- Use Laravel Carbon: Laravel provides an Illuminate\Support\Carbon class which wraps the underlying Carbon class. By using this class, you gain access to some additional testing methods and create separation between your code and underlying dependencies.
354 lines
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354 lines
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namespace App\Library\Xml;
use App\Models\Title;
use App\Models\Description;
use App\Models\License;
use App\Models\Person;
use App\Models\File;
use App\Models\Coverage;
use App\Models\DatasetIdentifier;
use App\Models\Subject;
use App\Models\DatasetReference;
* DatasetExtension short summary.
* DatasetExtension description.
* @version 1.0
* @author kaiarn
trait DatasetExtension
protected $externalFields = array(
'TitleMain' => array(
'model' => Title::class,
'options' => array('type' => ['Main']),
'fetch' => 'eager'
'TitleAdditional' => array(
'model' => Title::class,
'options' => array('type' => ['Alternative', 'Sub', 'Translated', 'Other']),
'fetch' => 'eager'
'TitleAbstract' => array(
'model' => Description::class,
'options' => array('type' => ['Abstract', 'Translated']),
'fetch' => 'eager'
'TitleAbstractAdditional' => array(
'model' => Description::class,
'options' => array('type' => ['Methods', 'Technical_info', 'Series_information', 'Other']),
'fetch' => 'eager'
'Licence' => array(
'model' => License::class,
'through' => 'link_documents_licences',
'relation' => 'licenses',
'fetch' => 'eager'
'PersonAuthor' => array(
'model' => Person::class,
'through' => 'link_documents_persons',
'pivot' => array('role' => 'author', 'sort_order' => 'sort_order'),
//'sort_order' => array('sort_order' => 'ASC'), // <-- We need a sorted authors list.
//'sort_field' => 'SortOrder',
'relation' => 'persons',
'fetch' => 'eager'
'PersonContributor' => array(
'model' => Person::class,
'through' => 'link_documents_persons',
'pivot' => array('role' => 'contributor', 'contributor_type' => 'contributor_type', 'sort_order' => 'sort_order'),
// 'sort_order' => array('sort_order' => 'ASC'), // <-- We need a sorted authors list.
//'sort_field' => 'SortOrder',
'relation' => 'persons',
'fetch' => 'eager'
'Reference' => array(
'model' => DatasetReference::class,
'relation' => 'references',
'fetch' => 'eager'
'Identifier' => array(
'model' => DatasetIdentifier::class,
'relation' => 'identifier',
'fetch' => 'eager'
'Subject' => array(
'model' => Subject::class,
'through' => 'link_dataset_subjects',
'relation' => 'subjects',
'fetch' => 'eager'
'File' => array(
'model' => File::class,
'relation' => 'files',
'fetch' => 'eager'
// 'GeolocationBox' => array(
// 'model' => GeolocationBox::class,
// 'relation' => 'geolocation',
// 'fetch' => 'eager'
// ),
'Coverage' => array(
'model' => Coverage::class,
'relation' => 'coverage',
'fetch' => 'eager'
protected $internalFields = array();
protected $fields = array();
protected function initFields()
$fields = array(
"PublishedDate", "PublishedYear",
"PublisherName", "PublisherPlace",
"EmbargoDate", "CreatedAt",
foreach ($fields as $fieldname) {
$field = new Field($fieldname);
foreach (array_keys($this->externalFields) as $fieldname) {
$field = new Field($fieldname);
// Initialize available date fields and set up date validator
// if the particular field is present
$dateFields = array(
'EmbargoDate', 'CreatedAt', 'PublishedDate',
'ServerDatePublished', 'ServerDateDeleted', 'EmbargoDate'
foreach ($dateFields as $fieldName) {
// $this->_fetchValues();
* Get a list of all fields attached to the model. Filters all fieldnames
* that are defined to be inetrnal in $internalFields.
* @see Opus_Model_Abstract::internalFields
* @return array List of fields
public function describe()
return array_diff(array_keys($this->fields), $this->internalFields);
public function addField(Field $field)
$fieldname = $field->getName();
if (isset($fieldname, $this->externalFields[$fieldname])) {
$options = $this->externalFields[$fieldname];
// set ValueModelClass if a through option is given
if (isset($options['model'])) {
// set LinkModelClass if a through option is given
//if (isset($options['through']))
// $field->setLinkModelClass($options['through']);
$this->fields[$field->getName()] = $field;
return $this;
// public function getField($name)
// {
// return $this->_getField($name);
// }
* Return a reference to an actual field.
* @param string $name Name of the requested field.
* @return Field The requested field instance. If no such instance can be found, null is returned.
public function getField($name)
if (isset($this->fields[$name])) {
return $this->fields[$name];
} else {
return null;
public function fetchValues()
foreach ($this->fields as $fieldname => $field) {
if (isset($this->externalFields[$fieldname]) === true) {
$fetchmode = 'lazy';
if (isset($this->externalFields[$fieldname]['fetch']) === true) {
$fetchmode = $this->externalFields[$fieldname]['fetch'];
if ($fetchmode === 'lazy') {
// Remember the field to be fetched later.
$this->_pending[] = $fieldname;
// Go to next field
} else {
// Immediately load external field if fetching mode is set to 'eager'
} else {
// Field is not external an gets handled by simply reading
$property_name = self::convertFieldnameToColumn($fieldname);
//$test = $this->server_date_created;
$fieldval = $this->{$property_name};
// explicitly set null if the field represents a model except for dates
if (null !== $field->getValueModelClass()) {
if (true === empty($fieldval)) {
$fieldval = null;
} else {
$fieldval = new \Illuminate\Support\Carbon($fieldval);
public static function convertFieldnameToColumn($fieldname)
return strtolower(preg_replace('/(?!^)[[:upper:]]/', '_\0', $fieldname));
protected function loadExternal($fieldname)
$field = $this->fields[$fieldname];
$modelclass = $field->getLinkModelClass();
if (!isset($modelclass)) {
// For handling a value model, see 'model' option.
$modelclass = $field->getValueModelClass();
$tableclass = new $modelclass();//::getTableGatewayClass();
// $table = Opus_Db_TableGateway::getInstance($tableclass);
$select = $tableclass->query();//->where("document_id", $this->id);;
// If any declared constraints, add them to query
if (isset($this->externalFields[$fieldname]['options'])) {
$options = $this->externalFields[$fieldname]['options'];
foreach ($options as $column => $value) {
// $searchString = ',';
// if (strpos($value, $searchString) !== false) {
// $arr = explode(",", $value);
if (is_array($value)) {
$arr = $value;
$select->whereIn($column, $arr);
} else {
$select = $select->where($column, $value);
// Get dependent rows
$result = array();
$datasetId = $this->id;
$rows = array();
if (isset($this->externalFields[$fieldname]['through'])) {
$relation = $this->externalFields[$fieldname]['relation'];
//$rows = $select->datasets
//$licenses = $select->with('datasets')->get();
//$rows = $supplier->datasets;
$rows = $this->{$relation};
if (isset($this->externalFields[$fieldname]['pivot'])) {
$pivArray = $this->externalFields[$fieldname]['pivot'];
$pivotValue = $pivArray['role'];
//$through = $this->externalFields[$fieldname]['through'];
$rows = $this->{$relation}()->wherePivot('role', $pivotValue)->get();
//$rows = $this->{$relation}()->get();
//$rows = $this->belongsToMany($modelclass, $through, 'document_id')
//->wherePivot('role', $pivotValue)->get();
} else {
$rows = $select->whereHas('dataset', function ($q) use ($datasetId) {
$q->where('id', $datasetId);
foreach ($rows as $row) {
// //$newModel = new $modelclass($row);
// $result[] = $row;//->value;
$attributes = array_keys($row->getAttributes());
if (isset($this->externalFields[$fieldname]['pivot'])) {
$pivotArray = $this->externalFields[$fieldname]['pivot'];
$arrayKeys = array_keys($pivotArray);
$extendedArrayKeys = array_map(function ($pivotAttribute) {
return "pivot_" . $pivotAttribute;
}, $arrayKeys);
$attributes = array_merge($attributes, $extendedArrayKeys);
$objArray = [];
foreach ($attributes as $property_name) {
$fieldName = self::convertColumnToFieldname($property_name);
$fieldval = "";
if (substr($property_name, 0, 6) === "pivot_") {
$str = ltrim($property_name, 'pivot_');
$fieldName = self::convertColumnToFieldname($str);
$fieldval = $row->pivot->{$str};
} elseif ($fieldName == "Type") {
$fieldval = ucfirst($row->{$property_name});
} else {
// $field =new Field($fieldName);
$fieldval = $row->{$property_name};
// $field->setValue($fieldval);
// $this->_mapField($field, $dom, $rootNode);
$objArray[$fieldName] = $fieldval;
$result[] = $objArray;
// Set the field value
public static function convertColumnToFieldname($columnname)
//return lcfirst(str_replace(' ', '', ucwords(str_replace('_', ' ', $columnname))));
return str_replace(' ', '', ucwords(str_replace(['-', '_'], ' ', $columnname)));