- mime_type.ts: Added a new column `public alternate_mimetype: string;`
- MimetypeController.ts: Extended validation and storage logic to accommodate the new `alternate_mimetype` attribute
- adonisrc.ts: Integrated new validation rule to validate user-provided mimetypes
- vite.ts: Set `defer: true` for script attributes to improve loading performance
- update_1_to_mime_types.ts: Added migration for the new `alternate_mimetype` column in the database
- UI improvements: Updated components such as AsideMenuLayer.vue, FormCheckRadioGroup.vue, MimeTypeInput.vue, NavBar.vue (lime-green background), NavBarMenu.vue, SectionBannerStarOnGitea.vue, Admin/mimetype/Create.vue, Admin/mimetype/Delete.vue, Admin/mimetype/Index.vue
- allowed_extensions_mimetype.ts: Enhanced rule to also check for alternate mimetypes
- referenceValidation.ts: Improved validation to allow only ISBNs with a '-' delimiter
- package-lock.json: Updated npm dependencie
- Updated .gitignore to include new patterns
- Refined TypeScript configuration for better performance and readability
- Cleaned up commented code in several files
- Enhanced dataset validation logic
- Updated npm dependencies to the latest versions
- mail_settings_controller for setting smtp settings
- added view ror rjecting dataset for editor
- added new model AppConfig for stroing appwide config values
- better validate_chesum.ts command with process chunking
- added vue3 apps 'BasicSettings' like email, profile settings
- started with 2 multilingual capabilities
- npm updates
- add new authors and contributors only by unique email addresses
- allow multiple file upload
- added validation rule for validating length of uploaded files
- modified Dockerfile for starting "bin/server.js" instead of *server.js"
- npm updates
- add package @opensearch-project/opensearch for manipulating opensearch index
- index tethys datasets via new command IndexDatasets, callable node ace index:datasets or node ace index:datasets -p 193
- add mapping file for opensearch index in public/records.json
- added solr.xslt for transforming Datset model to json for opensearch adding in opensearch
- added route /editor/ dataset/:id/update (beginning of editor/DatasetController.ts
- npm updates
- new classes TokenWorkerService.ts, TokenWorker.ts and ResumptionToken.ts for using REDIS with paging OAI results
- deletd public/asstes2/langCodeMap.xml: integrated it directly in datasetxml2oai-pmh.xslt
- added redis npm package
- added TokenWorkerProvider.ts for using singleton of TokenWorkerService inside OaiController.ts
- added config/oai.ts for oai related configs from .env-file
- adapted XmlModel.ts for grting domDocument from database
- added model DocumentXmlCache.ts
- npm updates
- changed all models inside app/Models to use corrected BaseModel.ts
- added extra extension class DatasetExtension.ts for app/dataset.ts for caching internal and external fields
- add @types/clamscan and clamscan for node
- package clamav-daemon and clamav-frehshclam for docker
- add API Controller: HomeController.ts for /api/years and /api/sitelinks/{year}
change root path of file storage from '/storage/app/public/files' to '/storage/app/public'
- adapt dockerfile to use node:18-bookworm-slim
- npm normal updates
- add all xslt and style asstes in extra folder public/assets2
- linting corrections
- delete local .env.test from git tracking: git rm --cached .env.test
- add .env.test into .gitignore file
- add edit functionality for editing by submitter
- npm updates
-added xslt3 packeage for builfing sef files
- added Language.ts class vor language table
- added version to datasetxml2oai-pmh.xslt