 1. The username must be of data type string. But then also, it should
* not contain special characters or numbers.
* ```
* schema.string({}, [ rules.alpha() ])
* ```
* 2. The email must be of data type string, formatted as a valid
* email. But also, not used by any other user.
* ```
* schema.string({}, [
* rules.unique({ table: 'users', column: 'email' }),
* ])
* ```
// public refs = schema.refs({
// id:
// })
// public schema = schema.create({
// login: schema.string({ trim: true }, [
// rules.minLength(3),
// rules.maxLength(50),
// rules.unique({
// table: 'accounts',
// column: 'login',
// // whereNot: { id: }
// whereNot: { id: this.ctx? },
// }),
// // rules.regex(/^[a-zA-Z0-9-_]+$/),
// //Must be alphanumeric with hyphens or underscores
// ]),
// email: schema.string({}, [, rules.unique({ table: 'accounts', column: 'email' })]),
// password: schema.string.optional([rules.confirmed(), rules.minLength(6)]),
// roles: schema.array([rules.minLength(1)]).members(schema.number()), // define at least one role for the new user
// });
* Custom messages for validation failures. You can make use of dot notation `(.)`
* for targeting nested fields and array expressions `(*)` for targeting all
* children of an array. For example:
* {
* 'profile.username.required': 'Username is required',
* 'scores.*.number': 'Define scores as valid numbers'
* }
public messages: CustomMessages = {
'minLength': '{{ field }} must be at least {{ options.minLength }} characters long',
'maxLength': '{{ field }} must be less then {{ options.maxLength }} characters long',
'required': '{{ field }} is required',
'unique': '{{ field }} must be unique, and this value is already taken',
'permissions.minLength': 'at least {{ options.minLength }} permission must be defined',
'permissions.*.number': 'Define permissions as valid numbers',

View file

@ -0,0 +1,103 @@
import { schema, CustomMessages, rules } from '@ioc:Adonis/Core/Validator';
import type { HttpContextContract } from '@ioc:Adonis/Core/HttpContext';
// import { Request } from '@adonisjs/core/build/standalone';
export default class UpdateUserValidator {
protected ctx: HttpContextContract;
public schema;
constructor(ctx: HttpContextContract) {
this.ctx = ctx;
this.schema = this.createSchema();
// public get schema() {
// return this._schema;
// }
private createSchema() {
return schema.create({
login: schema.string({ trim: true }, [
table: 'accounts',
column: 'login',
// whereNot: { id: }
whereNot: { id: this.ctx? },
// rules.regex(/^[a-zA-Z0-9-_]+$/),
//Must be alphanumeric with hyphens or underscores
email: schema.string({}, [,
rules.unique({ table: 'accounts', column: 'email', whereNot: { id: this.ctx? } }),
password: schema.string.optional([rules.confirmed(), rules.minLength(6)]),
roles: schema.array.optional([rules.minLength(1)]).members(schema.number()), // define at least one role for the new user
* Define schema to validate the "shape", "type", "formatting" and "integrity" of data.
* For example:
* 1. The username must be of data type string. But then also, it should
* not contain special characters or numbers.
* ```
* schema.string({}, [ rules.alpha() ])
* ```
* 2. The email must be of data type string, formatted as a valid
* email. But also, not used by any other user.
* ```
* schema.string({}, [
* rules.unique({ table: 'users', column: 'email' }),
* ])
* ```
// public refs = schema.refs({
// id:
// })
// public schema = schema.create({
// login: schema.string({ trim: true }, [
// rules.minLength(3),
// rules.maxLength(50),
// rules.unique({
// table: 'accounts',
// column: 'login',
// // whereNot: { id: }
// whereNot: { id: this.ctx? },
// }),
// // rules.regex(/^[a-zA-Z0-9-_]+$/),
// //Must be alphanumeric with hyphens or underscores
// ]),
// email: schema.string({}, [, rules.unique({ table: 'accounts', column: 'email' })]),
// password: schema.string.optional([rules.confirmed(), rules.minLength(6)]),
// roles: schema.array([rules.minLength(1)]).members(schema.number()), // define at least one role for the new user
// });
* Custom messages for validation failures. You can make use of dot notation `(.)`
* for targeting nested fields and array expressions `(*)` for targeting all
* children of an array. For example:
* {
* 'profile.username.required': 'Username is required',
* 'scores.*.number': 'Define scores as valid numbers'
* }
public messages: CustomMessages = {
'minLength': '{{ field }} must be at least {{ options.minLength }} characters long',
'maxLength': '{{ field }} must be less then {{ options.maxLength }} characters long',
'required': '{{ field }} is required',
'unique': '{{ field }} must be unique, and this value is already taken',
'confirmed': '{{ field }} is not correct',
'roles.minLength': 'at least {{ options.minLength }} role must be defined',
'roles.*.number': 'Define roles as valid numbers',

View file

@ -0,0 +1,73 @@
import { BaseCommand } from '@adonisjs/core/build/standalone';
import crypto from 'crypto';
import fs from 'fs';
export default class ValidateChecksum extends BaseCommand {
* Command name is used to run the command
public static commandName = 'validate:checksum';
* Command description is displayed in the "help" output
public static description = '';
public static settings = {
* Set the following value to true, if you want to load the application
* before running the command. Don't forget to call `node ace generate:manifest`
* afterwards.
loadApp: true,
* Set the following value to true, if you want this command to keep running until
* you manually decide to exit the process. Don't forget to call
* `node ace generate:manifest` afterwards.
stayAlive: false,
public async run() {
//'Hello world!')
const { default: File } = await import('App/Models/File');
// const { default: HashValue } = await (await (import ('App/Models/HashValue')));
// query all files from database:
const files = await File.query().preload('hashvalues');
for (var file of files) {
let hashValue = await file.related('hashvalues').query().pluck('value', 'type');
const filePath = '/storage/app/public/' + file.pathName;
let calculatedMd5FileHash;
try {
calculatedMd5FileHash = await this.checksumFile(filePath, 'md5');
} catch (exception) {
if (hashValue['md5'] == calculatedMd5FileHash) {
`File id ${}: stored md5 checksum: ${calculatedMd5FileHash}, control md5 checksum: ${hashValue['md5']}`,
} else {
`File id ${}: stored md5 checksum: ${calculatedMd5FileHash}, control md5 checksum: ${hashValue['md5']}`,
private async checksumFile(path, hashName = 'md5'): Promise<string> {
return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
const hash = crypto.createHash(hashName);
const stream = fs.createReadStream(path);
stream.on('error', (err) => reject(err));
stream.on('data', (chunk) => hash.update(chunk));
stream.on('end', () => resolve(hash.digest('hex')));

commands/index.ts Normal file
View file

@ -0,0 +1,19 @@
import { listDirectoryFiles } from '@adonisjs/core/build/standalone';
import Application from '@ioc:Adonis/Core/Application';
| Exporting an array of commands
| Instead of manually exporting each file from this directory, we use the
| helper `listDirectoryFiles` to recursively collect and export an array
| of filenames.
| Couple of things to note:
| 1. The file path must be relative from the project root and not this directory.
| 2. We must ignore this file to avoid getting into an infinite loop
export default listDirectoryFiles(__dirname, Application.appRoot, ['./commands/index']);

components.d.ts vendored Normal file
View file

@ -0,0 +1,13 @@
// generated by unplugin-vue-components
// We suggest you to commit this file into source control
// Read more:
import '@vue/runtime-core';
export {};
declare module '@vue/runtime-core' {
export interface GlobalComponents {
NButton: typeof import('naive-ui')['NButton'];
NInput: typeof import('naive-ui')['NInput'];

config/app.ts Normal file
View file

@ -0,0 +1,276 @@
* Config source:
* Feel free to let us know via PR, if you find something broken in this config
* file.
import proxyAddr from 'proxy-addr';
import Env from '@ioc:Adonis/Core/Env';
import Application from '@ioc:Adonis/Core/Application';
import type { ServerConfig } from '@ioc:Adonis/Core/Server';
import type { LoggerConfig } from '@ioc:Adonis/Core/Logger';
import type { ProfilerConfig } from '@ioc:Adonis/Core/Profiler';
import type { ValidatorConfig } from '@ioc:Adonis/Core/Validator';
import type { AssetsManagerConfig } from '@ioc:Adonis/Core/AssetsManager';
| Application secret key
| The secret to encrypt and sign different values in your application.
| Make sure to keep the `APP_KEY` as an environment variable and secure.
| Note: Changing the application key for an existing app will make all
| the cookies invalid and also the existing encrypted data will not
| be decrypted.
export const appKey: string = Env.get('APP_KEY');
| Http server configuration
| The configuration for the HTTP(s) server. Make sure to go through all
| the config properties to make keep server secure.
export const http: ServerConfig = {
| Allow method spoofing
| Method spoofing enables defining custom HTTP methods using a query string
| `_method`. This is usually required when you are making traditional
| form requests and wants to use HTTP verbs like `PUT`, `DELETE` and
| so on.
allowMethodSpoofing: false,
| Subdomain offset
subdomainOffset: 2,
| Request Ids
| Setting this value to `true` will generate a unique request id for each
| HTTP request and set it as `x-request-id` header.
generateRequestId: false,
| Trusting proxy servers
| Define the proxy servers that AdonisJs must trust for reading `X-Forwarded`
| headers.
trustProxy: proxyAddr.compile('loopback'),
| Generating Etag
| Whether or not to generate an etag for every response.
etag: false,
| JSONP Callback
jsonpCallbackName: 'callback',
| Cookie settings
cookie: {
domain: '',
path: '/',
maxAge: '2h',
httpOnly: true,
secure: false,
sameSite: false,
| Logger
export const logger: LoggerConfig = {
| Application name
| The name of the application you want to add to the log. It is recommended
| to always have app name in every log line.
| The `APP_NAME` environment variable is automatically set by AdonisJS by
| reading the `name` property from the `package.json` file.
name: Env.get('APP_NAME'),
| Toggle logger
| Enable or disable logger application wide
enabled: true,
| Logging level
| The level from which you want the logger to flush logs. It is recommended
| to make use of the environment variable, so that you can define log levels
| at deployment level and not code level.
level: Env.get('LOG_LEVEL', 'info'),
| Pretty print
| It is highly advised NOT to use `prettyPrint` in production, since it
| can have huge impact on performance.
prettyPrint: Env.get('NODE_ENV') === 'development',
| Profiler
export const profiler: ProfilerConfig = {
| Toggle profiler
| Enable or disable profiler
enabled: true,
| Blacklist actions/row labels
| Define an array of actions or row labels that you want to disable from
| getting profiled.
blacklist: [],
| Whitelist actions/row labels
| Define an array of actions or row labels that you want to whitelist for
| the profiler. When whitelist is defined, then `blacklist` is ignored.
whitelist: [],
| Validator
| Configure the global configuration for the validator. Here's the reference
| to the default config
export const validator: ValidatorConfig = {};
| Assets
| Configure the asset manager you are using to compile the frontend assets
export const assets: AssetsManagerConfig = {
| Driver
| Currently we only support webpack encore and may introduce more drivers
| in the future
driver: Env.get('ASSETS_DRIVER'),
| Public path
| Directory to search for the "manifest.json" and the "entrypoints.json"
| files
publicPath: Application.publicPath('assets'),
| Script tag
| Define attributes for the entryPointScripts tags
script: {
attributes: {
defer: true,
| Style tag
| Define attributes for the entryPointStyles tags
style: {
attributes: {},

config/auth.ts Normal file
View file

@ -0,0 +1,86 @@
* Config source:
* Feel free to let us know via PR, if you find something broken in this config
* file.
import type { AuthConfig } from '@ioc:Adonis/Addons/Auth';
| Authentication Mapping
| List of available authentication mapping. You must first define them
| inside the `contracts/auth.ts` file before mentioning them here.
const authConfig: AuthConfig = {
guard: 'web',
guards: {
| Web Guard
| Web guard uses classic old school sessions for authenticating users.
| If you are building a standard web application, it is recommended to
| use web guard with session driver
web: {
driver: 'session',
provider: {
| Driver
| Name of the driver
driver: 'lucid',
| Identifier key
| The identifier key is the unique key on the model. In most cases specifying
| the primary key is the right choice.
identifierKey: 'id',
| Uids
| Uids are used to search a user against one of the mentioned columns. During
| login, the auth module will search the user mentioned value against one
| of the mentioned columns to find their user record.
uids: ['email'],
| Model
| The model to use for fetching or finding users. The model is imported
| lazily since the config files are read way earlier in the lifecycle
| of booting the app and the models may not be in a usable state at
| that time.
model: () => import('App/Models/User'),
export default authConfig;

config/bodyparser.ts Normal file
View file

@ -0,0 +1,205 @@
* Config source:
* Feel free to let us know via PR, if you find something broken in this config
* file.
import type { BodyParserConfig } from '@ioc:Adonis/Core/BodyParser';
const bodyParserConfig: BodyParserConfig = {
| White listed methods
| HTTP methods for which body parsing must be performed. It is a good practice
| to avoid body parsing for `GET` requests.
whitelistedMethods: ['POST', 'PUT', 'PATCH', 'DELETE'],
| JSON parser settings
| The settings for the JSON parser. The types defines the request content
| types which gets processed by the JSON parser.
json: {
encoding: 'utf-8',
limit: '1mb',
strict: true,
types: [
| Form parser settings
| The settings for the `application/x-www-form-urlencoded` parser. The types
| defines the request content types which gets processed by the form parser.
form: {
encoding: 'utf-8',
limit: '1mb',
queryString: {},
| Convert empty strings to null
| Convert empty form fields to null. HTML forms results in field string
| value when the field is left blank. This option normalizes all the blank
| field values to "null"
convertEmptyStringsToNull: true,
types: ['application/x-www-form-urlencoded'],
| Raw body parser settings
| Raw body just reads the request body stream as a plain text, which you
| can process by hand. This must be used when request body type is not
| supported by the body parser.
raw: {
encoding: 'utf-8',
limit: '1mb',
queryString: {},
types: ['text/*'],
| Multipart parser settings
| The settings for the `multipart/form-data` parser. The types defines the
| request content types which gets processed by the form parser.
multipart: {
| Auto process
| The auto process option will process uploaded files and writes them to
| the `tmp` folder. You can turn it off and then manually use the stream
| to pipe stream to a different destination.
| It is recommended to keep `autoProcess=true`. Unless you are processing bigger
| file sizes.
autoProcess: true,
| Files to be processed manually
| You can turn off `autoProcess` for certain routes by defining
| routes inside the following array.
| NOTE: Make sure the route pattern starts with a leading slash.
| Correct
| ```js
| /projects/:id/file
| ```
| Incorrect
| ```js
| projects/:id/file
| ```
processManually: [],
| Temporary file name
| When auto processing is on. We will use this method to compute the temporary
| file name. AdonisJs will compute a unique `tmpPath` for you automatically,
| However, you can also define your own custom method.
// tmpFileName () {
// },
| Encoding
| Request body encoding
encoding: 'utf-8',
| Convert empty strings to null
| Convert empty form fields to null. HTML forms results in field string
| value when the field is left blank. This option normalizes all the blank
| field values to "null"
convertEmptyStringsToNull: true,
| Max Fields
| The maximum number of fields allowed in the request body. The field includes
| text inputs and files both.
maxFields: 1000,
| Request body limit
| The total limit to the multipart body. This includes all request files
| and fields data.
limit: '20mb',
| Types
| The types that will be considered and parsed as multipart body.
types: ['multipart/form-data'],
export default bodyParserConfig;

config/cors.ts Normal file
View file

@ -0,0 +1,127 @@
* Config source:
* Feel free to let us know via PR, if you find something broken in this config
* file.
import type { CorsConfig } from '@ioc:Adonis/Core/Cors';
const corsConfig: CorsConfig = {
| Enabled
| A boolean to enable or disable CORS integration from your AdonisJs
| application.
| Setting the value to `true` will enable the CORS for all HTTP request. However,
| you can define a function to enable/disable it on per request basis as well.
enabled: false,
// You can also use a function that return true or false.
// enabled: (request) => request.url().startsWith('/api')
| Origin
| Set a list of origins to be allowed for `Access-Control-Allow-Origin`.
| The value can be one of the following:
| Boolean (true) - Allow current request origin.
| Boolean (false) - Disallow all.
| String - Comma separated list of allowed origins.
| Array - An array of allowed origins.
| String (*) - A wildcard (*) to allow all request origins.
| Function - Receives the current origin string and should return
| one of the above values.
origin: true,
| Methods
| An array of allowed HTTP methods for CORS. The `Access-Control-Request-Method`
| is checked against the following list.
| Following is the list of default methods. Feel free to add more.
methods: ['GET', 'HEAD', 'POST', 'PUT', 'DELETE'],
| Headers
| List of headers to be allowed for `Access-Control-Allow-Headers` header.
| The value can be one of the following:
| Boolean(true) - Allow all headers mentioned in `Access-Control-Request-Headers`.
| Boolean(false) - Disallow all headers.
| String - Comma separated list of allowed headers.
| Array - An array of allowed headers.
| Function - Receives the current header and should return one of the above values.
headers: true,
| Expose Headers
| A list of headers to be exposed by setting `Access-Control-Expose-Headers`.
| header. By default following 6 simple response headers are exposed.
| Cache-Control
| Content-Language
| Content-Type
| Expires
| Last-Modified
| Pragma
| In order to add more headers, simply define them inside the following array.
exposeHeaders: ['cache-control', 'content-language', 'content-type', 'expires', 'last-modified', 'pragma'],
| Credentials
| Toggle `Access-Control-Allow-Credentials` header. If value is set to `true`,
| then header will be set, otherwise not.
credentials: true,
| MaxAge
| Define `Access-Control-Max-Age` header in seconds.
maxAge: 90,
export default corsConfig;

config/database.ts Normal file
View file

@ -0,0 +1,55 @@
* Config source:
* Feel free to let us know via PR, if you find something broken in this config
* file.
import Env from '@ioc:Adonis/Core/Env';
import { DatabaseConfig } from '@ioc:Adonis/Lucid/Database';
const databaseConfig: DatabaseConfig = {
| Connection
| The primary connection for making database queries across the application
| You can use any key from the `connections` object defined in this same
| file.
connection: Env.get('DB_CONNECTION'),
connections: {
| PostgreSQL config
| Configuration for PostgreSQL database. Make sure to install the driver
| from npm when using this connection
| npm i pg
pg: {
client: 'pg',
connection: {
host: Env.get('PG_HOST'),
port: Env.get('PG_PORT'),
user: Env.get('PG_USER'),
password: Env.get('PG_PASSWORD', ''),
database: Env.get('PG_DB_NAME'),
searchPath: ['gba'],
migrations: {
naturalSort: true,
healthCheck: false,
debug: false,
export default databaseConfig;

config/drive.ts Normal file
View file

@ -0,0 +1,149 @@
* Config source:
* Feel free to let us know via PR, if you find something broken in this config
* file.
import Env from '@ioc:Adonis/Core/Env';
import { driveConfig } from '@adonisjs/core/build/config';
import Application from '@ioc:Adonis/Core/Application';
| Drive Config
| The `DriveConfig` relies on the `DisksList` interface which is
| defined inside the `contracts` directory.
export default driveConfig({
| Default disk
| The default disk to use for managing file uploads. The value is driven by
| the `DRIVE_DISK` environment variable.
disk: Env.get('DRIVE_DISK'),
disks: {
| Local
| Uses the local file system to manage files. Make sure to turn off serving
| files when not using this disk.
local: {
driver: 'local',
visibility: 'public',
| Storage root - Local driver only
| Define an absolute path to the storage directory from where to read the
| files.
root: Application.tmpPath('uploads'),
| Serve files - Local driver only
| When this is set to true, AdonisJS will configure a files server to serve
| files from the disk root. This is done to mimic the behavior of cloud
| storage services that has inbuilt capabilities to serve files.
serveFiles: true,
| Base path - Local driver only
| Base path is always required when "serveFiles = true". Also make sure
| the `basePath` is unique across all the disks using "local" driver and
| you are not registering routes with this prefix.
basePath: '/uploads',
| S3 Driver
| Uses the S3 cloud storage to manage files. Make sure to install the s3
| drive separately when using it.
| npm i @adonisjs/drive-s3
// s3: {
// driver: 's3',
// visibility: 'public',
// key: Env.get('S3_KEY'),
// secret: Env.get('S3_SECRET'),
// region: Env.get('S3_REGION'),
// bucket: Env.get('S3_BUCKET'),
// endpoint: Env.get('S3_ENDPOINT'),
// // For minio to work
// // forcePathStyle: true,
// },
| GCS Driver
| Uses the Google cloud storage to manage files. Make sure to install the GCS
| drive separately when using it.
| npm i @adonisjs/drive-gcs
// gcs: {
// driver: 'gcs',
// visibility: 'public',
// keyFilename: Env.get('GCS_KEY_FILENAME'),
// bucket: Env.get('GCS_BUCKET'),
| Uniform ACL - Google cloud storage only
| When using the Uniform ACL on the bucket, the "visibility" option is
| ignored. Since, the files ACL is managed by the google bucket policies
| directly.
| Learn more:
| The following option just informs drive whether your bucket is using uniform
| ACL or not. The actual setting needs to be toggled within the Google cloud
| console.
// usingUniformAcl: false,
// },

config/hash.ts Normal file
View file

@ -0,0 +1,96 @@
* Config source:
* Feel free to let us know via PR, if you find something broken in this config
* file.
import Env from '@ioc:Adonis/Core/Env';
import { hashConfig } from '@adonisjs/core/build/config';
| Hash Config
| The `HashConfig` relies on the `HashList` interface which is
| defined inside `contracts` directory.
export default hashConfig({
| Default hasher
| By default we make use of the argon hasher to hash values. However, feel
| free to change the default value
default: Env.get('HASH_DRIVER', 'scrypt'),
list: {
| scrypt
| Scrypt mapping uses the Node.js inbuilt crypto module for creating
| hashes.
| We are using the default configuration recommended within the Node.js
| documentation.
scrypt: {
driver: 'scrypt',
cost: 16384,
blockSize: 8,
parallelization: 1,
saltSize: 16,
keyLength: 64,
maxMemory: 32 * 1024 * 1024,
| Argon
| Argon mapping uses the `argon2` driver to hash values.
| Make sure you install the underlying dependency for this driver to work.
| npm install phc-argon2
argon: {
driver: 'argon2',
variant: 'id',
iterations: 3,
memory: 4096,
parallelism: 1,
saltSize: 16,
| Bcrypt
| Bcrypt mapping uses the `bcrypt` driver to hash values.
| Make sure you install the underlying dependency for this driver to work.
| npm install phc-bcrypt
bcrypt: {
driver: 'bcrypt',
rounds: 10,

config/inertia.ts Normal file
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@ -0,0 +1,20 @@
* Feel free to let me know via PR,
* if you find something broken in this config file.
import { InertiaConfig } from '@ioc:EidelLev/Inertia';
| Inertia-AdonisJS config
export const inertia: InertiaConfig = {
view: 'app',
// ssr: {
// enabled: false,
// },

config/rolePermission.ts Normal file
View file

@ -0,0 +1,8 @@
const RolePermission: Object = {
role_table: 'roles',
permission_table: 'permissions',
user_role_table: 'link_accounts_roles',
user_permission_table: 'user_permission_table',
role_permission_table: 'role_has_permissions',
export default RolePermission;

config/session.ts Normal file
View file

@ -0,0 +1,116 @@
* Config source:
* Feel free to let us know via PR, if you find something broken in this config
* file.
import Env from '@ioc:Adonis/Core/Env';
import Application from '@ioc:Adonis/Core/Application';
import { sessionConfig } from '@adonisjs/session/build/config';
export default sessionConfig({
| Enable/Disable sessions
| Setting the following property to "false" will disable the session for the
| entire application
enabled: true,
| Driver
| The session driver to use. You can choose between one of the following
| drivers.
| - cookie (Uses signed cookies to store session values)
| - file (Uses filesystem to store session values)
| - redis (Uses redis. Make sure to install "@adonisjs/redis" as well)
| Note: Switching drivers will make existing sessions invalid.
driver: Env.get('SESSION_DRIVER'),
| Cookie name
| The name of the cookie that will hold the session id.
cookieName: 'adonis-session',
| Clear session when browser closes
| Whether or not you want to destroy the session when browser closes. Setting
| this value to `true` will ignore the `age`.
clearWithBrowser: false,
| Session age
| The duration for which session stays active after no activity. A new HTTP
| request to the server is considered as activity.
| The value can be a number in milliseconds or a string that must be valid
| as per package.
| Example: `2 days`, `2.5 hrs`, `1y`, `5s` and so on.
age: '2h',
| Cookie values
| The cookie settings are used to setup the session id cookie and also the
| driver will use the same values.
cookie: {
path: '/',
httpOnly: true,
sameSite: false,
| Configuration for the file driver
| The file driver needs absolute path to the directory in which sessions
| must be stored.
file: {
location: Application.tmpPath('sessions'),
| Redis driver
| The redis connection you want session driver to use. The same connection
| must be defined inside `config/redis.ts` file as well.
redisConnection: 'local',

config/shield.ts Normal file
View file

@ -0,0 +1,237 @@
* Config source:
* Feel free to let us know via PR, if you find something broken in this config
* file.
// import Env from '@ioc:Adonis/Core/Env'
import { ShieldConfig } from '@ioc:Adonis/Addons/Shield';
| Content Security Policy
| Content security policy filters out the origins not allowed to execute
| and load resources like scripts, styles and fonts. There are wide
| variety of options to choose from.
export const csp: ShieldConfig['csp'] = {
| Enable/disable CSP
| The CSP rules are disabled by default for seamless onboarding.
enabled: false,
| Directives
| All directives are defined in camelCase and here is the list of
| available directives and their possible values.
| @example
| directives: {
| defaultSrc: ["'self'", '@nonce', '']
| }
directives: {},
| Report only
| Setting `reportOnly=true` will not block the scripts from running and
| instead report them to a URL.
reportOnly: false,
| CSRF Protection
| CSRF Protection adds another layer of security by making sure, actionable
| routes does have a valid token to execute an action.
export const csrf: ShieldConfig['csrf'] = {
| Enable/Disable CSRF
enabled: true,
| Routes to Ignore
| Define an array of route patterns that you want to ignore from CSRF
| validation. Make sure the route patterns are started with a leading
| slash. Example:
| `/foo/bar`
| Also you can define a function that is evaluated on every HTTP Request.
| ```
| exceptRoutes: ({ request }) => request.url().includes('/api')
| ```
exceptRoutes: [],
| Enable Sharing Token Via Cookie
| When the following flag is enabled, AdonisJS will drop `XSRF-TOKEN`
| cookie that frontend frameworks can read and return back as a
| `X-XSRF-TOKEN` header.
| The cookie has `httpOnly` flag set to false, so it is little insecure and
| can be turned off when you are not using a frontend framework making
| AJAX requests.
enableXsrfCookie: true,
| Methods to Validate
| Define an array of HTTP methods to be validated for a valid CSRF token.
methods: ['POST', 'PUT', 'PATCH', 'DELETE'],
| DNS Prefetching
| DNS prefetching allows browsers to proactively perform domain name
| resolution in background.
| Learn more at
export const dnsPrefetch: ShieldConfig['dnsPrefetch'] = {
| Enable/disable this feature
enabled: true,
| Allow or Dis-Allow Explicitly
| The `enabled` boolean does not set `X-DNS-Prefetch-Control` header. However
| the `allow` boolean controls the value of `X-DNS-Prefetch-Control` header.
| - When `allow = true`, then `X-DNS-Prefetch-Control = 'on'`
| - When `allow = false`, then `X-DNS-Prefetch-Control = 'off'`
allow: true,
| Iframe Options
| xFrame defines whether or not your website can be embedded inside an
| iframe. Choose from one of the following options.
| - DENY
| Learn more at
export const xFrame: ShieldConfig['xFrame'] = {
enabled: true,
action: 'DENY',
| Http Strict Transport Security
| A security to ensure that a browser always makes a connection over
| Learn more at
export const hsts: ShieldConfig['hsts'] = {
enabled: true,
| Max Age
| Control, how long the browser should remember that a site is only to be
| accessed using HTTPS.
maxAge: '180 days',
| Include Subdomains
| Apply rules on the subdomains as well.
includeSubDomains: true,
| Preloading
| Google maintains a service to register your domain and it will preload
| the HSTS policy. Learn more
preload: false,
| No Sniff
| Browsers have a habit of sniffing content-type of a response. Which means
| files with .txt extension containing Javascript code will be executed as
| Javascript. You can disable this behavior by setting nosniff to false.
| Learn more at
export const contentTypeSniffing: ShieldConfig['contentTypeSniffing'] = {
enabled: true,

config/static.ts Normal file
View file

@ -0,0 +1,89 @@
* Config source:
* Feel free to let us know via PR, if you find something broken in this config
* file.
import { AssetsConfig } from '@ioc:Adonis/Core/Static';
const staticConfig: AssetsConfig = {
| Enabled
| A boolean to enable or disable serving static files. The static files
| are served from the `public` directory inside the application root.
| However, you can override the default path inside `.adonisrc.json`
| file.
enabled: true,
| Handling Dot Files
| Decide how you want the static assets server to handle the `dotfiles`.
| By default, we ignore them as if they don't exists. However, you
| can choose between one of the following options.
| - ignore: Behave as if the file doesn't exists. Results in 404.
| - deny: Deny access to the file. Results in 403.
| - allow: Serve the file contents
dotFiles: 'ignore',
| Generating Etag
| Handle whether or not to generate etags for the files. Etag allows browser
| to utilize the cache when file hasn't been changed.
etag: true,
| Set Last Modified
| Whether or not to set the `Last-Modified` header in the response. Uses
| the file system's last modified value.
lastModified: true,
| Max age
| Set the value for the max-age directive. Set a higher value in production
| if you fingerprint your assets.
| Learn more:
maxAge: 0,
| Immutable
| Set the immutable directive. Set it to `true` if the assets are generated
| with a fingerprint. In others words the file name changes when the file
| contents change.
immutable: false,
export default staticConfig;

contracts/auth.ts Normal file
View file

@ -0,0 +1,73 @@
* Contract source:
* Feel free to let us know via PR, if you find something broken in this
* file.
import User from 'App/Models/User';
declare module '@ioc:Adonis/Addons/Auth' {
| Providers
| The providers are used to fetch users. The Auth module comes pre-bundled
| with two providers that are `Lucid` and `Database`. Both uses database
| to fetch user details.
| You can also create and register your own custom providers.
interface ProvidersList {
| User Provider
| The following provider uses Lucid models as a driver for fetching user
| details from the database for authentication.
| You can create multiple providers using the same underlying driver with
| different Lucid models.
user: {
implementation: LucidProviderContract<typeof User>;
config: LucidProviderConfig<typeof User>;
| Guards
| The guards are used for authenticating users using different drivers.
| The auth module comes with 3 different guards.
| - SessionGuardContract
| - BasicAuthGuardContract
| - OATGuardContract ( Opaque access token )
| Every guard needs a provider for looking up users from the database.
interface GuardsList {
| Web Guard
| The web guard uses sessions for maintaining user login state. It uses
| the `user` provider for fetching user details.
web: {
implementation: SessionGuardContract<'user', 'web'>;
config: SessionGuardConfig<'user'>;
client: SessionClientContract<'user'>;

contracts/drive.ts Normal file
View file

@ -0,0 +1,13 @@
* Contract source:
* Feel free to let us know via PR, if you find something broken in this contract
* file.
import type { InferDisksFromConfig } from '@adonisjs/core/build/config';
import type driveConfig from '../config/drive';
declare module '@ioc:Adonis/Core/Drive' {
interface DisksList extends InferDisksFromConfig<typeof driveConfig> {}

contracts/env.ts Normal file
View file

@ -0,0 +1,23 @@
* Contract source:
* Feel free to let us know via PR, if you find something broken in this contract
* file.
declare module '@ioc:Adonis/Core/Env' {
| Getting types for validated environment variables
| The `default` export from the "../env.ts" file exports types for the
| validated environment variables. Here we merge them with the `EnvTypes`
| interface so that you can enjoy intellisense when using the "Env"
| module.
type CustomTypes = typeof import('../env').default;
interface EnvTypes extends CustomTypes {}

contracts/events.ts Normal file
View file

@ -0,0 +1,31 @@
* Contract source:
* Feel free to let us know via PR, if you find something broken in this contract
* file.
declare module '@ioc:Adonis/Core/Event' {
| Define typed events
| You can define types for events inside the following interface and
| AdonisJS will make sure that all listeners and emit calls adheres
| to the defined types.
| For example:
| interface EventsList {
| 'new:user': UserModel
| }
| Now calling `Event.emit('new:user')` will statically ensure that passed value is
| an instance of the the UserModel only.
interface EventsList {

contracts/hash.ts Normal file
View file

@ -0,0 +1,13 @@
* Contract source:
* Feel free to let us know via PR, if you find something broken in this contract
* file.
import type { InferListFromConfig } from '@adonisjs/core/build/config';
import type hashConfig from '../config/hash';
declare module '@ioc:Adonis/Core/Hash' {
interface HashersList extends InferListFromConfig<typeof hashConfig> {}

contracts/orm.ts Normal file
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@ -0,0 +1,5 @@
declare module '@ioc:Adonis/Lucid/Orm' {
interface ModelQueryBuilderContract<Model extends LucidModel, Result = InstanceType<Model>> {
pluck(value: string, id?: string): Promise<Object>;

contracts/tests.ts Normal file
View file

@ -0,0 +1,18 @@
* Contract source:
* Feel free to let us know via PR, if you find something broken in this contract
* file.
import '@japa/runner';
declare module '@japa/runner' {
interface TestContext {
// Extend context
interface Test<TestData> {
// Extend test

View file

@ -0,0 +1 @@
// import Factory from '@ioc:Adonis/Lucid/Factory'

View file

@ -0,0 +1,25 @@
import BaseSchema from '@ioc:Adonis/Lucid/Schema'
import Config from '@ioc:Adonis/Core/Config'
export default class Roles extends BaseSchema {
protected tableName = Config.get('rolePermission.role_table', 'roles')
public async up () {
this.schema.createTable(this.tableName, (table) => {
table.string('name', 191).unique()
table.string('slug', 191).nullable().unique()
table.string('description', 191).nullable()
* Uses timestamptz for PostgreSQL and DATETIME2 for MSSQL
table.timestamp('created_at', { useTz: true }).nullable()
table.timestamp('updated_at', { useTz: true }).nullable()
public async down () {

View file

@ -0,0 +1,25 @@
import BaseSchema from '@ioc:Adonis/Lucid/Schema'
import Config from '@ioc:Adonis/Core/Config'
export default class Permissions extends BaseSchema {
protected tableName = Config.get('rolePermission.permission_table', 'permissions')
public async up() {
this.schema.createTable(this.tableName, (table) => {
table.string('name', 191).unique()
table.string('slug', 191).nullable().unique()
table.string('description', 191).nullable()
* Uses timestamptz for PostgreSQL and DATETIME2 for MSSQL
table.timestamp('created_at', { useTz: true }).nullable()
table.timestamp('updated_at', { useTz: true }).nullable()
public async down() {

View file

@ -0,0 +1,32 @@
import BaseSchema from '@ioc:Adonis/Lucid/Schema'
import Config from '@ioc:Adonis/Core/Config'
export default class RolePermissions extends BaseSchema {
protected tableName = Config.get('rolePermission.role_permission_table', 'role_permissions')
public async up() {
this.schema.createTable(this.tableName, (table) => {
.inTable(Config.get('rolePermission.role_table', 'roles'))
.inTable(Config.get('rolePermission.permission_table', 'permissions'))
* Uses timestamptz for PostgreSQL and DATETIME2 for MSSQL
table.timestamp('created_at', { useTz: true }).nullable()
table.timestamp('updated_at', { useTz: true }).nullable()
public async down() {

View file

@ -0,0 +1,32 @@
import BaseSchema from '@ioc:Adonis/Lucid/Schema'
import Config from '@ioc:Adonis/Core/Config'
export default class UserPermissions extends BaseSchema {
protected tableName = Config.get('rolePermission.user_permission_table', 'user_permissions')
public async up() {
this.schema.createTable(this.tableName, (table) => {
.inTable(Config.get('rolePermission.user_table', 'users'))
.inTable(Config.get('rolePermission.permission_table', 'permissions'))
* Uses timestamptz for PostgreSQL and DATETIME2 for MSSQL
table.timestamp('created_at', { useTz: true }).nullable()
table.timestamp('updated_at', { useTz: true }).nullable()
public async down() {

View file

@ -0,0 +1,32 @@
import BaseSchema from '@ioc:Adonis/Lucid/Schema'
import Config from '@ioc:Adonis/Core/Config'
export default class UserRoles extends BaseSchema {
protected tableName = Config.get('rolePermission.user_role_table', 'user_roles')
public async up() {
this.schema.createTable(this.tableName, (table) => {
.inTable(Config.get('rolePermission.user_table', 'users'))
.inTable(Config.get('rolePermission.role_table', 'roles'))
* Uses timestamptz for PostgreSQL and DATETIME2 for MSSQL
table.timestamp('created_at', { useTz: true }).nullable()
table.timestamp('updated_at', { useTz: true }).nullable()
public async down() {

env.ts Normal file
View file

@ -0,0 +1,32 @@
| Validating Environment Variables
| In this file we define the rules for validating environment variables.
| By performing validation we ensure that your application is running in
| a stable environment with correct configuration values.
| This file is read automatically by the framework during the boot lifecycle
| and hence do not rename or move this file to a different location.
import Env from '@ioc:Adonis/Core/Env'
export default Env.rules({
HOST: Env.schema.string({ format: 'host' }),
PORT: Env.schema.number(),
APP_KEY: Env.schema.string(),
APP_NAME: Env.schema.string(),
CACHE_VIEWS: Env.schema.boolean(),
SESSION_DRIVER: Env.schema.string(),
DRIVE_DISK: Env.schema.enum(['local'] as const),
NODE_ENV: Env.schema.enum(['development', 'production', 'test'] as const),
DB_CONNECTION: Env.schema.string(),
PG_HOST: Env.schema.string({ format: 'host' }),
PG_PORT: Env.schema.number(),
PG_USER: Env.schema.string(),
PG_PASSWORD: Env.schema.string.optional(),
PG_DB_NAME: Env.schema.string(),

index.d.ts vendored Normal file
View file

@ -0,0 +1,5 @@
declare module '*.vue' {
import type { DefineComponent } from "vue"
const component: DefineComponent<{}, {}, any>
export default component

package-lock.json generated Normal file

File diff suppressed because it is too large Load diff

package.json Normal file
View file

@ -0,0 +1,107 @@
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"scripts": {
"type-check": "tsc --noEmit",
"dev": "node ace serve --watch",
"build": "node ace build --production",
"start": "node server.js",
"lint": "eslint . --ext=.ts",
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postcss.config.js Normal file
View file

@ -0,0 +1,6 @@
module.exports = {
plugins: {
tailwindcss: {},
autoprefixer: {},

providers/AppProvider.ts Normal file
View file

@ -0,0 +1,27 @@
import type { ApplicationContract } from '@ioc:Adonis/Core/Application';
import Hash from '@ioc:Adonis/Core/Hash';
import { LaravelHash } from './HashDriver';
export default class AppProvider {
constructor(protected app: ApplicationContract) {}
public register() {
// Register your own bindings
public async boot() {
// IoC container is ready
const hashInstance: typeof Hash ='Adonis/Core/Hash');
hashInstance.extend('bcrypt', () => {
return new LaravelHash();
public async ready() {
// App is ready
public async shutdown() {
// Cleanup, since app is going down

View file

@ -0,0 +1,21 @@
import { HashDriverContract } from "@ioc:Adonis/Core/Hash";
// const bcrypt = require("bcrypt");
import bcrypt from "bcryptjs";
const saltRounds = 10;
export class LaravelHash implements HashDriverContract {
public async make(value: string) {
const _hashedValue = bcrypt.hashSync(value, saltRounds);
return _hashedValue;
public async verify(hashedValue: string, plainValue: string) {
let newHash: string;
if (hashedValue.includes("$2y$10$")) {
newHash = hashedValue.replace("$2y$10$", "$2a$10$");
} else {
newHash = hashedValue;
return await bcrypt.compareSync(plainValue, newHash);

View file

@ -0,0 +1,57 @@
import type { ApplicationContract } from '@ioc:Adonis/Core/Application';
| Provider
| Your application is not ready when this file is loaded by the framework.
| Hence, the top level imports relying on the IoC container will not work.
| You must import them inside the life-cycle methods defined inside
| the provider class.
| @example:
| public async ready () {
| const Database ='Adonis/Lucid/Database')
| const Event ='Adonis/Core/Event')
| Event.on('db:query', Database.prettyPrint)
| }
export default class QueryBuilderProvider {
constructor(protected app: ApplicationContract) {}
public register() {
// Register your own bindings
public async boot() {
// All bindings are ready, feel free to use them
const { ModelQueryBuilder } ='Adonis/Lucid/Database');
ModelQueryBuilder.macro('pluck', async function (valueColumn: string, id?: string) {
let rolesPluck = {};
(await this).forEach((user, index) => {
let idc;
if (!id) {
idc = index;
} else {
idc = user[id];
const value = user[valueColumn];
// rolesPluck[idc] =;
rolesPluck[idc] = value;
return rolesPluck;
public async ready() {
// App is ready
public async shutdown() {
// Cleanup, since app is going down

View file

@ -0,0 +1,12 @@
"entrypoints": {
"app": {
"css": [
"js": [

View file

@ -0,0 +1,4 @@
"assets/app.css": "http://localhost:8080/assets/app.css",
"assets/app.js": "http://localhost:8080/assets/app.js"

View file

@ -0,0 +1,218 @@
"data": [
"id": 19,
"email": "",
"name": "Michael Moser",
"city": "Vienna",
"progress": 70,
"created": "Mar 3, 2021"
"id": 11,
"email": "",
"name": "Manfred Linner",
"city": "Vienna",
"progress": 68,
"created": "Dec 1, 2021"
"id": 32,
"avatar": "",
"login": "geovanni.kessler",
"name": "Nelson Jerde",
"company": "Nitzsche LLC",
"city": "Jailynbury",
"progress": 49,
"created": "May 18, 2021",
"created_mm_dd_yyyy": "05-18-2021"
"id": 22,
"avatar": "",
"login": "macejkovic.dashawn",
"name": "Kim Weimann",
"company": "Brown-Lueilwitz",
"city": "New Emie",
"progress": 38,
"created": "May 4, 2021",
"created_mm_dd_yyyy": "05-04-2021"
"id": 34,
"avatar": "",
"login": "hilpert.leora",
"name": "Justice O'Reilly",
"company": "Lakin-Muller",
"city": "New Kacie",
"progress": 38,
"created": "Mar 27, 2021",
"created_mm_dd_yyyy": "03-27-2021"
"id": 48,
"avatar": "",
"login": "ferry.sophia",
"name": "Adrienne Mayer III",
"company": "Kozey, McLaughlin and Kuhn",
"city": "Howardbury",
"progress": 39,
"created": "Mar 29, 2021",
"created_mm_dd_yyyy": "03-29-2021"
"id": 20,
"avatar": "",
"login": "gokuneva",
"name": "Mr. Julien Ebert",
"company": "Cormier LLC",
"city": "South Serenaburgh",
"progress": 29,
"created": "Jun 25, 2021",
"created_mm_dd_yyyy": "06-25-2021"
"id": 47,
"avatar": "",
"login": "",
"name": "Lenna Smitham",
"company": "King Inc",
"city": "McCulloughfort",
"progress": 59,
"created": "Oct 8, 2021",
"created_mm_dd_yyyy": "10-08-2021"
"id": 24,
"avatar": "",
"login": "lkessler",
"name": "Travis Davis",
"company": "Leannon and Sons",
"city": "West Frankton",
"progress": 52,
"created": "Oct 20, 2021",
"created_mm_dd_yyyy": "10-20-2021"
"id": 49,
"avatar": "",
"login": "shana.lang",
"name": "Prof. Esteban Steuber",
"company": "Langosh-Ernser",
"city": "East Sedrick",
"progress": 34,
"created": "May 16, 2021",
"created_mm_dd_yyyy": "05-16-2021"
"id": 36,
"avatar": "",
"login": "jewel07",
"name": "Russell Goodwin V",
"company": "Nolan-Stracke",
"city": "Williamsonmouth",
"progress": 55,
"created": "Apr 22, 2021",
"created_mm_dd_yyyy": "04-22-2021"
"id": 33,
"avatar": "",
"login": "burnice.okuneva",
"name": "Ms. Cassidy Wiegand DVM",
"company": "Kuhlman-Hahn",
"city": "New Ruthiehaven",
"progress": 76,
"created": "Sep 16, 2021",
"created_mm_dd_yyyy": "09-16-2021"
"id": 44,
"avatar": "",
"login": "oconnell.juanita",
"name": "Mr. Watson Brakus PhD",
"company": "Osinski, Bins and Kuhn",
"city": "Lake Gloria",
"progress": 58,
"created": "Jun 22, 2021",
"created_mm_dd_yyyy": "06-22-2021"
"id": 46,
"avatar": "",
"login": "vgutmann",
"name": "Mr. Garrison Friesen V",
"company": "VonRueden, Rippin and Pfeffer",
"city": "Port Cieloport",
"progress": 39,
"created": "Oct 19, 2021",
"created_mm_dd_yyyy": "10-19-2021"
"id": 14,
"avatar": "",
"login": "veum.lucio",
"name": "Ms. Sister Morar",
"company": "Gusikowski, Altenwerth and Abbott",
"city": "Lake Macville",
"progress": 34,
"created": "Jun 11, 2021",
"created_mm_dd_yyyy": "06-11-2021"
"id": 40,
"avatar": "",
"login": "edietrich",
"name": "Ms. Laisha Reinger",
"company": "Boehm PLC",
"city": "West Alexiemouth",
"progress": 73,
"created": "Nov 2, 2021",
"created_mm_dd_yyyy": "11-02-2021"
"id": 5,
"avatar": "",
"login": "mose44",
"name": "Cameron Lind",
"company": "Tremblay, Padberg and Pouros",
"city": "Naderview",
"progress": 59,
"created": "Sep 14, 2021",
"created_mm_dd_yyyy": "09-14-2021"
"id": 43,
"avatar": "",
"login": "rau.abelardo",
"name": "Sarai Little",
"company": "Deckow LLC",
"city": "Jeanieborough",
"progress": 49,
"created": "Jun 13, 2021",
"created_mm_dd_yyyy": "06-13-2021"
"id": 2,
"avatar": "",
"login": "imurazik",
"name": "Shyann Kautzer",
"company": "Osinski, Boehm and Kihn",
"city": "New Alvera",
"progress": 41,
"created": "Feb 15, 2021",
"created_mm_dd_yyyy": "02-15-2021"
"id": 15,
"avatar": "",
"login": "annalise97",
"name": "Lorna Christiansen",
"company": "Altenwerth-Friesen",
"city": "Port Elbertland",
"progress": 36,
"created": "Mar 9, 2021",
"created_mm_dd_yyyy": "03-09-2021"

View file

@ -0,0 +1,36 @@
"data": [
"amount": 375.53,
"account": "45721474",
"name": "Home Loan Account",
"date": "3 days ago",
"type": "deposit",
"business": "Turcotte"
"amount": 470.26,
"account": "94486537",
"name": "Savings Account",
"date": "3 days ago",
"type": "payment",
"business": "Murazik - Graham"
"amount": 971.34,
"account": "63189893",
"name": "Checking Account",
"date": "5 days ago",
"type": "invoice",
"business": "Fahey - Keebler"
"amount": 374.63,
"account": "74828780",
"name": "Auto Loan Account",
"date": "7 days ago",
"type": "withdrawal",
"business": "Collier - Hintz"

public/docs/HandbuchTethys.pdf Normal file

File diff suppressed because one or more lines are too long

Binary file not shown.

public/favicon.ico Normal file

Binary file not shown.


Width:  |  Height:  |  Size: 15 KiB

View file

@ -0,0 +1,62 @@
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.checkbox input[type=checkbox]+.check, .radio input[type=radio]+.check {
@apply block w-5 h-5;
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@apply rounded;
.switch input[type=checkbox]+.check {
@apply flex items-center shrink-0 w-12 h-6 p-0.5 bg-gray-200;
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background-image: url("data:image/svg+xml,%3Csvg xmlns='' viewBox='0 0 24 24'%3E%3Cpath fill='%23fff' d='M12,2A10,10 0 0,0 2,12A10,10 0 0,0 12,22A10,10 0 0,0 22,12A10,10 0 0,0 12,2Z' /%3E%3C/svg%3E");
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@apply bg-blue-600 border-blue-600;
.switch input[type=checkbox]+.check:before {
content: '';
@apply block w-5 h-5 bg-white border border-gray-700;
.switch input[type=checkbox]:checked+.check:before {
transform: translate3d(110%, 0 ,0);
@apply border-blue-600;
.checkbox .control-label, .radio .control-label, .switch .control-label {
@apply pl-2;

View file

@ -0,0 +1,20 @@
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View file

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resources/css/_table.css Normal file
View file

@ -0,0 +1,47 @@
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content: attr(data-label);
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resources/css/app.css Normal file
View file

@ -0,0 +1,95 @@
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padding: 0;
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padding: 0 30px;
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margin-bottom: 10px;
color: #17161A;
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font-size: 26px;
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p {
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View file

@ -0,0 +1,52 @@
<script setup>
import { Link } from "@inertiajs/vue3"
import BaseButton from "@/Components/BaseButton.vue"
import BaseButtons from "@/Components/BaseButtons.vue"
import {
} from "@mdi/js"
const props = defineProps({
item: {
type: Object,
default: () => ({}),
menu: {
type: Object,
default: () => ({}),
can: {
type: Object,
default: () => ({}),
level: {
type: Number,
default: 0
<tr :key="">
<td data-label="Name">
<div :style="{ 'margin-left': level * 20 + 'px' }">{{ }}</div>
<td data-label="Description">
{{ item.description }}
<td data-label="Enabled">
{{ item.enabled }}
<td v-if="can.edit || can.delete" class="before:hidden lg:w-1 whitespace-nowrap">
<BaseButtons type="justify-start lg:justify-end" no-wrap>
<BaseButton v-if="can.edit" :route-name="route('menu.item.edit', { menu:, item: })"
color="info" :icon="mdiSquareEditOutline" small />
<BaseButton v-if="can.delete" color="danger" :icon="mdiTrashCan" small @click="destroy(" />
<template v-for="item in item.children">
<MenuItemList :item="item" :menu="menu" :can="can" :level="level + 1" />

View file

@ -0,0 +1,161 @@
<script setup>
import { Link } from '@inertiajs/vue3';
import { stardust } from '@eidellev/adonis-stardust/client';
import { computed } from 'vue';
const props = defineProps({
data: {
type: Object,
default: () => ({}),
const nextPageLink = computed(() => {
let url = new URL(document.location);
url.searchParams.set('page', + 1);
return url.href;
// return url + '&page=' + (Number( + 1);
const prevPageLink = computed(() => {
let url = new URL(document.location);
url.searchParams.set('page', - 1);
return url.href;
// return url + '&page=' + ( - 1);
const toPage = computed(() => {
let currentPage =;
let perPage =;
if ( == {
} else {
return currentPage * perPage;
const fromPage = computed(() => {
let currentPage =;
let perPage =;
return currentPage * perPage - (perPage - 1);
<!-- current_page:
15 -->
<!-- <nav v-if="data.links.length > 3" -->
<nav v-if=" > 3" role="navigation" aria-label="Pagination Navigation"
class="flex items-center justify-between">
<div class="flex justify-between flex-1 sm:hidden">
<span v-if="data.current_page <= 1"
class="relative inline-flex items-center px-4 py-2 text-sm font-medium text-gray-500 bg-white border border-gray-300 cursor-default leading-5 rounded-md">
<Link v-else :href="data.previous_page_url"
class="relative inline-flex items-center px-4 py-2 text-sm font-medium text-gray-700 bg-white border border-gray-300 leading-5 rounded-md hover:text-gray-500 focus:outline-none focus:ring ring-gray-300 focus:border-blue-300 active:bg-gray-100 active:text-gray-700 transition ease-in-out duration-150">
<Link v-if="data.current_page < data.last_page" :href="data.next_page_url"
class="relative inline-flex items-center px-4 py-2 ml-3 text-sm font-medium text-gray-700 bg-white border border-gray-300 leading-5 rounded-md hover:text-gray-500 focus:outline-none focus:ring ring-gray-300 focus:border-blue-300 active:bg-gray-100 active:text-gray-700 transition ease-in-out duration-150">
<span v-else
class="relative inline-flex items-center px-4 py-2 ml-3 text-sm font-medium text-gray-500 bg-white border border-gray-300 cursor-default leading-5 rounded-md">
<div class="hidden sm:flex-1 sm:flex sm:items-center sm:justify-between">
<p class="text-sm text-gray-700 leading-5">
<span class="font-medium">{{ fromPage }}</span>
<span class="font-medium">{{ toPage }}</span>
<span class="font-medium">{{ }}</span>
<span class="relative z-0 inline-flex shadow-sm rounded-md">
<span v-if=" <= 1" aria-disabled="true" aria-label="Previous">
class="relative inline-flex items-center px-2 py-2 text-sm font-medium text-gray-500 bg-white border border-gray-300 cursor-default rounded-l-md leading-5"
<svg class="w-5 h-5" fill="currentColor" viewBox="0 0 20 20">
<path fill-rule="evenodd"
d="M12.707 5.293a1 1 0 010 1.414L9.414 10l3.293 3.293a1 1 0 01-1.414 1.414l-4-4a1 1 0 010-1.414l4-4a1 1 0 011.414 0z"
clip-rule="evenodd" />
<!-- <Link v-else :href="data.previous_page_url" rel="prev" -->
<Link v-else :href="prevPageLink" rel="prev"
class="relative inline-flex items-center px-2 py-2 text-sm font-medium text-gray-500 bg-white border border-gray-300 rounded-l-md leading-5 hover:text-gray-400 focus:z-10 focus:outline-none focus:ring ring-gray-300 focus:border-blue-300 active:bg-gray-100 active:text-gray-500 transition ease-in-out duration-150"
<svg class="w-5 h-5" fill="currentColor" viewBox="0 0 20 20">
<path fill-rule="evenodd"
d="M12.707 5.293a1 1 0 010 1.414L9.414 10l3.293 3.293a1 1 0 01-1.414 1.414l-4-4a1 1 0 010-1.414l4-4a1 1 0 011.414 0z"
clip-rule="evenodd" />
<!-- <template v-for="(link, key) in data.links">
<template v-if="key > 0 && key < data.last_page + 1">
<span v-if="! && link.url === null" :key="key" aria-disabled="true">
<span class="relative inline-flex items-center px-4 py-2 -ml-px text-sm font-medium text-gray-700 bg-white border border-gray-300 cursor-default leading-5">{{ link.label }}</span>
<span v-else-if="" :key="`current-${key}`" aria-current="page">
<span class="relative inline-flex items-center px-4 py-2 -ml-px text-sm font-medium text-gray-500 bg-white border border-gray-300 cursor-default leading-5">{{ link.label }}</span>
<Link v-else :key="`link-${key}`" :href="link.url" v-html="link.label" class="relative inline-flex items-center px-4 py-2 -ml-px text-sm font-medium text-gray-700 bg-white border border-gray-300 leading-5 hover:text-gray-500 focus:z-10 focus:outline-none focus:ring ring-gray-300 focus:border-blue-300 active:bg-gray-100 active:text-gray-700 transition ease-in-out duration-150" aria-label="`Go to page ${link.label}`" />
</template> -->
<Link v-if=" <" :href="nextPageLink" rel="next"
class="relative inline-flex items-center px-2 py-2 -ml-px text-sm font-medium text-gray-500 bg-white border border-gray-300 rounded-r-md leading-5 hover:text-gray-400 focus:z-10 focus:outline-none focus:ring ring-gray-300 focus:border-blue-300 active:bg-gray-100 active:text-gray-500 transition ease-in-out duration-150"
<svg class="w-5 h-5" fill="currentColor" viewBox="0 0 20 20">
<path fill-rule="evenodd"
d="M7.293 14.707a1 1 0 010-1.414L10.586 10 7.293 6.707a1 1 0 011.414-1.414l4 4a1 1 0 010 1.414l-4 4a1 1 0 01-1.414 0z"
clip-rule="evenodd" />
<!-- else disabled link -->
<span v-else aria-disabled="true" aria-label="Next">
class="relative inline-flex items-center px-2 py-2 -ml-px text-sm font-medium text-gray-500 bg-white border border-gray-300 cursor-default rounded-r-md leading-5"
<svg class="w-5 h-5" fill="currentColor" viewBox="0 0 20 20">
<path fill-rule="evenodd"
d="M7.293 14.707a1 1 0 010-1.414L10.586 10 7.293 6.707a1 1 0 011.414-1.414l4 4a1 1 0 010 1.414l-4 4a1 1 0 01-1.414 0z"
clip-rule="evenodd" />

View file

@ -0,0 +1,76 @@
<script setup>
import { ref, computed } from 'vue';
import { Link } from '@inertiajs/vue3';
import { stardust } from '@eidellev/adonis-stardust/client';
const props = defineProps({
label: {
type: String,
default: '',
attribute: {
type: String,
default: '',
search: {
type: String,
default: '',
const downFill = ref('lightgray');
const upFill = ref('lightgray');
const sortLink = computed(() => {
let url = new URL(document.location);
let sortValue = url.searchParams.get('sort');
if (sortValue == props.attribute) {
url.searchParams.set('sort', '-' + props.attribute);
upFill.value = 'black';
} else if (sortValue === '-' + props.attribute) {
url.searchParams.set('sort', props.attribute);
downFill.value = 'black';
} else {
url.searchParams.set('sort', props.attribute);
if ( == '') {
} else {
return url.href;
<div class="flex items-center gap-4">
<Link :href="sortLink" class="no-underline hover:underline text-cyan-600 dark:text-cyan-400">
{{ label }}
<div class="flex flex-col">
viewBox="0 0 15 15"
<path d="M7.5 3L15 11H0L7.5 3Z" :fill="upFill" />
viewBox="0 0 15 15"
<path d="M7.49988 12L-0.00012207 4L14.9999 4L7.49988 12Z" :fill="downFill" />

View file

@ -0,0 +1,30 @@
<script setup>
// import { reactive, computed } from 'vue';
// import { usePage } from '@inertiajs/vue3'
// import { usePage } from '@inertiajs/inertia-vue3';
import { LayoutService } from '@/Stores/layout.js';
import menu from '@/menu.js'
import AsideMenuLayer from '@/Components/AsideMenuLayer.vue';
import OverlayLayer from '@/Components/OverlayLayer.vue';
// let menu = reactive({});
// menu = computed(() => usePage().props.navigation?.menu);
const layoutService = LayoutService();
v-if="menu && Object.keys(menu).length"
layoutService.isAsideMobileExpanded ? 'left-0' : '-left-60 lg:left-0',
{ 'lg:hidden xl:flex': !layoutService.isAsideLgActive },
<!-- <OverlayLayer
@overlay-click="layoutService.isAsideLgActive = false"
/> -->

View file

@ -0,0 +1,93 @@
<script setup>
import { ref, computed } from 'vue';
import { Link } from '@inertiajs/vue3';
// import { Link } from '@inertiajs/inertia-vue3';
import { StyleService } from '@/Stores/style.js';
import { mdiMinus, mdiPlus } from '@mdi/js';
import { getButtonColor } from '@/colors.js';
import BaseIcon from '@/Components/BaseIcon.vue';
import AsideMenuList from '@/Components/AsideMenuList.vue';
import { stardust } from '@eidellev/adonis-stardust/client';
const props = defineProps({
item: {
type: Object,
required: true,
isDropdownList: Boolean,
const itemRoute = computed(() => (props.item && props.item.route ? stardust.route(props.item.route): ''));
// const isCurrentRoute = computed(() => (props.item && props.item.route ? stardust.isCurrent(props.item.route): false));
const itemHref = computed(() => (props.item && props.item.href ? props.item.href : ''));
const emit = defineEmits(['menu-click']);
const styleService = StyleService();
const hasColor = computed(() => props.item && props.item.color);
const isDropdownActive = ref(false);
const componentClass = computed(() => [
props.isDropdownList ? 'py-3 px-6 text-sm' : 'py-3 px-6',
hasColor.value ? getButtonColor(props.item.color, false, true) : styleService.asideMenuItemStyle,
const hasDropdown = computed(() => props.item.children);
const menuClick = (event) => {
emit('menu-click', event, props.item);
if (hasDropdown.value) {
isDropdownActive.value = !isDropdownActive.value;
const activeInactiveStyle = computed(() => {
if (props.item.route && stardust.isCurrent(props.item.route)) {
// console.log(props.item.route);
return styleService.asideMenuItemActiveStyle;
else {
return null;
const is = computed(() => {
if (props.item.href) {
return 'a'
if (props.item.route) {
return Link
return 'div'
// props.routeName && stardust.isCurrent(props.routeName) ? props.activeColor : null
<!-- :target=" ?? null" -->
<!-- <component :is="itemHref ? 'div' : Link" :href="itemHref ? itemHref : itemRoute" -->
<component :is="is" :href="itemRoute ? stardust.route(props.item.route) : props.item.href"
class="flex cursor-pointer dark:text-slate-300 dark:hover:text-white" :class="componentClass"
@click="menuClick" v-bind:target=" ?? null">
<BaseIcon v-if="item.icon" :path="item.icon" class="flex-none" :class="activeInactiveStyle" w="w-16"
:size="18" />
<span class="grow text-ellipsis line-clamp-1" :class="activeInactiveStyle">
{{ item.label }}
<!-- <BaseIcon v-if="hasDropdown" :path="isDropdownActive ? mdiMinus : mdiPlus" class="flex-none"
:class="activeInactiveStyle" w="w-12" /> -->
<!-- <AsideMenuList v-if="hasDropdown" :menu="item.children" :class="[
isDropdownActive ? 'block dark:bg-slate-800/50' : 'hidden',
]" is-dropdown-list /> -->

View file

@ -0,0 +1,66 @@
<script setup>
import { router } from '@inertiajs/vue3'
// import { Inertia } from '@inertiajs/inertia';
import { stardust } from '@eidellev/adonis-stardust/client';
import { mdiLogout, mdiClose } from '@mdi/js';
import { computed } from 'vue';
import { LayoutService } from '@/Stores/layout.js';
import { StyleService } from '@/Stores/style.js';
import AsideMenuList from '@/Components/AsideMenuList.vue';
import AsideMenuItem from '@/Components/AsideMenuItem.vue';
import BaseIcon from '@/Components/BaseIcon.vue';
menu: {
type: Object,
default: () => { },
const emit = defineEmits(['menu-click']);
const layoutStore = LayoutService();
const styleStore = StyleService();
const logoutItem = computed(() => ({
name: 'Logout',
label: 'Logout',
icon: mdiLogout,
color: 'info',
link: '#',
const logoutItemClick = async () => {
const menuClick = (event, item) => {
emit('menu-click', event, item);
<aside id="aside" class="lg:py-2 lg:pl-2 w-60 fixed flex z-40 top-0 h-screen transition-position overflow-hidden">
<div :class="styleStore.asideStyle" class="lg:rounded-xl flex-1 flex flex-col overflow-hidden dark:bg-slate-900">
<div :class="styleStore.asideBrandStyle"
class="flex flex-row h-14 items-center justify-between dark:bg-slate-900">
<div class="text-center flex-1 lg:text-left lg:pl-6 xl:text-center xl:pl-0">
<b class="font-black">Menu</b>
<button class="hidden lg:inline-block xl:hidden p-3" @click.prevent="layoutStore.isAsideLgActive = false">
<BaseIcon :path="mdiClose" />
<div :class="styleStore.darkMode ? 'aside-scrollbars-[slate]' : styleStore.asideScrollbarsStyle"
class="flex-1 overflow-y-auto overflow-x-hidden">
<AsideMenuList v-bind:menu="menu" @menu-click="menuClick" />
<!-- <p class="menu-label">About</p>> -->
<ul class="menu-list">
<AsideMenuItem :item="logoutItem" @menu-click="logoutItemClick" />

View file

@ -0,0 +1,29 @@
<script setup>
import AsideMenuItem from '@/Components/AsideMenuItem.vue';
isDropdownList: Boolean,
menu: {
type: Object,
default: () => {}
const emit = defineEmits(['menu-click'])
const menuClick = (event, item) => {
emit('menu-click', event, item)
v-for="(item, index) in menu"

View file

@ -0,0 +1,117 @@
<script setup>
import { computed } from 'vue';
import { Link } from '@inertiajs/vue3';
// import { Link } from '@inertiajs/inertia-vue3';
import { getButtonColor } from '@/colors.js';
import BaseIcon from '@/Components/BaseIcon.vue';
const props = defineProps({
label: {
type: [String, Number],
default: null,
icon: {
type: String,
default: null,
href: {
type: String,
default: null,
target: {
type: String,
default: null,
routeName: {
type: String,
default: null,
type: {
type: String,
default: null,
color: {
type: String,
default: 'white',
as: {
type: String,
default: null,
small: Boolean,
outline: Boolean,
active: Boolean,
disabled: Boolean,
roundedFull: Boolean,
const is = computed(() => {
if ( {
if (props.routeName) {
return Link;
if (props.href) {
return 'a';
return 'button';
const computedType = computed(() => {
if (is.value === 'button') {
return props.type ?? 'button';
return null;
const labelClass = computed(() => (props.small && props.icon ? 'px-1' : 'px-2'));
const componentClass = computed(() => {
const base = [
props.roundedFull ? 'rounded-full' : 'rounded', ? 'ring ring-black dark:ring-white' : 'ring-blue-700',
getButtonColor(props.color, props.outline, !props.disabled),
if (props.small) {
base.push('text-sm', props.roundedFull ? 'px-3 py-1' : 'p-1');
} else {
base.push('py-2', props.roundedFull ? 'px-6' : 'px-3');
if (props.disabled) {
base.push('cursor-not-allowed', props.outline ? 'opacity-50' : 'opacity-70');
return base;
:href="routeName ? routeName : href"
<BaseIcon v-if="icon" :path="icon" />
<span v-if="label" :class="labelClass">{{ label }}</span>

View file

@ -0,0 +1,55 @@
import { h, defineComponent } from 'vue'
export default defineComponent({
name: 'BaseButtons',
props: {
noWrap: Boolean,
type: {
type: String,
default: 'justify-start'
classAddon: {
type: String,
default: 'mr-3 last:mr-0 mb-3'
mb: {
type: String,
default: '-mb-3'
render () {
const hasSlot = this.$slots && this.$slots.default
const parentClass = [
this.noWrap ? 'flex-nowrap' : 'flex-wrap'
if (this.mb) {
return h(
{ class: parentClass },
? this.$slots.default().map(element => {
if (element && element.children && typeof element.children === 'object') {
return h(
{}, => {
return h(child, { class: [this.classAddon] })
return h(element, { class: [this.classAddon] })
: null

View file

@ -0,0 +1,12 @@
<script setup>
const props = defineProps({
navBar: Boolean
:class="props.navBar ? 'hidden lg:block lg:my-0.5 dark:border-slate-700' : 'my-6 -mx-6 dark:border-slate-800'"
class="border-t border-gray-100"

View file

@ -0,0 +1,40 @@
<script setup>
import { computed } from 'vue';
const props = defineProps({
path: {
type: String,
required: true
w: {
type: String,
default: 'w-6'
h: {
type: String,
default: 'h-6'
size: {
type: [String, Number],
default: 16
const spanClass = computed(() => `inline-flex justify-center items-center ${props.w} ${props.h}`)
<span :class="spanClass">
viewBox="0 0 24 24"

View file

@ -0,0 +1,37 @@
import { h, defineComponent } from 'vue'
export default defineComponent({
name: 'BaseLevel',
props: {
mobile: Boolean,
type: {
type: String,
default: 'justify-between'
render () {
const parentClass = [this.type, 'items-center']
const parentMobileClass = ['flex']
const parentBaseClass = ['block', 'md:flex']
const childBaseClass = ['flex', 'shrink-0', 'grow-0', 'items-center', 'justify-center']
return h(
{ class: parentClass.concat( ? parentMobileClass : parentBaseClass) },
this.$slots.default().map((element, index) => {
const childClass = (! && this.$slots.default().length > index + 1)
? childBaseClass.concat(['mb-6', 'md:mb-0'])
: childBaseClass
return h('div', { class: childClass }, [

View file

@ -0,0 +1,111 @@
<script setup>
import { mdiCog } from '@mdi/js'
import { computed, useSlots } from 'vue'
import BaseIcon from '@/Components/BaseIcon.vue'
const props = defineProps({
title: {
type: String,
default: null
icon: {
type: String,
default: null
headerIcon: {
type: String,
default: null
rounded: {
type: String,
default: 'rounded-xl'
hasTable: Boolean,
empty: Boolean,
form: Boolean,
hoverable: Boolean,
modal: Boolean
const emit = defineEmits(['header-icon-click', 'submit'])
const is = computed(() => props.form ? 'form' : 'div')
const slots = useSlots()
const footer = computed(() => slots.footer && !!slots.footer())
const componentClass = computed(() => {
const base = [
props.modal ? 'dark:bg-slate-900' : 'dark:bg-slate-900/70'
if (props.hoverable) {
base.push('hover:shadow-lg transition-shadow duration-500')
return base
const computedHeaderIcon = computed(() => props.headerIcon ?? mdiCog)
const headerIconClick = () => {
const submit = e => {
emit('submit', e)
class="bg-white flex flex-col"
class="flex items-stretch border-b border-gray-100 dark:border-slate-800"
class="flex items-center py-3 grow font-bold"
:class="[ icon ? 'px-4' : 'px-6' ]"
{{ title }}
class="flex items-center py-3 px-4 justify-center ring-blue-700 focus:ring"
<BaseIcon :path="computedHeaderIcon" />
class="text-center py-24 text-gray-500 dark:text-slate-400"
<p>Nothing's here</p>
<slot />
class="p-6 border-t border-gray-100 dark:border-slate-800"
<slot name="footer" />

Some files were not shown because too many files have changed in this diff Show more