Arno Kaimbacher 7a4b983a48 - npm updates
- correct coverage ind dataset-detail.component (via property in dataset.ts)
2022-04-25 09:21:55 +02:00

367 lines
11 KiB

// import moment from "moment";
import dayjs from "dayjs";
export interface Dataset {
abstract_additional: Array<string>;
abstract_output: string;
author: Array<string>;
author_sort: Array<string>;
belongs_to_bibliography: boolean;
creating_corporation: string;
doctype: string;
geo_location: string;
id: number;
identifier: Array<string>;
language: string;
licence: string;
publisher_name: string;
server_date_published: Array<number>;
subject: Array<string>;
title_output: string;
year: number;
year_inverted: number;
export class Suggestion {
constructor(public value: string, public type: SearchType) {}
// value!: string;
// type!: SearchType;
export enum SearchType {
Title = "title",
Author = "author",
Subject = "subject",
export class DbDataset {
// public id!: number;
// public url!: string;
// public contributing_corporation!: string;
// public creating_corporation!: string;
// public publisher_name!: string;
// public embargo_date!: string;
// public publish_id!: number;
// public project_id!: number;
// public type!: string;
// public language!: string;
// public server_state!: string;
// public belongs_to_bibliography!: boolean;
// public created_at!: string;
// public server_date_modified!: string;
// public server_date_published!: string;
// public account_id!: number;
// public editor_id!: number;
// public reviewer_id!: number;
// public preferred_reviewer!: number;
// public preferred_reviewer_email!: string;
// public reject_editor_note!: string;
// public reject_reviewer_note!: string;
// public reviewer_note_visible!: string;
// public titles!: Array<Title>;
// public abstracts!: Array<Abstract>;
// public authors!: Array<Author>;
// public contributors!: Array<Author>;
// public user!: Person;
// public subjects!: Array<Subject>;
public id: string,
public url: string,
public contributing_corporation: string,
public creating_corporation: string,
public publisher_name: string,
public embargo_date: string,
public publish_id: number,
public project_id: number,
public type: string,
public language: string,
public server_state: string,
public belongs_to_bibliography: boolean,
public created_at: string,
public server_date_modified: string,
public server_date_published: string,
public account_id: number,
public editor_id: number,
public reviewer_id: number,
public preferred_reviewer: number,
public preferred_reviewer_email: string,
public reject_editor_note: string,
public reject_reviewer_note: string,
public reviewer_note_visible: string,
public titles: Array<Title>,
public abstracts: Array<Abstract>,
public authors: Array<Author>,
public contributors: Array<Author>,
public user: Person,
public subjects: Array<Subject>,
public licenses: Array<License>,
public files: Array<DbFile>,
private coverage?: Coverage,
public project?: Project,
) {}
public hasTranslatedTitle(): boolean {
if (this.titles.some((e) => e.type === TitleType.Translated)) {
return true;
} else {
return false;
public hasTranslatedAbstract(): boolean {
if (this.abstracts.some((e) => e.type === "Translated")) {
return true;
} else {
return false;
public hasSeriesInformationAbstract(): boolean {
if (this.abstracts.some((e) => e.type === AbstractType.Series_information && this.language == e.language)) {
return true;
} else {
return false;
public hasTranslatedSeriesInformationAbstract(): boolean {
if (this.abstracts.some((e) => e.type === AbstractType.Series_information && this.language != e.language)) {
return true;
} else {
return false;
public hasMethodsAbstract(): boolean {
if (this.abstracts.some((e) => e.type === AbstractType.Methods)) {
return true;
} else {
return false;
public hasContributors(): boolean {
if (this.contributors.length > 0) {
return true;
} else {
return false;
public hasLicenses(): boolean {
if (this.licenses.length > 0) {
return true;
} else {
return false;
public hasEmbargoPassed(): boolean {
if (this.embargo_date === null) {
return true;
const embargoDate = dayjs(this.embargo_date); // moment(this.embargo_date);
const todayDate = dayjs(); //moment.now();
// Embargo has passed on the day after the specified date
if (embargoDate.isBefore(todayDate)) {
return true;
} else {
return false;
// return ($embargoDate->lessThan($now));
public get MainTitle(): Nullable<Title> {
return this.titles.find((e) => e.type === TitleType.Main);
public get TranslatedTitle(): Nullable<Title> {
return this.titles.find((e) => e.type === TitleType.Translated);
public get MainAbstract(): Nullable<Abstract> {
return this.abstracts.find((e) => e.type === AbstractType.Abstract);
public get TranslatedAbstract(): Nullable<Abstract> {
return this.abstracts.find((e) => e.type === AbstractType.Translated);
public get SeriesInformationAbstract(): Nullable<Abstract> {
return this.abstracts.find((e) => e.type === AbstractType.Series_information && this.language == e.language);
public get TranslatedSeriesInformationAbstract(): Nullable<Abstract> {
return this.abstracts.find((e) => e.type === AbstractType.Series_information && this.language != e.language);
public get MethodsAbstract(): Nullable<Abstract> {
return this.abstracts.find((e) => e.type === AbstractType.Methods);
public get Coverage(): string {
if (this.coverage != undefined) {
const xMin = this.coverage.x_min;
const xMax = this.coverage.x_max;
const yMin = this.coverage.y_min;
const yMax = this.coverage.y_max;
// const elevationAbsolut = this.coverage.elevation_absolut;
let geoLocation =
"* SOUTH-BOUND LATITUDE: " + yMin + "\n" + "* WEST-BOUND LONGITUDE: " + xMin + "\n" + "* NORTH-BOUND LATITUDE: " + yMax + "\n" + "* EAST-BOUND LONGITUDE: " + xMax;
// geoLocation += elevationAbsolut != null ? ` * ELEVATION ABSOLUT: ${elevationAbsolut}\n` : "";
// ${elevationAbsolut ? ` * ELEVATION ABSOLUT: ${elevationAbsolut}\n` : ""} `;
let elevation = "";
if (this.coverage.elevation_max != null && this.coverage.elevation_min != null) {
elevation += "\n* ELEVATION MIN: " + this.coverage.elevation_min + " *\nELEVATION MAX: " + this.coverage.elevation_max;
if (this.coverage.elevation_absolut != null) {
elevation += "\n* ELEVATION ABSOLUT: " + this.coverage.elevation_absolut;
if (elevation != "") geoLocation += elevation;
let depth = "";
if (this.coverage.depth_max != null && this.coverage.depth_min != null) {
depth += "\n* DEPTH MIN: " + this.coverage.depth_min + "\n* DEPTH MAX: " + this.coverage.depth_max;
if (this.coverage.elevation_absolut != null) {
depth += "\n* DEPTH ABSOLUT: " + this.coverage.depth_absolut;
if (depth != "") geoLocation += depth;
let time = "";
if (this.coverage.time_max != null && this.coverage.time_min != null) {
time += "\n* TIME MIN: " + this.coverage.time_min + "\n* TIME MAX: " + this.coverage.time_max;
if (this.coverage.time_absolut != null) {
time += "\n* TIME ABSOLUT: " + this.coverage.time_absolut;
if (time != "") geoLocation += time;
return geoLocation;
} else {
return "";
type Nullable<T> = T | undefined;
export enum AbstractType {
Abstract = "Abstract",
Methods = "Methods",
Series_information = "Series_information",
Technical_info = "Technical_info",
Translated = "Translated",
Other = " Other",
export enum TitleType {
Main = "Main",
Translated = "Translated",
export interface Title {
id: number;
type: string;
value: string;
language: string;
export interface Abstract {
id: number;
type: string;
value: string;
language: string;
export interface Author {
id: number;
academic_title: string;
date_of_birth: string;
email: string;
first_name: string;
last_name: string;
name_type: string;
full_name: string;
export interface Person {
id: number;
login: string;
email: string;
first_name: string;
last_name: string;
created_at: string;
export interface Subject {
id: number;
language: string;
type: string;
value: string;
external_key: string;
created_at: string;
updated_at: string;
export interface Coverage {
x_min: string;
x_max: string;
y_min: string;
y_max: string;
elevation_min?: number;
elevation_max?: number;
elevation_absolut?: number;
depth_min?: number;
depth_max?: number;
depth_absolut?: number;
time_min?: string;
time_max?: string;
time_absolut?: string;
export interface License {
id: number;
active: boolean;
comment_internal?: string;
desc_markup?: string;
desc_text?: string;
language: string;
link_licence: string;
link_logo?: string;
link_sign?: string;
mime_type: string;
name_long: string; // "Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International (CC BY 4.0)"
name: string; // "CC-BY-4.0"
pod_allowed: boolean;
sort_order: number;
export interface Project {
id: number;
label: string; // "ALLG_FACHLICH"
name: string; // "Allgemein fachliche Arbeiten"
description: string; // "Allgemein fachlich interdisziplinäre Arbeiten"
created_at: string;
updated_at: string;
export interface DbFile {
id: number;
document_id: number;
path_name: string;
label: string;
comment?: string;
mime_type: string;
language?: string;
file_size: bigint;
visible_in_frontdoor: boolean;
visible_in_oai: boolean;
sort_order: Int16Array;
created_at: string;
updated_at: string;