- mime_type.ts: Added a new column `public alternate_mimetype: string;`
- MimetypeController.ts: Extended validation and storage logic to accommodate the new `alternate_mimetype` attribute
- adonisrc.ts: Integrated new validation rule to validate user-provided mimetypes
- vite.ts: Set `defer: true` for script attributes to improve loading performance
- update_1_to_mime_types.ts: Added migration for the new `alternate_mimetype` column in the database
- UI improvements: Updated components such as AsideMenuLayer.vue, FormCheckRadioGroup.vue, MimeTypeInput.vue, NavBar.vue (lime-green background), NavBarMenu.vue, SectionBannerStarOnGitea.vue, Admin/mimetype/Create.vue, Admin/mimetype/Delete.vue, Admin/mimetype/Index.vue
- allowed_extensions_mimetype.ts: Enhanced rule to also check for alternate mimetypes
- referenceValidation.ts: Improved validation to allow only ISBNs with a '-' delimiter
- package-lock.json: Updated npm dependencie
- added views and controller coder for reviewer role
- added program logic for publishing a dataset by editor
- added reviewer menu
- adapted routes.ts for additional routes
- added lime color inside tailwind.config.js
- added some utilities scripts needed for components
- npm updates
- changed postcss.config.js for nesting css styles
- added about function to NavBar.vue
- adapted menu.ts, NavBar.vue, NavBarItem.vue for highlighting active nav item
- NavBarItemLabel.vue for app menu highlighting
- adapted routes.ts
- adapted app.edge for new favicon
- adapted LayoutAuthenticated.vue (:showAsideMenu="false") for showing AsideMenu optional
- new material icons: BriefcaseCheck.vue, SwapHorizontal.vue, AccountGroup.vue, Lock.vue
- started with FirstRunWizard
- default route after login "/app/dashboard" in AuthController.ts
- npm updates
- corrected route in menu.ts
- better styling for listing datasets for editor and submitter in Index.vue
- personal setting to route "/settings/user"
- add draw.component.vue
- only load needed leaflet classes into map.component.vue an Submitter/Create.vue
- rename js/store.Map.ts to js/Stores/map.service.ts