Arno Kaimbacher 080c21126b - add validator for checking languages of translated titles and description
- add notification messages via notiwind.ts
- add Project.ts
- add new component TabelPersons.vue
- add additional routes
- npm updates
2023-03-24 11:41:52 +01:00

37 lines
1.5 KiB

import type { HttpContextContract } from '@ioc:Adonis/Core/HttpContext';
import Person from 'App/Models/Person';
// import Dataset from 'App/Models/Dataset';
// node ace make:controller Author
export default class AuthorsController {
public async index({}: HttpContextContract) {
// select * from gba.persons
// where exists (select * from gba.documents inner join gba.link_documents_persons on "documents"."id" = "link_documents_persons"."document_id"
// where ("link_documents_persons"."role" = 'author') and ("persons"."id" = "link_documents_persons"."person_id"));
const authors = await Person.query()
.whereHas('datasets', (dQuery) => {
dQuery.wherePivot('role', 'author');
.withCount('datasets', (query) => {
return authors;
public async persons({ request }: HttpContextContract) {
const authors = Person.query().where('status', true);
if (request.input('filter')) {
// users = users.whereRaw('name like %?%', [request.input('search')])
const searchTerm = request.input('filter');
.whereILike('first_name', `%${searchTerm}%`)
.orWhereILike('last_name', `%${searchTerm}%`);
// .orWhere('email', 'like', `%${searchTerm}%`);
let persons = await authors;
return persons;