Some checks failed
CI Pipeline / japa-tests (push) Failing after 1m13s
- webpack added opions['__VUE_PROD_HYDRATION_MISMATCH_DETAILS__'] = false; - bodyparser config replaced whitelistedMethods with allowedMethods - extended stardust_provider - adapted tests for adonisjs v6
60 lines
1.8 KiB
60 lines
1.8 KiB
<div class="min-h-screen flex items-center justify-center bg-gray-100">
<div class="max-w-md w-full p-6 bg-white rounded-md shadow-md">
<h1 class="text-2xl font-bold text-red-500 mb-4">Error!</h1>
<p class="text-gray-700 mb-4">{{ error }}</p>
<SectionTitleLineWithButton :icon="mdiLightbulbAlert" :title="code.toString()" :main="true">
<BaseButton @click.prevent="handleAction" :icon="mdiArrowLeftBoldOutline" label="Dashboard"
color="white" rounded-full small />
<script lang="ts">
import { Component, Vue, Prop } from 'vue-facing-decorator';
import { Link, router } from '@inertiajs/vue3';
import SectionTitleLineWithButton from '@/Components/SectionTitleLineWithButton.vue';
import BaseButton from '@/Components/BaseButton.vue';
import { mdiLightbulbAlert, mdiArrowLeftBoldOutline } from '@mdi/js';
import { stardust } from '@eidellev/adonis-stardust/client';
// options: {
// layout: DefaultLayout,
// },
name: 'AppComponent',
components: {
export default class AppComponent extends Vue {
// Component Property
type: String,
default: () => '',
error: string;
type: Number,
default: () => '',
code: number;
// class properties
mdiLightbulbAlert = mdiLightbulbAlert;
mdiArrowLeftBoldOutline = mdiArrowLeftBoldOutline;
public async handleAction() {
// Add your logic here for handling the button action (e.g., logout or go back)
await router.get(stardust.route('dashboard'));