Some checks failed
CI Pipeline / japa-tests (push) Failing after 56s
- added PersonalTotpSettings.vue vor enablin/disabling 2FA - changed User.ts: added attributes: state, twoFactorSecret and twoFactorRecoveryCodes - added resources/js/utils/toast.ts for notifications - modified start/routes/api.ts - npm updates
246 lines
8.5 KiB
246 lines
8.5 KiB
<!-- <div id="twofactor-totp-settings">
<template v-if="loading">
<span class="icon-loading-small totp-loading" />
<span> {{ t('twofactor_totp', 'Enable TOTP') }} </span>
<div v-else>
<input id="totp-enabled" v-model="enabled" type="checkbox" class="checkbox" :disabled="loading"
<label for="totp-enabled">{{
t('twofactor_totp', 'Enable TOTP')
<SetupConfirmation v-if="secret" :secret="secret" :qr-url="qrUrl" :loading="loadingConfirmation"
:confirmation.sync="confirmation" @confirm="enableTOTP" />
</div> -->
<CardBox :icon="mdiTwoFactorAuthentication" id="twofactor-totp-settings" title="Two-Factor Authentication" form>
<template v-if="loading">
<!-- <span class="icon-loading-small totp-loading" /> -->
<div class="relative inline-flex">
<div class="w-6 h-6 bg-blue-500 rounded-full"></div>
<div class="w-6 h-6 bg-blue-500 rounded-full absolute top-0 left-0 animate-ping"></div>
<div class="w-6 h-6 bg-blue-500 rounded-full absolute top-0 left-0 animate-pulse"></div>
<span class="ml-4 max-w-xl text-sm text-gray-600">Enabling TOTP...</span>
<div v-else>
<!-- <div class="text-lg font-medium text-gray-900">
You have not enabled two factor authentication.
<div class="text-sm text-gray-600">
When two factor authentication is enabled, you will be prompted for a secure,
random token during authentication. You may retrieve this token from your phone's
Google Authenticator application.
</div> -->
<input id="totp-enabled" v-model="enabled" type="checkbox" class="checkbox" :disabled="loading"
@change="toggleEnabled" />
<!-- <label for="totp-enabled"> Enable TOTP </label> -->
<label for="totp-enabled">{{ checkboxLabel }}</label>
<!-- <SetupConfirmation v-if="secret" :secret="secret" :qr-url="qrUrl" :loading="loadingConfirmation"
:confirmation.sync="confirmation" @confirm="enableTOTP" /> -->
<div v-if="qrSecret != ''">
<div class="mt-4 max-w-xl text-sm text-gray-600">
<!-- <p class="font-semibold">
Two factor authentication is now enabled.
</p> -->
<p>Your new TOTP secret is: {{ qrSecret }}</p>
<p>For quick setup, scan this QR code with your phone's authenticator application (TOTP):</p>
<div class="mt-4">
<img :src="qrSvg" />
<!-- <div class="mt-4 max-w-xl text-sm text-gray-600">
After you configured your app, enter a test code below to ensure everything works correctly:
</div> -->
<div class="mt-4 max-w-xl text-sm text-gray-600">
<p>After you configured your app, enter a test code below to ensure everything works correctly:</p>
<!-- :disabled="loading" -->
<input id="totp-confirmation" :disabled="loadingConfirmation" v-model="confirmationCode" type="tel"
minlength="6" maxlength="10" autocomplete="off" autocapitalize="off"
:placeholder="'Authentication code'" @keydown="onConfirmKeyDown" />
<!-- <input id="totp-confirmation-submit" type="button" :disabled="loading" :value="'Verify'"
@click="enableTOTP"> -->
<!-- <BaseButtons>
<BaseButton :icon="mdiContentSaveCheck" type="button" :disabled="loadingConfirmation" color="info"
label="Verify" @click="enableTOTP" />
</BaseButtons> -->
<template #footer>
<BaseButtons v-if="qrSecret != ''">
<BaseButton :icon="mdiContentSaveCheck" type="button" :disabled="loadingConfirmation" color="info"
label="Verify" @click="enableTOTP" />
<script setup lang="ts">
import CardBox from '@/Components/CardBox.vue';
import { computed, ref } from 'vue';
import { MainService, State } from '@/Stores/main';
import BaseButton from '@/Components/BaseButton.vue';
import BaseButtons from '@/Components/BaseButtons.vue';
import Notification from '@/utils/toast';
import { mdiContentSaveCheck, mdiTwoFactorAuthentication } from '@mdi/js';
const mainService = MainService();
const emit = defineEmits(['confirm', 'update:confirmation']);
const props = defineProps({
// user will be returned from controller action
// user: {
// type: Object,
// default: () => ({}),
// },
twoFactorEnabled: {
type: Boolean,
default: false,
// // code: {
// // type: Object,
// // },
// // recoveryCodes: {
// // type: Array<string>,
// // default: () => [],
// // },
// // errors: {
// // type: Object,
// // default: () => ({}),
// // },
let loading = ref(false);
let loadingConfirmation = ref(false);
let test;
if (props.twoFactorEnabled) {
test = State.STATE_ENABLED;
} else {
test = State.STATE_DISABLED;
const enabled = ref(mainService.totpState == State.STATE_ENABLED);
let qrSecret = ref('');
let qrUrl = ref('');
let qrSvg = ref('');
const confirmationCode = ref('');
const confirm = () => {
emit('update:confirmation', confirmationCode.value);
const onConfirmKeyDown = (e) => {
if (e.which === 13) {
const state = computed(() => mainService.totpState);
const checkboxLabel = computed(() => {
if (enabled.value == true) {
return ' Disable TOTP';
} else {
return ' Enable TOTP';
const toggleEnabled = async () => {
if (loading.value == true) {
// Ignore event
// Logger.debug('still loading -> ignoring event')
if (enabled.value) {
return await createTOTP();
} else {
return await disableTOTP();
const createTOTP = async () => {
// Show loading spinner
loading.value = true;
// Logger.debug('starting setup')
try {
const { url, secret, svg } = await mainService.create();
qrSecret.value = secret;
qrUrl.value = url;
qrSvg.value = svg;
// If the stat could be changed, keep showing the loading
// spinner until the user has finished the registration
// if state isCretaed, show loading:
loading.value = state.value === State.STATE_CREATED;
} catch (e) {
Notification.showWarning('Could not enable TOTP');
// Logger.error('Could not enable TOTP', e)
console.log('Could not create TOTP', e.message);
// Restore on error
loading.value = false;
enabled.value = false;
const disableTOTP = async () => {
loading.value = false;
// Logger.debug('starting disable');
await mainService.disable();
enabled.value = false;
loading.value = false;
Notification.showSuccess('TOTP disabled!');
const enableTOTP = async () => {
loading.value = true;
loadingConfirmation.value = true;
try {
await mainService.confirm(confirmationCode.value);
if (mainService.totpState === State.STATE_ENABLED) {
// Success
loading.value = false;
enabled.value = true;
qrUrl.value = '';
qrSecret.value = '';
Notification.showSuccess('two factor authentication enabled');
} else {
Notification.showWarning('Could not verify your key. Please try again');
console.log('Could not verify your key. Please try again');
confirmationCode.value = '';
loadingConfirmation.value = false;
} catch (e) {
console.log('Could not enable TOTP', e.message);
Notification.showWarning('Could not enable TOTP ' + e.message);
confirmationCode.value = '';
loadingConfirmation.value = false;
<style scoped>
.totp-loading {
display: inline-block;
vertical-align: sub;
margin-left: -2px;
margin-right: 4px;