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CI Pipeline / japa-tests (push) Failing after 56s
- npm updates
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94 lines
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import type { HttpContext } from '@adonisjs/core/http';
import User from '#models/user';
// import Hash from '@ioc:Adonis/Core/Hash';
// import InvalidCredentialException from 'App/Exceptions/InvalidCredentialException';
import { authValidator } from '#validators/auth';
import TwoFactorAuthProvider from '#app/services/TwoFactorAuthProvider';
// import { Authenticator } from '@adonisjs/auth';
// import { LoginState } from 'Contracts/enums';
// import { StatusCodes } from 'http-status-codes';
// interface MyHttpsContext extends HttpContext {
// auth: Authenticator<User>
// }
export default class AuthController {
// login function{ request, auth, response }:HttpContext
public async login({ request, response, auth, session }: HttpContext) {
// console.log({
// registerBody: request.body(),
// });
// await request.validate(AuthValidator);
await request.validateUsing(authValidator);
// const plainPassword = await request.input('password');
// const email = await request.input('email');
// grab uid and password values off request body
const { email, password } = request.only(['email', 'password']);
try {
// // attempt to verify credential and login user
// await auth.use('web').attempt(email, plainPassword);
// const user = await auth.use('web').verifyCredentials(email, password);
const user = await User.verifyCredentials(email, password)
if (user.isTwoFactorEnabled) {
// session.put("",;
// return view.render("pages/two-factor-challenge");
return response.redirect().back();
// let state = LoginState.STATE_VALIDATED;
// return response.status(StatusCodes.OK).json({
// state: state,
// new_user_id:,
// });
await auth.use('web').login(user);
} catch (error) {
// if login fails, return vague form message and redirect back
session.flash('message', 'Your username, email, or password is incorrect');
return response.redirect().back();
// otherwise, redirect todashboard
public async twoFactorChallenge({ request, session, auth, response }: HttpContext) {
const { code, recoveryCode, login_id } = request.only(['code', 'recoveryCode', 'login_id']);
// const user = await User.query().where('id', session.get('')).firstOrFail();
const user = await User.query().where('id', login_id).firstOrFail();
if (code) {
const isValid = await TwoFactorAuthProvider.validate(user, code);
if (isValid) {
// login user and redirect to dashboard
await auth.use('web').login(user);
} else {
session.flash('message', 'Your tow factor code is incorrect');
return response.redirect().back();
} else if (recoveryCode) {
const codes = user?.twoFactorRecoveryCodes ?? [];
if (codes.includes(recoveryCode)) {
user.twoFactorRecoveryCodes = codes.filter((c) => c !== recoveryCode);
await auth.use('web').login(user);
// logout function
public async logout({ auth, response }: HttpContext) {
// await auth.logout();
await auth.use('web').logout();
return response.redirect('/app/login');
// return response.status(200);