Some checks failed
CI Pipeline / japa-tests (push) Failing after 56s
- added PersonalTotpSettings.vue vor enablin/disabling 2FA - changed User.ts: added attributes: state, twoFactorSecret and twoFactorRecoveryCodes - added resources/js/utils/toast.ts for notifications - modified start/routes/api.ts - npm updates
82 lines
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82 lines
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import type { HttpContextContract } from '@ioc:Adonis/Core/HttpContext';
// import TotpSecret from 'App/Models/TotpSecret';
import User from 'App/Models/User';
import TwoFactorAuthProvider from 'App/Services/TwoFactorAuthProvider';
import { StatusCodes } from 'http-status-codes';
import { InvalidArgumentException } from 'node-exceptions';
import { TotpState } from 'Contracts/enums';
// Here we are generating secret and recovery codes for the user that’s enabling 2FA and storing them to our database.
export default class UserController {
public async enable({ auth, response, request }: HttpContextContract) {
const user = (await User.find(auth.user?.id)) as User;
// await user.load('totp_secret');
// if (!user.totp_secret) {
// let totpSecret = new TotpSecret();
// user.related('totp_secret').save(totpSecret);
// await user.load('totp_secret');
// }
if (!user) {
throw new Error('user not available');
const state: number = request.input('state');
try {
switch (state) {
case TotpState.STATE_DISABLED:
// user.twoFactorSecret = null;
// user.twoFactorRecoveryCodes = null;
user.twoFactorSecret = "";
user.twoFactorRecoveryCodes = [""];
user.state = TotpState.STATE_DISABLED;
return response.status(StatusCodes.OK).json({
state: TotpState.STATE_DISABLED,
case TotpState.STATE_CREATED:
user.twoFactorSecret = TwoFactorAuthProvider.generateSecret(user);
user.state = TotpState.STATE_CREATED;
let qrcode = await TwoFactorAuthProvider.generateQrCode(user);
// throw new InvalidArgumentException('code is missing');
return response.status(StatusCodes.OK).json({
state: user.state,
secret: user.twoFactorSecret,
url: qrcode.url,
svg: qrcode.svg,
case TotpState.STATE_ENABLED:
let code: string = request.input('code');
if (!code) {
throw new InvalidArgumentException('code is missing');
const success = await TwoFactorAuthProvider.enable(user, code)
return response.status(StatusCodes.OK).json({
state: success ? TotpState.STATE_ENABLED : TotpState.STATE_CREATED,
throw new InvalidArgumentException('Invalid TOTP state');
} catch (error) {
return response.status(StatusCodes.INTERNAL_SERVER_ERROR).json({
message: 'Invalid TOTP state',
// public async fetchRecoveryCodes({ auth, view }) {
// const user = auth?.user;
// return view.render('pages/settings', {
// twoFactorEnabled: user.isTwoFactorEnabled,
// recoveryCodes: user.twoFactorRecoveryCodes,
// });
// }