
197 lines
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Raw Normal View History

import { Component, Vue } from 'vue-property-decorator';
import VsInput from './text-search/vs-input.vue';
import VsResults from './search-results/vs-results.vue';
import FacetCategory from './search-results/facet-category.vue';
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import ActiveFacetCategory from './search-results/active-facet-category.vue';
import VsPagination from './search-results/vs-pagination.vue';
import rdrApi from './search-results/dataservice';
import FilterItem from './models/filter-item';
components: {
2020-02-27 17:25:03 +01:00
export default class App extends Vue {
results: Array<any> = [];
facets: Object = {};
searchTerm: string = '';
2020-02-27 17:25:03 +01:00
activeFilterCategories: Object = {};
pagination: Object = {
total: 0,
per_page: 2,
current_page: 0,
// last_page: 0,
data: []
loaded = false;
numFound: number;
async onPaginate(start: number): Promise<void> {
// console.log(start);
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var res = await rdrApi.search(this.searchTerm, this.activeFilterCategories, start.toString());
this.results = res.response.docs;
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async onClearFacetCategory(categoryName, alias): Promise<void> {
// alert(categoryName);
delete this.activeFilterCategories[categoryName];
var res = await rdrApi.search(this.searchTerm, this.activeFilterCategories);
this.results = res.response.docs;
this.numFound = res.response.numFound;
// pagination
this.pagination['total'] = res.response.numFound;
this.pagination['per_page'] = res.responseHeader.params.rows;
this.pagination['current_page'] = 1;
this.pagination['data'] = res.response.docs;
var facet_fields = res.facet_counts.facet_fields;
for (var prop in facet_fields) {
var facetValues = facet_fields[prop].map((facetValue, i) => {
if (i % 2 === 0) {
// var rObj = { value: facetValue, count: facet_fields[prop][i + 1] };
var rObj:FilterItem;
if (this.facets[prop].some(e => e.value === facetValue)) {
// console.log(facetValue + " is included")
var indexOfFacetValue = this.facets[prop].findIndex(i => i.value === facetValue);
// console.log(indexOfFacetValue);
rObj = this.facets[prop][indexOfFacetValue];
rObj.count = facet_fields[prop][i + 1];
//if facet ccategory is reactivated category, deactivate all filter items
if (this.propName(this.facets, this.facets[prop]) == alias) {
rObj.Active = false;
} else {
rObj = new FilterItem(facetValue, facet_fields[prop][i + 1]);
return rObj;
}).filter(function (el) {
return el != null && el.count > 0;
// this.facets.push({ filterName: prop, values: facetValues });
this.facets[prop] = facetValues;
private propName (obj, type): string {
let stringPropValue = Object.keys(obj).find(key => obj[key] === type);
return stringPropValue;
async onFilter(filter): Promise<void> {
// console.log(filter.value);
// if (!this.activeFilterItems.some(e => e.value === filter.value)) {
// this.activeFilterItems.push(filter);
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if (!this.activeFilterCategories.hasOwnProperty(filter.Category)) {
this.activeFilterCategories[filter.Category] = Vue.observable([]);
2020-02-27 17:25:03 +01:00
if (!this.activeFilterCategories[filter.Category].some(e => e === filter.value)) {
// alert(this.activeFilterCategories[filter.Category]);
var res = await rdrApi.search(this.searchTerm, this.activeFilterCategories);
this.results = res.response.docs;
this.numFound = res.response.numFound;
// pagination
this.pagination['total'] = res.response.numFound;
this.pagination['per_page'] = res.responseHeader.params.rows;
this.pagination['current_page'] = 1;
this.pagination['data'] = res.response.docs;
var facet_fields = res.facet_counts.facet_fields;
for (var prop in facet_fields) {
var facetValues = facet_fields[prop].map((facetValue, i) => {
if (i % 2 === 0) {
// var rObj = { value: facetValue, count: facet_fields[prop][i + 1] };
var rObj;
if (filter.value == facetValue) {
rObj = filter;
} else if (this.facets[prop].some(e => e.value === facetValue)) {
// console.log(facetValue + " is included")
var indexOfFacetValue = this.facets[prop].findIndex(i => i.value === facetValue);
// console.log(indexOfFacetValue);
rObj = this.facets[prop][indexOfFacetValue];
rObj.count = facet_fields[prop][i + 1];
} else {
rObj = new FilterItem(facetValue, facet_fields[prop][i + 1]);
return rObj;
}).filter(function (el) {
return el != null && el.count > 0;
// this.facets.push({ filterName: prop, values: facetValues });
this.facets[prop] = facetValues;
async onSearch(term): Promise<void> {
if (term){
term = term.trim();
} else {
term = "*%3A*";
2020-02-27 17:25:03 +01:00
this.activeFilterCategories = {};
// while (this.facets.length > 0) {
// this.facets.pop();
// }
this.facets = {};
this.searchTerm = term;
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var res = await rdrApi.search(this.searchTerm, this.activeFilterCategories);
this.results = res.response.docs;
this.numFound = res.response.numFound;
// pagination
this.pagination['total'] = res.response.numFound;
this.pagination['per_page'] = res.responseHeader.params.rows;
this.pagination['current_page'] = 1;
this.pagination['data'] = res.response.docs;
// facets
var facet_fields = res.facet_counts.facet_fields;
for (var prop in facet_fields) {
var facetValues = facet_fields[prop].map((facet, i) => {
if (i % 2 === 0) {
//var rObj = { value: facet, count: facet_fields[prop][i + 1] };
var rObj = new FilterItem(facet, facet_fields[prop][i + 1])
return rObj;
}).filter(function (el) {
return el != null && el.count > 0;
//this.facets.push({ filterName: prop, values: facetValues });
this.facets[prop] = facetValues;
// console.log(this.facets.toString());
// When the window loads, read query parameters and perform search
async mounted() {
var query = this.getParameterByName("q");
if (query) query = query.trim();
await this.onSearch("*%3A*");
this.loaded = true;
private getParameterByName(name: string, url?: string) {
if (!url) url = window.location.href;
name = name.replace(/[\[\]]/g, "\\$&");
var regex = new RegExp("[?&]" + name + "(=([^&#]*)|&|#|$)"),
results = regex.exec(url);
if (!results) return null;
if (!results[2]) return "";
return decodeURIComponent(results[2].replace(/\+/g, " "));