Some checks failed
CI Pipeline / japa-tests (push) Failing after 47s
- Added BaseModel with fillable attributes and mergeFillableAttributes method - Refactored MimeType model to extend BaseModel - Implemented destroy method in MimetypeController for deleting MIME types - Updated Create.vue component with refactoring and improved type safety - Fixed issues with ref usage in Create.vue - Updated routes to include new and refactored endpoints
329 lines
12 KiB
329 lines
12 KiB
import Title from '#models/title';
import Description from '#models/description';
import License from '#models/license';
import Person from '#models/person';
import DatasetReference from '#models/dataset_reference';
import DatasetIdentifier from '#models/dataset_identifier';
import Subject from '#models/subject';
import File from '#models/file';
import Coverage from '#models/coverage';
import Collection from '#models/collection';
import { BaseModel as LucidBaseModel } from '@adonisjs/lucid/orm';
import Field from '#app/Library/Field';
import { DateTime } from 'luxon';
// @StaticImplements<LucidModel>()
// class LucidDatasetModel extends BaseModel{
// @belongsTo(() => Dataset, {
// foreignKey: 'dataset_id',
// })
// dataset: BelongsTo<typeof Dataset>;
// }
export type DatasetRelatedModel =
| typeof Title
| typeof Description
| typeof Coverage
| typeof DatasetIdentifier
| typeof DatasetReference
| typeof Description
| typeof DatasetIdentifier
| typeof File;
export default abstract class DatasetExtension extends LucidBaseModel {
public abstract id: number;
public externalFields: Record<string, any> = this.getExternalFields();
// which fields shoud#t be published
protected internalFields: Record<string, any> = {};
protected fields: Record<string, any> = {};
// [key: string]: any;
private getExternalFields(): Record<string, any> {
// External fields definition
return {
TitleMain: {
model: Title,
options: { type: ['Main'] },
fetch: 'eager',
TitleAdditional: {
model: Title,
options: { type: ['Alternative', 'Sub', 'Translated', 'Other'] },
fetch: 'eager',
TitleAbstract: {
model: Description,
options: { type: ['Abstract', 'Translated'] },
fetch: 'eager',
TitleAbstractAdditional: {
model: Description,
options: { type: ['Methods', 'Technical_info', 'Series_information', 'Other'] },
fetch: 'eager',
Licence: {
model: License,
through: 'link_documents_licences',
relation: 'licenses',
fetch: 'eager',
PersonAuthor: {
model: Person,
through: 'link_documents_persons',
pivot: { role: 'author', sort_order: 'sort_order', allow_email_contact: 'allow_email_contact' },
relation: 'persons',
fetch: 'eager',
PersonContributor: {
model: Person,
through: 'link_documents_persons',
pivot: {
role: 'contributor',
contributor_type: 'contributor_type',
sort_order: 'sort_order',
allow_email_contact: 'allow_email_contact',
relation: 'contributors',
fetch: 'eager',
Reference: {
model: DatasetReference,
relation: 'references',
fetch: 'eager',
Identifier: {
model: DatasetIdentifier,
relation: 'identifier',
fetch: 'eager',
Subject: {
model: Subject,
through: 'link_dataset_subjects',
relation: 'subjects',
fetch: 'eager',
File: {
model: File,
relation: 'files',
fetch: 'eager',
Coverage: {
model: Coverage,
relation: 'coverage',
fetch: 'eager',
Collection: {
model: Collection,
through: 'link_documents_collections',
relation: 'collections',
fetch: 'eager',
// 'include': { 'model': CollectionRole, 'relation': 'collectionrole' }
public initFields(): void {
// Initialize internal fields
let fields = new Array<string>(
// 'PublishedYear',
// 'PublisherPlace',
fields.forEach((fieldname) => {
let field = new Field(fieldname);
// Initialize external fields
const fieldNames = Object.keys(this.externalFields);
for (const fieldName of fieldNames) {
// const field = this.externalFields[fieldName];
let field = new Field(fieldName);
// // Initialize available date fields and set up date validator
// // if the particular field is present
let dateFields = new Array<string>('EmbargoDate', 'CreatedAt', 'ServerDateModified', 'ServerDatePublished', 'ServerDateDeleted');
dateFields.forEach((fieldname) => {
let dateField = this.getField(fieldname);
dateField instanceof Field && dateField.setValueModelClass(;
public async describe(): Promise<Array<string>> {
let length: number = Object.keys(this.fields).length;
if (length == 0) {
await this.fetchValues();
// Get an array of all field names in the 'fields' object
const allFields = Object.keys(this.fields);
// Get an array of all field names in the 'internalFields' array
const internalFields = Object.keys(this.internalFields);
// Use the `filter` method to find field names that are not in 'internalFields'
const filteredFields = allFields.filter((fieldName) => !internalFields.includes(fieldName));
return filteredFields;
private addField(field: Field): void {
// Add field
const fieldName = field.getName();
if (fieldName && this.externalFields[fieldName]) {
const options = this.externalFields[fieldName];
// Set ValueModelClass if a model option is given
if (options.model) {
this.fields[field.getName()] = field;
// field.setOwningModelClass(;
public getField(name: string): Field | null {
// Get field
return this.fields[name] !== undefined ? this.fields[name] : null;
public async fetchValues(): Promise<void> {
await this.loadFieldValues();
private async loadFieldValues(): Promise<void> {
for (const [fieldname, field] of Object.entries(this.fields)) {
// extern fields via model relation
if (this.externalFields.hasOwnProperty(fieldname)) {
await this.loadExternal(fieldname);
// dataset attributes itself
} else {
// Field is not external and gets handled by simply reading. to snake_case
const property_name = this.convertFieldnameToColumn(fieldname); //id
const fieldVal = this[property_name]; //276
// Explicitly set null if the field represents a model except for dates.
if (field.getValueModelClass() !== null) {
field.setValue(fieldVal === undefined || fieldVal === null ? null : fieldVal);
} else {
private async loadExternal(fieldname: string): Promise<void> {
const field = this.fields[fieldname];
// let modelclass: typeof Title | typeof Description;
let modelclass: DatasetRelatedModel = field.getValueModelClass();
let modelInstance = new modelclass();
// Create a query builder
const select = modelclass.query();
// If any declared constraints, add them to the query
if (this.externalFields[fieldname]?.options) {
const options: Array<string> = this.externalFields[fieldname].options;
for (const [column, value] of Object.entries(options)) {
if (Array.isArray(value)) {
select.whereIn(column, value);
} else {
select.where(column, value);
// Get dependent rows
const result: Record<string, any>[] = [];
const datasetId =;
let rows: any[] = [];
if (this.externalFields[fieldname]?.through) {
const relation = this.externalFields[fieldname].relation;
// rows = this[relation];
rows = await this.related(relation).query();
if (this.externalFields[fieldname].pivot) {
const pivotArray = this.externalFields[fieldname].pivot;
const pivotValue = pivotArray.role;
// rows = this[relation]().wherePivot('role', pivotValue).get();
rows = await this.related(relation).query().wherePivot('role', pivotValue);
} else if (modelInstance.hasOwnProperty('dataset')) {
rows = await select
.whereHas('dataset', (q) => {
q.where('id', datasetId);
// 1 ..n relations
for (const row of rows) {
const attributes = Object.keys(row.$attributes);
if (this.externalFields[fieldname]?.pivot) {
const pivotArray = this.externalFields[fieldname].pivot;
const arrayKeys = Object.keys(pivotArray);
const extendedArrayKeys = => {
return `pivot_${pivotAttribute}`;
const objArray: Record<string, any> = {};
for (const property_name of attributes) {
let fieldName = this.convertColumnToFieldname(property_name);
let fieldval = '';
if (property_name.startsWith('pivot_')) {
const str = property_name.replace('pivot_', '');
fieldName = this.convertColumnToFieldname(str);
// fieldval = row.$pivot[str];
fieldval = row.$extras[property_name];
} else if (fieldName === 'Type') {
fieldval = row[property_name]?.charAt(0).toUpperCase() + row[property_name]?.slice(1);
} else {
fieldval = row[property_name];
objArray[fieldName] = fieldval;
// Set the field value
// to snakeCase
private convertFieldnameToColumn(fieldname: string): string {
return fieldname.replace(/([a-z\d])([A-Z])/g, '$1_$2').toLowerCase();
private convertColumnToFieldname(columnName: string): string {
return columnName
.map((word) => word.charAt(0).toUpperCase() + word.slice(1))